08/13/07 01:08:40 (17 years ago)
Nicholas Riley

VERSION: Starting with 1.4.4b1, should be close to final.

ICeCoffEEServicePrefController.m: Display correct key equivalents, backported from [319].

ICeCoffEEWebKit.m: Fix Safari 3 beta compatibility; better comment WebKit interfaces.

Info-APE Module.plist: Update version to 1.4.4b1.

ICeCoffEE.xcodeproj: Remove obsolete WebKit header.

English.lproj/APEInfo.rtfd: Backported updates from [320]; release notes.

English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: Update version to 1.4.4b1.

English.lproj/Localizable.strings: Fix an "APE Manager" reference I didn't catch before.

ape_install: Updated to APE 2.0.3.

ui.plist: Update version to 1.4.4b1.

Info-APEManagerPrefPane.plist: Update version to 1.4.4b1.

1 edited


  • releases/ICeCoffEE/1.4.4b1/ICeCoffEE/English.lproj/Localizable.strings

    r139 r336  
    4444/* Session disable alert */
    4545"DisableAlertTitle" = "Disable ICeCoffEE";
    46 "DisableAlertMessage%@" = "If you believe ICeCoffEE is interfering with the normal functioning of the application “%@”, you can turn it off in this application until the application has quit.\n\nIf this is the first time you have experienced this problem, please email icecoffee@sabi.net with the details of the conflict.\n\nTo disable ICeCoffEE permanently, use the APE Manager pane of System Preferences.";
     46"DisableAlertMessage%@" = "If you believe ICeCoffEE is interfering with the normal functioning of the application “%@”, you can turn it off in this application until the application has quit.\n\nIf this is the first time you have experienced this problem, please email icecoffee@sabi.net with the details of the conflict.\n\nTo disable ICeCoffEE permanently, use the Application Enhancer pane of System Preferences.";
    4747"DisableAlertDisableButton" = "Disable";
    4848"DisableAlertDontDisableButton" = "Don’t Disable";
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