1 | from appscript import *
2 | from datetime import datetime
3 | from osax import *
4 | from plistlib import readPlist, writePlist
5 | import os
6 | import re
7 | import time
8 |
10 | os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Preferences/net.sabi.UpdateDates.plist')
11 |
12 | DATE_FORMATS = (('%m/%d/%y', r'\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}' ), # T-Mobile
13 | ('%m.%d.%y', r'\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}' ), # iFixit
14 | ('%b %d, %Y', r'[A-Z][a-z][a-z] \d{1,2}, \d{4}'), # AmerenIP
15 | ('%B %d, %Y', r'[A-Z][a-z]+ ?\d{1,2}, ?\d{4}' ), # Amazon
16 | ('of %Y%m%d', r'of \d{8}' ), # Amazon
17 | ('%m/%d/%Y', r'\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}' ), # Busey
18 | ('%b %d %Y', r'[A-Z]{3} \d{1,2} \d{4}' ), # State Farm
19 | ('%d %b %Y', r'\d{1,2} [A-Z][A-Za-z]{2} \d{4}'), # Apple
20 | ('%Y-%m-%d', r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}' ), # MacSpeech
21 | ('%Y-%m', r'\d{4}-\d{2}' ), # filename
22 | ('%m1%d/%y', r'\d{1,2}1\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}' ), # T-Mo bad OCR
23 | ('%m/%d1%y', r'\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}1\d{1,2}' ), # T-Mo bad OCR
24 | ('%m/%d/%y', r'\d{1,2}/ \d{1,2}/ \d{1,2}' ), # T-Mo bad OCR
25 | ('%m/%d/%Y',
26 | r'(?:\d ?){1,2}/ (?:\d ?){1,2}/ (?:\d ?){4}' ), # Busey bad OCR
27 | )
28 |
29 | RE_DATE = re.compile('|'.join(r'(\b%s\b)' % regex
30 | for format, regex in DATE_FORMATS))
31 |
32 | def extract_date(contents, match=None):
33 | no_match = []
34 | for m in RE_DATE.finditer(contents):
35 | matched_format = m.lastindex
36 | format = DATE_FORMATS[matched_format - 1][0]
37 | # note: spaces in strptime format match zero or more spaces, this is OK
38 | matched = m.group(matched_format).replace(' ', '')
39 | try:
40 | parsed = datetime.strptime(matched, format)
41 | except ValueError, e: # not a date
42 | no_match.append((matched, format, e))
43 | continue
44 | if not match or (match.year, match.month) == (parsed.year, parsed.month):
45 | return parsed.date(), no_match
46 | no_match.append(m.group(matched_format))
47 | return None, no_match
48 |
49 | def extract_source(title, hint):
50 | if hint:
51 | return title[:RE_DATE.search(title).start(0)].rstrip()
52 | else:
53 | return title
54 |
55 | EagleFiler = app(id='com.c-command.EagleFiler')
56 | Paper = EagleFiler.documents['Paper.eflibrary']
57 |
58 | if not Paper.exists():
59 | EagleFiler.open(os.path.expanduser('~/Documents/Paper/Paper.eflibrary'))
60 |
61 | def read_sources():
62 | return readPlist(PREFERENCES_PATH).get('Sources', [])
63 |
64 | if os.path.exists(PREFERENCES_PATH):
65 | try:
66 | sources = read_sources()
67 | except:
68 | from subprocess import call
69 | call(['plutil', '-convert', 'xml1', PREFERENCES_PATH])
70 | sources = read_sources()
71 | else:
72 | sources = []
73 |
74 | def update_all():
75 | for record in Paper.library_records[its.kind=='PDF']():
76 | title = record.title()
77 | hint, no_match = extract_date(title)
78 | source = extract_source(title, hint)
79 |
80 | contents = record.contents()
81 | if re.search(re.escape(source), contents, re.IGNORECASE):
82 | if source in sources:
83 | sources.remove(source)
84 | sources.append(source)
85 |
86 | extracted, no_match = extract_date(contents, hint)
87 |
88 | if not extracted:
89 | print title, hint
90 | for nm in no_match:
91 | print ' no match', nm
92 | if not hint:
93 | continue
94 |
95 | record.creation_date.set(extracted or hint)
96 |
97 | sources.reverse() # most recently referenced ones at top
98 |
99 | def scan_one():
100 | Acrobat = app(id='com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro')
101 | SystemEvents = app(id='com.apple.systemevents')
102 | acro_process = SystemEvents.application_processes[u'Acrobat']
103 |
104 | filename = datetime.now().strftime('Scanned Document %y%m%d %H%M%S')
105 |
106 | SA = ScriptingAddition()
107 | SA.activate()
108 | while True:
109 | result = SA.display_dialog('How many pages do you wish to scan?',
110 | buttons=['Cancel', 'Scan'],
111 | cancel_button=1, default_button=2,
112 | default_answer='1')
113 | if result is None:
114 | return False
115 | try:
116 | pages = int(result[k.text_returned])
117 | except ValueError:
118 | continue
119 | if pages > 0:
120 | break
121 |
122 | Acrobat.activate()
123 |
124 | acro_process.menu_bars[1].menu_bar_items['Document'].menus[1].\
125 | menu_items['Scan to PDF...'].click()
126 | acro_process.windows['Acrobat Scan'].buttons['Scan'].click()
127 |
128 | # pause (Carbon -> Cocoa? use keystrokes instead?)
129 | acro_process.windows['Save Scanned File As'].text_fields[1].value.\
130 | set(filename)
131 | acro_process.windows['Save Scanned File As'].buttons['Save'].click()
132 |
133 | acro_scan_window = acro_process.windows['Acrobat Scan']
134 |
135 | while True:
136 | acro_process.windows['DSmobile 600'].buttons['Scan'].click()
137 | while not acro_scan_window.exists():
138 | time.sleep(0.1)
139 |
140 | pages -= 1
141 |
142 | if pages == 0:
143 | acro_scan_window.groups[1].radio_buttons[2].click()
144 | acro_scan_window.buttons['OK'].click()
145 | break
146 |
147 | acro_scan_window.groups[1].radio_buttons[1].click()
148 | acro_scan_window.buttons['OK'].click()
149 |
150 | scanned_document = Acrobat.documents['%s.pdf' % filename]
151 | scanned_file = scanned_document.file_alias(timeout=0)
152 | scanned_document.close()
153 |
154 | record = Paper.import_(files=[scanned_file], deleting_afterwards=True)[0]
155 | contents = record.contents()
156 | m = re.search('(%s)' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, sources)), contents,
157 | re.IGNORECASE)
158 | if m:
159 | # use the saved source's case
160 | title = sources[map(str.lower, sources).index(m.group(1).lower())]
161 | else:
162 | title = '???'
163 |
164 | extracted, no_match = extract_date(contents)
165 | if extracted:
166 | title += extracted.strftime(' %Y-%m')
167 | record.creation_date.set(extracted)
168 |
169 | record.title.set(title)
170 |
171 | return True
172 |
173 | # update_all()
174 |
175 | # XXX incremental source recording from EagleFiler (use tag to record)
176 |
177 | while scan_one():
178 | writePlist({'Sources': sources}, PREFERENCES_PATH)