(* This is a picture of the Concurrent, low-latency checkpointing algorithm. *) newgraph xaxis min 0 max 3 size 2.5 nodraw yaxis min 0 max 2.0 size 2.0 nodraw (* Draw the address space *) newstring fontsize 9 hjc vjt x 0.25 y -0.07 : Address\ Space newcurve marktype ellipse marksize 0.1 .14 fill 1 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0.67; i < 1.37; i += 0.14) printf("0.5 %f\n", i, i);}' newcurve marktype box fill 1 marksize 0.5 0.6 pts 0.25 0.3 newcurve marktype box fill 0.5 marksize 0.5 0.14 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0.67; i < 1.37; i += 0.14) printf("0.25 %f\n", i);}' copycurve fill 1 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 1.37; i < 2.00; i += 0.14) printf("0.25 %f\n", i);}' (* Draw the registers *) newline pts 0.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 shell : echo "0.7 0" | awk -f regs.awk newstring hjc vjc fontsize 7 x 1.3 y 0.3 : . . . newstring fontsize 9 hjc vjt x 1.05 y -0.07 : CPU\ States (* Draw the pool of page buffers *) newcurve marktype ellipse fill 1 marksize 0.1 0.14 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0.67; i < 1.09; i += 0.14) printf("2.2 %f\n", i);}' newcurve marktype box marksize 0.5 0.14 fill 1 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0.67; i < 1.09; i += 0.14) printf("1.95 %f\n", i);}' shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 1.51; i < 1.79; i += 0.14) printf("1.95 %f\n", i);}' copycurve fill .5 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 1.09; i < 1.51; i += 0.14) printf("1.95 %f\n", i);}' newstring fontsize 9 hjc vjt x 1.95 y 0.53 : Page\ Pool (* Draw arrows *) newcurve marktype text hjl vjc x 0 y 0 rotate 90 fontsize 7 : . . . pts 0.9 1.35 2.5 1.05 shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0.67; i < 1.37; i += 0.14) printf("newline linetype dotted rarrow asize .07 .04 pts 0.55 %f 1.6 %f\n", i, i+.14);}' newline pts 1.3 0.635 1.22 0.4 newline pts 1.3 0.635 1.3 0.4 newline pts 1.3 0.635 1.38 0.4 newline rarrow asize .07 .04 pts 1.0 0.6 1.3 0.635 1.6 0.67 (* Draw the bezier to disk *) newline linetype dotted shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0.67; i < 1.09; i += 0.14) printf("copycurve bezier pts 2.25 %f 2.6 %f 2.7 %f 2.7 %f\n", i, i+.1, i, i-.1);}' copycurve nobezier rarrow asize .07 .04 pts 2.7 0.85 2.7 0.45 (* Draw the disk *) shell : echo "2.5 0.0" | awk -f disk.awk