Cognet++ is a series of improvements made to Cognet including: - Smiley support. /emoticons off|on to toggle. - Leigh Klotz's auto reconnect - On reconnect, show the window you were talking on rather than %server - if a new window is created while your in the app, it will display a bubble notification - new messages in any window are indicated by a cog icon in the space where the email notification goes - a new command /marquee will allow you to set a window to display a marquee when your not in the application. The seconds paramenter indicates the limit on how often a marquee is displayed. for example /marquee 30 will only display 1 marquee every 30 seconds. Messages in between will be dropped. /marquee 0 will disable marquees. - font support. see for a list of fonts. /font is the command. Enjoy, Jake Bordens ***** Below is the original cognet client README file: Please direct any questions about the cognet client and server to . Cognet Chat Engine v0.1 ------------------------ This application is a front-end for a irc proxy server called cognetd. The server handles virtually all of the logic and all the client knows about is how to display messages in windows and send user commands to the server. The server caches all messages even if the client is not connected. The following commands are understood by the client: /query creates a new window named and shows it /win switch to window if it exists /zap log out of the server /bind binds a quickkey (0-9) to this window /clear erases the contents of the current window (on the server as well as the client) Any other commands are sent to the server for processing. The application menu lists all active windows (windows with messages that have arrived since you were there last are marked with an arrow glyph). There are a few handy shortcuts not shown in the menu (for space reasons): MENU-n cycle to the next window MENU-p cycle to the previous window MENU-, jump to a window with new messages Currently, server messages show up in the special "%server" window (which you can never delete). Modules running on the server create windows of their own. Flags to the side of the display indicate traffic in other windows. Indicators like "[3]" mean that there is a new message in a window bound to the number in the brackets. A "[?]" indicator means that there are new messages in some unbound window (check the menu for details). Protocol Details ---------------- client protocol, server->client: :::: The first field (serial number) may be omitted or ignored. It allows for resynchronization, so the client should keep track of the last serial number it has seen for when it reconnects #:dmsg:nick:#channel:text # display message in target window #:smsg:nick:yournick:text # display message in source window #:dmsg:yournick:nick:text # display message in target window #:dmsg/act:nick:#channel:text # display emote'd message in target window #:clear:window: # erase all lines from window #:info:window:text # display server message #:fail:window:text # display error message #:repl:window:text # display command reply #:sync:token: # client should keep token for next serial special windows: %server -- messages from the server client protocol, client->server: ::: :serial:serialnumber:token # indicates last serial number and token seen # (send before logging in) :auth:username:password # log in In all of these, 'ctxt' is the current window the command was typed in. Lines without a leading '/' get transformed into a send command, all others lose the '/' and are split so that the text between the '/' and the first whitespace become the 'tag', the current window is the 'ctxt', and the rest of the line is the 'text'