Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of WikiNewPage

02/04/17 17:26:35 (8 years ago)



  • WikiNewPage

    v7 v8  
    4 Note: make sure you have actually the rights to edit wiki pages. If you don't see the **Edit this page** button, read the informations relative to the editing policy for your Trac installation (usually on the front page WikiStart), or contact your local Trac administrator.
     4You can create a new wiki page by typing the CamelCase name of the page in the quick-search field at the top of the page, or by trying to view a wiki page of that name. Note that a page is "orphaned" by default until it is linked to from another page.
    6  1. Choose a name for your new page. See WikiPageNames for naming conventions.
    7  2. Edit an existing page (or any other resources that support WikiFormatting and add a [TracLinks link] to your new page. Save your changes.
    8  3. Follow the link you created to take you to the new page. Trac will display a "describe !PageName here" message.
    9  4. Click the "Edit this page" button to edit and add content to your new page. Save your changes.
    10  5. All done. Your new page is published.
     6You must be granted permission to create wiki pages. If you don't see the **Create this page** button when visiting a non-existent wiki page, you lack appropriate permission. Contact your local Trac administrator for more information.
    12 You can skip the second step by entering the CamelCase name of the page in the quick-search field at the top of the page. But note that the page will effectively be "orphaned" unless you link to it from somewhere else.
     8A new wiki page can also be created as follows:
     101. Choose a name for your new page. See WikiPageNames for naming conventions.
     111. Edit an existing page or any other resource that support WikiFormatting and add a [TracLinks link] to your new page. If your page name is CamelCase, you can simply type the page name, provided the [TracIni#wiki-section ignore_missing_pages option] is `disabled` (the default).
     121. Save your changes.
     131. Follow the link you created to take you to the new page.
     141. Click the **Create this page** button to enter edit mode and add content to your new page.
     151. Save your changes to publish your page.
    1417== Rename a page #renaming
    16 While picking up good WikiPageNames is important, you can always change your mind
    17 and rename the page later.
     19While choosing a good [WikiPageNames page name] is important for usability purposes, you can always rename the page later. You will need the WIKI_RENAME permission to rename pages.
    19 You'll need to ask for the WIKI_RENAME permission in order to be allowed to do this.
    20 When renaming a page, you'll be offered the possibility to create a redirection page, so that links pointing to the old location will not be left dangling.
     21When renaming a page, you'll be offered the possibility to create a page at the old location that contains a link to the new page, so that links pointing to the old location are not "dangling" (i.e. pointing to a non-existent page).