# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- package "net.sabi.pester" interface "{source}net/sabi/pester/Resources.java" events "{source}net/sabi/pester/Commands.java" string ID_APP_NAME "Pester" string ID_APP_CLASS "net.sabi.pester.Pester" string ID_APP_FLAGS "L" string ID_CHOOSER_CATEGORY "pim" string ID_LOCALE "en_US" bitmap ID_LARGE_ICON "{base}LargeIcon.png" bitmap ID_SMALL_ICON "{base}SmallIcon.png" bitmap ID_SPLASH_SCREEN_NO_TITLE "{base}SplashScreenTransparent.png" string ID_VERSION "V@APP_VERSION_MAJOR@.@APP_VERSION_MINOR@" int EVENT_CANCEL_ALARM 1 int EVENT_DATE_EDITOR_TOOK_FOCUS 2 splashScreen ID_SPLASH_SCREEN_RESOURCE image bitmap = ID_SPLASH_SCREEN_NO_TITLE alignWithParentTop = 0 alignWithParentLeft = 0 staticTextBox text = ID_APP_NAME alignWithParentLeft = 2 alignWithParentTop = 0 fillToRight = 2 transparent doesNotHaveBorder endSplashScreen menu ID_ALARM_LIST_MENU menuItem title = "New Alarm..." shortcut = 'N' icon = soundIcon event = EVENT_NEW_ALARM divider menuItem id = ID_DISCARD_ITEM title = "Discard" shortcut = deleteKey event = EVENT_DISCARD_ALARM divider menuItem id = ID_ABOUT_ITEM title = "About" event = EVENT_ABOUT endMenu screen ID_ALARM_LIST_SCREEN title = "Pester" actionMenu = ID_ALARM_LIST_MENU className = "net.sabi.pester.AlarmListWindow" icon = ID_SMALL_ICON image bitmap = ID_SPLASH_SCREEN_NO_TITLE alpha = 127 alignWithParentBottom = -48 alignWithParentRight = -48 activeListView id = ID_ALARM_LIST_VIEW alignWithParentLeft = 0 alignWithParentTop = 0 initialFocus widthPct = 100 heightPct = 100 itemHeight = 12 className = "net.sabi.pester.AlarmListView" doesNotHaveBorder transparent endScreen menu ID_PERIOD_UNITS_MENU menuItem title = "second(s)" event = EVENT_VALIDATE eventData = 1 menuItem title = "minute(s)" event = EVENT_VALIDATE eventData = 60 menuItem title = "hour(s)" event = EVENT_VALIDATE eventData = 3600 menuItem title = "day(s)" event = EVENT_VALIDATE eventData = 86400 endMenu dialog ID_ALARM_SET_DIALOG title = "Set Alarm" showCancel className = "net.sabi.pester.AlarmSetDialog" widthPct = 100 centerUnderTitleBar staticText text = "Message" id = ID_MESSAGE_LABEL alignWithParentTop = 3 alignWithParentLeft = 5 justifyRight font = boldSysFont typeAheadTextField id = ID_MESSAGE_FIELD event = EVENT_VALIDATE autoCap initiallySelectAll initialFocus alignBaseline = ID_MESSAGE_LABEL positionToRight = ID_MESSAGE_LABEL : 3 fillToRight = 0 groupBox id = ID_IN_GROUP onOffControl = ID_IN_BUTTON onOffControlLeftPosition positionBelow = ID_MESSAGE_LABEL : 7 fillToRight = 0 height = 22 radioButton id = ID_IN_BUTTON title = "In" event = EVENT_IN numberEditor id = ID_PERIOD_FIELD event = EVENT_VALIDATE dontWrap minValue = 1 maxValue = 99 alignBaseline = ID_IN_BUTTON positionToRight = ID_IN_BUTTON : 1 className = "net.sabi.pester.EventfulNumberEditor" popupMenu id = ID_PERIOD_UNITS_POPUP menu = ID_PERIOD_UNITS_MENU alignBaseline = ID_PERIOD_FIELD positionToRight = ID_PERIOD_FIELD : 1 checkBox id = ID_PERIOD_REPEAT_CHECKBOX title = "Repeat" alignBaseline = ID_PERIOD_UNITS_POPUP positionToRight = ID_PERIOD_UNITS_POPUP : 3 endGroupBox groupBox id = ID_AT_GROUP onOffControl = ID_AT_BUTTON onOffControlLeftPosition positionBelow = ID_IN_GROUP : 3 fillToRight = 0 height = 22 radioButton title = "At" id = ID_AT_BUTTON event = EVENT_AT dateEditor id = ID_TIME_EDITOR longTimeFormat event = EVENT_TIME_EDITOR alignBaseline = ID_AT_BUTTON positionToRight = ID_AT_BUTTON : 1 dateEditor id = ID_DATE_EDITOR event = EVENT_DATE_EDITOR positionToRight = ID_TIME_EDITOR : 1 alignBaseline = ID_TIME_EDITOR className = "net.sabi.pester.AlarmDateEditor" positionDynamically # can move if time format changes datePicker id = ID_DATE_PICKER event = EVENT_DATE_PICKER positionToRight = ID_DATE_EDITOR : 1 alignTop = ID_DATE_EDITOR positionDynamically # can move if time format changes endGroupBox staticText text = "Alert" id = ID_ALERT_LABEL justifyRight font = boldSysFont positionBelow = ID_AT_GROUP : 5 alignRight = ID_MESSAGE_LABEL ringTonePicker id = ID_ALERT_PICKER # alignBaseline = ID_ALERT_LABEL positionBelow = ID_AT_GROUP : 3 positionToRight = ID_ALERT_LABEL : 3 fillToRight = 0 button id = ID_DISCARD_ALARM_BUTTON event = EVENT_DISCARD_ALARM position = buttonTop2 title = discardButton button id = ID_SET_ALARM_BUTTON event = EVENT_SET_ALARM position = buttonBottom1 title = "Set" shortcut = doneButton endDialog textInputAlert ID_ALARM_ALERT systemDialog title = "Alarm" icon = ID_LARGE_ICON font = "BortBold12" text = "Alarm!" button id = ID_SNOOZE_BUTTON event = EVENT_SNOOZE_ALARM title = "Snooze" position = buttonBottom2 shortcut = cancelButton button event = EVENT_SET_ALARM title = "Reschedule..." position = buttonBottom3 button event = EVENT_DISMISS_ALARM title = okButton position = buttonBottom1 shortcut = doneButton textField id = ID_SNOOZE_MINUTES title = "Snooze for minutes:" dontAcceptKeyRepeats initiallySelectAll numericOnly justifyRight maxLength = 2 position = top endTextInputAlert alert ID_LIMIT_ALERT appAlertStyle title = "Alarm Limit" text = "You have reached the limit of ^0 alarms. You must delete an alarm (or wait for it to expire) before creating another alarm." button title = okButton position = buttonBottom1 shortcut = doneButton endAlert alert ID_DISCARD_ALERT appAlertStyle title = "Discard Alarm?" icon = stopIcon text = "Permanently discard \u201c^0\u201d?" button event = EVENT_CONFIRM_DISCARD title = discardButton position = buttonBottom2 button event = EVENT_CANCEL_DISCARD title = backButton position = buttonBottom1 shortcut = doneButton endAlert stringArray ID_ALARM_MESSAGES "Bus" "Class" "Dinner" "Exercise" "Go home" "Go to school" "Go to work" "Laundry" "Lunch" "Meeting" "Sleep" "Train" "Wake up" endStringArray data compress ID_ABOUT_TEXT 257 "about.txt" string ID_SUPPORT_EMAIL "pester@sabi.net" dialog ID_ABOUT_DIALOG title = "About Pester" doneEvent = EVENT_ABOUT_DONE doneIsDefault widthPct = 100 heightPct = 100 staticTextBox id = ID_ABOUT_TEXT_BOX className = "danger.ui.LinkTextBox" alignWithParentTop = 0 alignWithParentLeft = 3 fillToRight = 3 fillToBottom = 0 initialFocus doesNotHaveBorder scrollBar id = ID_ABOUT_TEXT_SCROLLBAR alignWithParentTop = 0 alignWithParentRight = 0 fillToBottom = 0 floating endDialog