1 | #!/usr/bin/pythonw
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 |
4 | from appscript import app, k
5 | from AppKit import NSApplication, NSBeep, NSSystemDefined, NSURL, NSWorkspace
6 | from Foundation import NSDistributedNotificationCenter
7 | from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
8 | from Carbon.CarbonEvt import RegisterEventHotKey, GetApplicationEventTarget
9 | from Carbon.Events import cmdKey
10 | import struct
11 | import scrape
12 | import _StreamVision
13 |
14 | GROWL_APP_NAME = 'StreamVision'
15 | NOTIFICATION_TRACK_INFO = 'iTunes Track Info'
17 |
18 | kEventHotKeyPressedSubtype = 6
19 | kEventHotKeyReleasedSubtype = 9
20 |
21 | growl = app('GrowlHelperApp')
22 |
23 | growl.register(
24 | as_application=GROWL_APP_NAME,
25 | all_notifications=NOTIFICATIONS_ALL,
26 | default_notifications=NOTIFICATIONS_ALL,
27 | icon_of_application='iTunes.app')
28 | # if we leave off the .app, we can get Classic iTunes's icon
29 |
30 | def growlNotify(title, description, **kw):
31 | growl.notify(
33 | title=title,
34 | description=description,
35 | application_name=GROWL_APP_NAME,
36 | **kw)
37 |
38 | def radioParadiseURL():
39 | session = scrape.Session()
40 | session.go('http://www2.radioparadise.com/nowplay_b.php')
41 | return session.region.firsttag('a')['href']
42 |
43 | def cleanStreamTitle(title):
44 | if title == k.MissingValue:
45 | return ''
46 | title = title.split(' [')[0] # XXX move to description
47 | title = title.replace('`', u'’')
48 | return title
49 |
50 | def cleanStreamTrackName(name):
51 | name = name.split('. ')[0]
52 | name = name.split(': ')[0]
53 | name = name.split(' - ')
54 | if len(name) > 1:
55 | name = ' - '.join(name[:-1])
56 | else:
57 | name = name[0]
58 | return name
59 |
60 | def iTunesApp(): return app(id='com.apple.iTunes')
61 | def XTensionApp(): return app(creator='SHEx')
62 |
63 | HAVE_XTENSION = False
64 | try:
65 | XTensionApp()
67 | except:
68 | pass
69 |
70 | class StreamVision(NSApplication):
71 |
72 | hotKeyActions = {}
73 | hotKeys = []
74 |
75 | def displayTrackInfo(self):
76 | iTunes = iTunesApp()
77 | if iTunes.player_state.get() == k.playing:
78 | if iTunes.current_track.class_.get() == k.URL_track:
79 | growlNotify(cleanStreamTitle(iTunes.current_stream_title.get()),
80 | cleanStreamTrackName(iTunes.current_track.name.get()))
81 | else:
82 | kw = {}
83 | artwork = iTunes.current_track.artworks.get()
84 | if artwork:
85 | kw['pictImage'] = artwork[0].data.get()
86 | growlNotify(iTunes.current_track.name.get() + ' ' +
87 | '★' * (iTunes.current_track.rating.get() / 20),
88 | iTunes.current_track.album.get() + "\n" +
89 | iTunes.current_track.artist.get(),
90 | **kw)
91 | else:
92 | trackName = ''
93 | if iTunes.current_track.class_.get() != k.Property:
94 | trackName = iTunes.current_track.name.get()
95 | growlNotify("iTunes is not playing.", trackName)
96 |
97 | def goToSite(self):
98 | iTunes = iTunesApp()
99 | if iTunes.player_state.get() == k.playing:
100 | url = iTunes.current_stream_URL.get()
101 | if url:
102 | if 'radioparadise.com' in url:
103 | url = radioParadiseURL()
104 | NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().openURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_(url))
105 | return
106 | NSBeep()
107 |
108 | def registerHotKey(self, func, keyCode, mods=0):
109 | hotKeyRef = RegisterEventHotKey(keyCode, mods, (0, 0),
110 | GetApplicationEventTarget(), 0)
111 | self.hotKeys.append(hotKeyRef)
112 | self.hotKeyActions[_StreamVision.HotKeyAddress(hotKeyRef)] = func
113 |
114 | def incrementRatingBy(self, increment):
115 | iTunes = iTunesApp()
116 | rating = iTunes.current_track.rating.get()
117 | rating += increment
118 | if rating < 0:
119 | rating = 0
120 | NSBeep()
121 | elif rating > 100:
122 | rating = 100
123 | NSBeep()
124 | iTunes.current_track.rating.set(rating)
125 |
126 | def playPause(self):
127 | iTunes = iTunesApp()
128 | iTunes.playpause()
130 | if iTunes.player_state() == k.playing:
131 | XTensionApp().turnon('Stereo')
132 | else:
133 | XTensionApp().turnoff('Stereo')
134 |
135 | def finishLaunching(self):
136 | super(StreamVision, self).finishLaunching()
137 | self.registerHotKey(self.displayTrackInfo, 100) # F8
138 | self.registerHotKey(self.goToSite, 100, cmdKey) # cmd-F8
139 | self.registerHotKey(self.playPause, 101) # F9
140 | self.registerHotKey(lambda: iTunesApp().previous_track(), 109) # F10
141 | self.registerHotKey(lambda: iTunesApp().next_track(), 103) # F11
142 | self.registerHotKey(lambda: self.incrementRatingBy(-20), 109, cmdKey) # cmd-F10
143 | self.registerHotKey(lambda: self.incrementRatingBy(20), 103, cmdKey) # cmd-F11
144 | NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver_selector_name_object_(self, self.displayTrackInfo, 'com.apple.iTunes.playerInfo', None)
145 |
146 | def sendEvent_(self, theEvent):
147 | if theEvent.type() == NSSystemDefined and \
148 | theEvent.subtype() == kEventHotKeyPressedSubtype:
149 | self.hotKeyActions[theEvent.data1()]()
150 | super(StreamVision, self).sendEvent_(theEvent)
151 |
152 | if __name__ == "__main__":
153 | AppHelper.runEventLoop()