05/09/05 04:16:56 (19 years ago)
Nicholas Riley

ICeCoffEEAction.c: Replace undocumented _LSCopyApplicationURLsForItemURL
with LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL, which was introduced in 10.3.

ICFindFilesToRemove/UICookieMonster.m: Fix some minor bugs revealed by
new compiler warnings in Apple's GCC 4.0.

ICeCoffEETextEdit.c: Pass an unsigned long instead of a SInt32 to
Delay(), as intended (another GCC 4.0 nit-pick).

English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: Update version number.

ICeCoffEEShared.h: Enable debugging.

ICeCoffEE APE.xcode: Changes for Xcode 2.0.

ICeCoffEE.m: Casts to satisfy GCC 4.0.

APEMain.m: Fix CFStringCompare third argument: options, not a pointer.
Yet another dumb coding mistake pointed out courtesy of GCC 4.0.

1 edited

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