
Version 1 (modified by trac, 21 years ago) ( diff )


Trac Reports

The Trac reports module provides a simple, yet powerful reporting facility for presenting information about tickets from the Trac database.

Creating Custom Reports

Creating a custom report requires knowing and using the SQL query language.

A report is basically a single named SQL query, executed and presented by Trac. Reports can be viewed and created from a custom SQL expression directly in from the web interface.

Typically, a report consists of a SELECT-expression from the 'ticket' table, using the available columns and sorting the way you want it.

Ticket columns

The ticket table has the following columns:

  • id
  • time
  • changetime
  • component
  • severity
  • priority
  • owner
  • reporter
  • cc
  • url
  • version -- Version of the project does this ticket pertains to.
  • milestone
  • status
  • resolution
  • summary
  • description

See TracTickets for a detailed description of the column fields.

Special Columns

To format the report properly, Trac needs to know the meaning of some result columns . This is a list of column names of special meaning to Trac:

  • ticket -- Ticket ID number. Will become a hyperlink to that ticket.

Note: In upcoming releases, there will be more special columns added, to create color-coded reports, grouping and other nifty features.

Sample Reports

status and summary for all tickets

SELECT id as ticket, status, summary FROM ticket

all active tickets, sorted by priority and time

SELECT id AS ticket, status, severity, priority, owner, 
       time as created, summary FROM ticket 
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
  ORDER BY priority, time

active tickets, grouped by milestone and sorted by priority

SELECT id AS ticket, milestone, status, severity, 
       priority, component, owner, summary 
  FROM ticket 
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
  ORDER BY milestone, 
    (CASE priority 
      WHEN 'highest' THEN 0 
      WHEN 'high' THEN 1 
      WHEN 'normal' THEN 2 
      WHEN 'low' THEN 3 
      ELSE 4 
    END), severity, time

See also: TracTickets, TracGuide

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.