(* Jgraph file for the simple multicomputer picture: Pc--P1--P2 *) newgraph xaxis size 1.5 min 0 max 2 nodraw yaxis size 0.4 min 0 max 1 nodraw (* Draw the lines connecting the processors *) newcurve marktype none linetype solid pts 0 0 1 0 2 0 (* Draw circles for the processors on top of the lines *) newcurve marktype circle marksize .3 linetype none fill 1 pts 0 0 1 0 2 0 (* Draw the labels for the processors *) newstring fontsize 9 x 0 y 0 hjc vjc : Pc newstring fontsize 9 x 1 y 0 hjc vjc : P1 newstring fontsize 9 x 2 y 0 hjc vjc : P2