10/20/02 06:40:54 (22 years ago)
Nicholas Riley

Pester 1.0

1 edited


  • trunk/Cocoa/Pester/Source/PSAlarmSetController.m

    r26 r28  
    1111#import "NJRDateFormatter.h"
    13 // XXX Bugs to file:
    14 // XXX any trailing spaces: -> exception for +[NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString]:
    15 // > NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString: '12 '
    16 // format error: internal error
    18 // XXX NSDate natural language stuff in NSCalendarDate (why?), misspelled category name
    19 // XXX NSCalendarDate natural language stuff behaves differently from NSDateFormatter (AM/PM has no effect, shouldn't they share code?)
    20 // XXX NSDateFormatter doc class description gives two examples for natural language that are incorrect, no link to NSDate doc that describes exactly how natural language dates are parsed
    21 // XXX NSTimeFormatString does not include %p when it should, meaning that AM/PM is stripped yet 12-hour time is still used
    22 // XXX NSNextDayDesignations, NSNextNextDayDesignations are noted as 'a string' in NSUserDefaults docs, but maybe they are actually an array, or either an array or a string, given their names?
    23 // XXX "Setting the Format for Dates" does not document how to get 1:15 AM, the answer is %1I - strftime has no exact equivalent; the closest is %l.  strftime does not permit numeric prefixes.  It also refers to "NSCalendar" when no such class exists.
    24 // XXX none of many mentions of NSAMPMDesignation indicates that they include the leading spaces (" AM", " PM").  In "Setting the Format for Dates", needs to mention that the leading spaces are not included in %p with strftime.
    25 // XXX descriptions for %X and %x are reversed (time zone is in %X, not %x)
    26 // XXX too hard to implement date-only or time-only formatters
    27 // XXX should be able to specify that natural language favors date or time (10 = 10th of month, not 10am)
    28 // XXX please expose the iCal controls!
     13/* Bugs to file:
     15¥ any trailing spaces: -> exception for +[NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString]:
     16 > NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString: '12 '
     17  format error: internal error
     19¥ NSDate natural language stuff in NSCalendarDate (why?), misspelled category name
     20¥ NSCalendarDate natural language stuff behaves differently from NSDateFormatter (AM/PM has no effect, shouldn't they share code?)
     21¥ NSDateFormatter doc class description gives two examples for natural language that are incorrect, no link to NSDate doc that describes exactly how natural language dates are parsed
     22¥ NSTimeFormatString does not include %p when it should, meaning that AM/PM is stripped yet 12-hour time is still used
     23¥ NSNextDayDesignations, NSNextNextDayDesignations are noted as 'a string' in NSUserDefaults docs, but maybe they are actually an array, or either an array or a string, given their names?
     24¥ "Setting the Format for Dates" does not document how to get 1:15 AM, the answer is %1I - strftime has no exact equivalent; the closest is %l.  strftime does not permit numeric prefixes.  It also refers to "NSCalendar" when no such class exists.
     25¥ none of many mentions of NSAMPMDesignation indicates that they include the leading spaces (" AM", " PM").  In "Setting the Format for Dates", needs to mention that the leading spaces are not included in %p with strftime.  But if you use the NSCalendarDate stuff, it appears %p doesn't include the space.
     26¥ descriptions for %X and %x are reversed (time zone is in %X, not %x)
     27¥ too hard to implement date-only or time-only formatters
     28¥ should be able to specify that natural language favors date or time (10 = 10th of month, not 10am)
     29¥ please expose the iCal controls!
    3033@interface PSAlarmSetController (Private)
    8689- (void)_stopUpdateTimer;
    88     if ([updateTimer isValid]) [updateTimer invalidate];
    89     [updateTimer release]; updateTimer = nil;
     91    [updateTimer invalidate]; [updateTimer release]; updateTimer = nil;
    149151    if (![[self window] isVisible]) {
    150         // NSLog(@"UPDATING FROM showWindow");
    151152        [self update: self];
     153        // XXX otherwise, first responder appears to alternate every time the window is shown?!  And if you set the initial first responder, you can't tab in the window. :(
     154        [[self window] makeFirstResponder: [[self window] initialFirstResponder]];
    152155    }
    153156    [super showWindow: sender];
    222 @implementation PSAlarmSetController (NSApplicationDelegate)
    224 - (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)sender hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag;
    225 {
    226     if (!flag) [self showWindow: self];
    227     return YES;
    228 }
    230 @end
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