(* This is a jgraph file which draws a map to some major places in New Jersey (the Princeton Quaker Meeting House and the Griggstown Fire House). I can't say that this would have been harder to draw with a WYSIWYG editor, but the result is very nice. I drew this by plotting it first on graph paper, and then transferring it to jgraph. The whole process took a bit more than an hour. *) newgraph xaxis size 7 min 0 max 7 hash .5 mhash 4 nodraw yaxis size 9 min 0 max 9 hash .5 mhash 4 nodraw (* (* If this portion is uncommented, it will print a grid, to help lay out points *) newgraph inherit_axes xaxis hash .5 mhash 4 draw grid_lines grid_gray .5 mgrid_lines mgrid_gray .8 yaxis hash .5 mhash 4 draw grid_lines grid_gray .5 mgrid_lines mgrid_gray .8 copygraph xaxis hash_scale 1 no_grid_lines no_mgrid_lines yaxis hash_scale 1 no_grid_lines no_mgrid_lines *) (* I-95 *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid larrows linethickness 2.2 pts 1.72 1.00 1.86 1.30 newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 2.2 pts 1.86 1.30 2.05 1.50 2.25 1.65 2.67 1.74 3.10 1.70 3.50 1.55 3.75 1.25 3.90 1.00 newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness 2.2 pts 3.90 1.00 3.95 0.75 (* Route 206 *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 2.67 1.74 2.82 2.70 newcurve marktype none linetype dotted pts 2.82 2.70 3.20 3.50 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 3.20 3.50 3.40 3.80 3.72 4.22 4.18 4.65 4.00 4.92 newcurve marktype none linetype dotted pts 4.00 4.92 3.77 5.30 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 3.77 5.30 3.45 5.80 3.08 6.35 (* Route 27 *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 4.18 4.65 4.24 4.70 5.30 5.69 (* Route 1 *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 1.5 pts 3.50 1.55 3.77 1.90 newcurve marktype none linetype dotted linethickness 1.5 pts 3.77 1.90 4.05 2.30 newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 1.5 pts 4.05 2.30 4.47 2.87 4.70 3.15 5.25 3.90 newcurve rarrows marktype none linetype solid linethickness 1.5 pts 5.25 3.90 5.48 4.20 (* Mercer Road/Princeton Pike *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 3.10 1.70 3.20 2.08 newcurve marktype none linetype dotted pts 3.20 2.08 3.33 2.60 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 3.33 2.60 3.55 3.45 3.65 3.55 3.78 3.55 3.85 3.60 3.87 3.67 4.00 4.08 4.22 4.60 4.24 4.70 (* Lover's Lane *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 3.72 4.22 4.00 4.08 (* Quakerbridge Road, etc *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 0.6 pts 3.85 3.60 3.92 3.60 3.90 3.65 3.87 3.68 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 3.92 3.60 4.00 3.60 4.40 3.32 4.47 3.17 4.30 2.95 4.10 2.70 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 4.30 2.95 4.47 2.87 4.90 2.70 (* The Bridge *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 0.4 pts 3.65 3.59 3.66 3.57 3.77 3.57 3.78 3.59 newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 0.4 pts 3.65 3.51 3.66 3.53 3.77 3.53 3.78 3.51 (* The Meeting House *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 0.6 pts 3.90 3.65 4.0 3.72 newcurve marktype box fill 1 linetype none marksize .1 .1 pts 4.05 3.78 (* D&R Canal, minus Lake Carnegie *) newcurve marktype none linetype dotted linethickness 0.6 pts 4.60 7.82 4.90 6.40 4.90 6.28 newcurve marktype none linetype dotted linethickness 0.6 pts 4.90 6.22 4.90 6.10 4.93 5.95 (* D&R Bridge *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 0.5 pts 4.75 6.19 4.77 6.22 5.03 6.22 5.05 6.19 newcurve marktype none linetype solid linethickness 0.5 pts 4.75 6.31 4.77 6.28 5.03 6.28 5.05 6.31 (* Route 518 *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 2.95 5.68 3.45 5.80 4.00 6.00 newcurve marktype none linetype dotted pts 4.00 6.00 4.50 6.20 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 4.50 6.20 4.70 6.25 5.10 6.25 5.20 6.27 5.50 6.40 (* Canal Road *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 5.20 6.27 5.00 7.50 4.95 7.80 newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 4.85 7.50 5.00 7.50 (* Fire House *) newcurve marktype box fill 1 linetype none marksize .15 .1 pts 5.12 7.70 (* Alexander Road *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 4.22 4.60 5.25 3.90 (* Exits *) newcurve marktype box linetype none fill 1 pts 5.25 3.90 (* Alexander Road / Rt 1 *) 4.47 2.87 (* Quakerbridge / Rt 1 *) 2.67 1.74 (* 206 / I95 *) 3.10 1.70 (* Princeton Pike / I95 *) 3.50 1.55 (* Rt 1 / I95 *) (* Traffic Lights *) newcurve marktype box linetype none fill 1 marksize .1 .2 pts 3.10 6.00 3.80 4.60 newcurve marktype circle linetype none fill 0 marksize .03 pts 3.10 6.00 3.80 4.60 3.10 6.06 3.80 4.66 3.10 5.94 3.80 4.54 newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 3.17 5.97 3.40 5.83 newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 3.87 4.60 4.14 4.65 (* Labels *) newstring hjc vjb fontsize 9 rotate 64 x 2.97 y 3.1 : US Rt. 206 copystring rotate -57 x 3.82 y 5.3 : US Rt. 206 copystring font Times-Italic rotate -57 vjt x 3.75 y 5.27 : 3-4 miles copystring font Times-Bold fontsize 10 vjb rotate 37 x 2.02 y 1.52 : I-95 copystring rotate -52 x 3.70 y 1.39 : I-295 copystring rotate 55 x 3.88 y 2.13 : US Rt. 1 copystring font Times-Roman fontsize 9 rotate 76 x 3.31 y 2.68 : Princeton Pike / Mercer Rd. copystring font Times-Italic vjt rotate 76 x 3.38 y 2.63 : 3-4 miles copystring font Times-Roman vjb rotate 21 x 4.10 y 6.07 : Rt. 518 copystring font Times-Italic vjt x 4.12 y 6.0 : 2-4 miles copystring font Times-Roman vjb rotate -34 x 4.7 y 4.31 : Alexander Rd. copystring hjl rotate 43 x 4.22 y 4.72 : Rt. 27 / Nassau Street copystring font Times-Italic hjc vjt rotate -78 x 4.71 y 7.0 : D & R Canal copystring font Times-Roman vjb rotate -80 x 5.13 y 7.0 : Canal Rd. copystring font Times-Italic vjt rotate -80 x 5.04 y 7.0 : 3.5 miles copystring font Times-Roman rotate 0 fontsize 12 linesep 7 x 4.17 y 3.80 hjl vjc : Meeting\ House copystring x 5.25 y 7.70 : Griggstown\ Fire\ House copystring fontsize 9 x 4.90 y 3.00 hjl vjc : Quakerbridge Rd. newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 4.86 3.00 4.50 3.18 newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 4.86 3.00 4.70 2.80 copystring x 3.40 y 4.10 hjr : Lovers Lane newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 3.44 4.10 3.82 4.15 copystring font Times-Italic x 3.45 y 6.2 hjc vjb : Wawa newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 3.45 6.16 3.43 5.85 newstring fontsize 9 x 1.70 y 0.84 hjc vjc linesep 5 : Philadelphia\ ~30 miles copystring x 3.95 y 0.58 : Trenton\ ~5 miles copystring hjl vjc x 5.60 y 4.37 linesep : NJ Turnpike\ Exit 9\ ~20 miles newstring font Times-Italic fontsize 10 x 4.45 y 4.75 hjl vjc : PRINCETON newstring font Times-Italic fontsize 10 x 5.50 y 1.80 hjc vjb : N newcurve marktype none linetype solid rarrows linethickness .04 pts 5.50 1.14 5.50 1.76