Version 1 (modified by 21 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
The Trac Timeline
The timeline provides a historic view of the project in a simple report. It lists all Trac events that have occured in chronological order, with a brief description of each event and if applicable, the person responsible for the change.
The timeline lists the following type of events:
- Wiki page events -- Creation and changes
- Ticket events -- Creation and resolution/closing
- Source code changes -- Subversion commits
Each event entry provides a hyperlink to the specific event in question, and in the case svn commit log messages, displays the commit message.
Subversion Commit Messages
It's important to note that WikiFormatting can be used in commit log messages, including TracLinks.
This allows developers hyperlink and refer to issue tickets, wikipages and files directly when committing a patch to the repository.
$ svn commit -m "Updated foo to bar. See FooBar. This fixes bug #42."
This is a subtle but powerful feature.
See also: TracGuide, TracWiki, WikiFormatting