05/14/05 20:11:04 (19 years ago)
Nicholas Riley

ICeCoffEE 1.4.2b1

VERSION, ui.plist, Info*.plist, InfoPlist.strings: Updated for 1.4.2b1.

APEMain.m: Removed PBX support.

ICeCoffEE.[hm]: Don't ICCF_OSErr(C)Assert if we get userCanceledErr:
part of fixing extraneous exception when not selecting anything from
the helper app menu. ICCF_KeyboardAction() and
ICCF_LaunchURLFromTextView() now take an event parameter - since we
have stuff on a timer now, means we get the key modifier state at
mousedown time, rather than some arbitrary time later.
ICCF_LaunchURL() returns NO if the user cancelled, so we don't need to
throw an exception to stop the URL blinking. Moved sanitized mouse
down event generation to ICCF_MouseDownEventWithModifierFlags(). Only
update Services menu at app launch on Panther. Use a timer to delay
URL launching in NSTextView on Tiger, so we accommodate
command-multiple clicking for discontiguous selection. Remove that
ugly goto.

ICeCoffEEShared.h: Turn off debugging in preparation for (beta)

ICeCoffEETerminal.m: Update for new ICCF_LaunchURL() return.

ICeCoffEETrigger.[hm]: Singleton timer wrapper for discontiguous
selection compatibility on Tiger. Singleton global is exported for
efficiency since we have to check it on every mouse down.

ICeCoffEEWebKit.m: Removed incorrect comment (what was I thinking?)
Update for new ICCF_LaunchURL() return. Properly highlight before
ICCF_LaunchURL(), especially noticable with menu.

APEInfo.rtfd: More fixes and updates, final for 1.4.2b1.

1 edited


  • trunk/ICeCoffEE/ICeCoffEE/ICeCoffEE.h

    r167 r183  
    55#import "ICeCoffEEConfig.h"
    7 #define ICCF_OSErrAssert(err, context) NSAssert(err == noErr, ICCF_ErrString(err, context));
    8 #define ICCF_OSErrCAssert(err, context) NSCAssert(err == noErr, ICCF_ErrString(err, context));
     7#define ICCF_OSErrAssert(err, context) NSAssert(err == noErr || err == userCanceledErr, ICCF_ErrString(err, context));
     8#define ICCF_OSErrCAssert(err, context) NSCAssert(err == noErr || err == userCanceledErr, ICCF_ErrString(err, context));
    1010// search for: (?<!ICCF_LocalizedString\()(?<!ICLog\()(?<!ICapeprintf("\()(?<!%)(@"(?!Internal error: )[^"]+") replace with: ICCF_LocalizedString(\1)
    2323BOOL ICCF_EventIsCommandMouseDown(NSEvent *e);
    25 // returns the action determined by the current state of keyboard modifiers
    26 iccfURLAction ICCF_KeyboardAction();
     25// returns the action determined by the event's keyboard modifiers
     26iccfURLAction ICCF_KeyboardAction(NSEvent *e);
    2828// throws an exception if the URL range is nonexistent or too big
    4343// calls ICCF_DoURLAction
    44 void ICCF_LaunchURL(NSString *string, iccfURLAction action);
     44// returns YES unless the user cancelled
     45BOOL ICCF_LaunchURL(NSString *string, iccfURLAction action);
    4647// launch URL from on selected text view cursor position or selection
    47 void ICCF_LaunchURLFromTextView(NSTextView *self);
     48void ICCF_LaunchURLFromTextView(NSTextView *self, NSEvent *triggeringEvent);
    4950// returns contextual menu with Services item added, if selected
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