1 | /* gcc -o brightness -framework Cocoa -framework DisplayServices -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks brightness.m */
2 |
3 | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
4 |
5 | @interface O3Manager : NSObject
6 | + (void)initialize;
7 | + (id)engineOfClass:(NSString *)cls forDisplayID:(CGDirectDisplayID)fp12;
8 | @end
9 |
10 | @protocol O3EngineWireProtocol
11 | @end
12 |
13 | @protocol BrightnessEngineWireProtocol <O3EngineWireProtocol>
14 | - (float)brightness;
15 | - (BOOL)setBrightness:(float)fp8;
16 | - (void)bumpBrightnessUp;
17 | - (void)bumpBrightnessDown;
18 | @end
19 |
20 | const int kMaxDisplays = 16;
21 |
22 | int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
23 | {
24 | CGDirectDisplayID display[kMaxDisplays];
25 | CGDisplayCount numDisplays;
26 | CGDisplayCount i;
27 | CGDisplayErr err;
28 |
29 | [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
30 | [O3Manager initialize];
31 |
32 | err = CGGetActiveDisplayList(kMaxDisplays, display, &numDisplays);
33 | if (err != CGDisplayNoErr) {
34 | NSLog(@"Cannot get displays (%d)", err);
35 | exit(1);
36 | }
37 | printf("%d displays found", (int)numDisplays);
38 | for ( i = 0; i < numDisplays; ++i ) {
39 | CGDirectDisplayID dspy = display[i];
40 | CFDictionaryRef originalMode;
41 |
42 | originalMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode(dspy);
43 | if (originalMode == NULL)
44 | continue;
45 |
46 | NSLog(@"Display 0x%x: %@", (unsigned int)dspy, originalMode);
47 |
48 | if ([[(NSDictionary *)originalMode objectForKey: @"RefreshRate"] intValue] == 0) {
49 | id<BrightnessEngineWireProtocol> engine =
50 | [O3Manager engineOfClass: @"BrightnessEngine" forDisplayID: dspy];
51 | NSLog(@"Engine: %@", engine);
52 | NSLog(@"Brightness was %f", [engine brightness]);
53 | if (argc == 2) {
54 | float newBrightness = [[NSString stringWithCString: argv[1]] floatValue];
55 | if (newBrightness < 0. || newBrightness > 1.) {
56 | NSLog(@"Brightness should be between 0 and 1");
57 | exit(1);
58 | }
59 | [engine setBrightness: newBrightness];
60 | NSLog(@"Brightness is now %f", [engine brightness]);
61 | }
62 | }
63 | }
64 | exit(0);
65 | }