Rev | Line | |
[201] | 1 | from distutils.core import setup
| 2 | import py2app
| 3 |
| 4 | # Retrospect wants the event handler called "Retrospect Event Handler" without
| 5 | # the .app suffix; py2app doesn't want to create apps with no suffix
| 6 | class TrueEmpty(object):
| 7 | def __str__(self): return ''
| 8 | def __add__(self, other): return other
| 9 | def __radd__(self, other): return other
| 10 |
| 11 | setup(name='Retrospect Event Handler',
| 12 | version='1.0a1',
| 13 | app=[''],
| 14 | options=dict(py2app=
| 15 | dict(extension=TrueEmpty(),
| 16 | iconfile='RetroClient.icns',
| 17 | plist=dict(NSAppleScriptEnabled=True,
| 18 | CFBundleIdentifier='net.sabi.RetroStatus'))))
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