source: trunk/LocationDo/ 212

Last change on this file since 212 was 212, checked in by Nicholas Riley, 19 years ago in 4111, open NX, move windows around (very brittle,
but seems to work OK), and don't SSH to yt until we can wait for
Kerberos tickets to be valid; at home, ensure Kerberos ticket
validity; add a bunch more locations handle both "Expired" and "Expired (IP Address Changed)"
messages from Kerberos; open app with name action needed because NX
Client has no bundle ID or creator; move window action (very rough)

File size: 10.5 KB
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4from AppKit import NSApplication, NSBeep, NSSystemDefined, NSURL, NSWorkspace
5from Foundation import NSDistributedNotificationCenter, NSLog
6from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
7from Carbon.CarbonEvt import RegisterEventHotKey, GetApplicationEventTarget
8from SystemConfiguration import *
9from appscript import app
10import re
11import sets
13import action
15GROWL_APP_NAME = 'LocationDo'
19NOTIFICATION_CURRENT = 'Current location'
20NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown location'
26DEBUG = True
28kEventHotKeyPressedSubtype = 6
29kEventHotKeyReleasedSubtype = 9
31RE_AIRPORT_STATUS = '/'.join([kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompNetwork, kSCCompInterface, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetAirPort])
33# XXX switch to Cocoa interface for Growl
34growl = app('GrowlHelperApp')
37 as_application=GROWL_APP_NAME,
38 all_notifications=NOTIFICATIONS_ALL,
39 default_notifications=NOTIFICATIONS_ALL)
41def growlNotify(name, title, description, **kw):
42 params = dict(with_name=name,
43 title=title,
44 description=unicode(description),
45 application_name=GROWL_APP_NAME,
46 image_from_location='/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/GenericNetworkIcon.icns')
47 params.update(kw)
48 if not params.get('sticky', False):
49 params['identifier'] = name
50 if DEBUG:
51 NSLog("%s: %s" % (title, description))
52 growl.notify(**params)
54class Location(sets.Set):
55 def __str__(self):
56 if not self: return '(unknown)'
57 return ', '.join(self)
59currentLocation = Location()
61# XXX attach actions to location tag; something like:
62# locations['Siebel'].onArrive.ensureKerberosPrincipalsValid(...)
64def arriveAtLocation(location):
65 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_ARRIVE, 'Arriving at location', location)
66 if 'Siebel' in location:
67 action.ensureKerberosPrincipalsValid(['njriley@ACM.UIUC.EDU',
68 'njriley@AD.UIUC.EDU'])
69 action.setVolumePercent(0.15)
70 if '1115 SC' in location:
71 action.openInBackground('~/Documents/CS 423/CS 423 to do.oo3')
72 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
73 action.setAdiumStatus('Working in 1115 SC')
74 if '1404 SC' in location:
75 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.4)
76 action.setVolumePercent(0)
77 action.setAdiumStatus('In 1404 SC')
78 if '4111 SC' in location:
79 action.openInBackground('~/Documents/Research/Research progress.oo3')
80 # XXX complain that NX has no creator nor bundle ID
81 action.openApplicationWithName('NX Client for OSX')
82 # XXX make these changes dependent on screen resolution
83 action.moveWindow('iTunes', 'iTunes', (2123, 1534), ifSizeMatches=(129, 65))
84 action.moveWindow('Adium', 'Contacts', (1280, 1553))
85 action.moveWindow('Adium', 'AOL System Msg', (1448, 1320))
86 # XXX need better way to do this
87 action.moveWindow('OmniOutliner Pro', 'Research progress', (1634, 847))
88 action.moveWindow('OmniOutliner Pro', '◇ Research progress', (1634, 847))
89 # XXX wait for yt to be accessible and Kerberos, then open the terminal window
90 # action.terminalDo('kswitch -p njriley@ACM.UIUC.EDU;(sleep 10;kswitch -p njriley@AD.UIUC.EDU)&! ;clear;ssh yt')
91 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.9)
92 action.setAdiumStatus('Working in 4111 SC')
93 if 'ACM office' in location:
94 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
95 action.setVolumePercent(0.5)
96 action.setAdiumStatus('At ACM')
97 if 'Champaign' in location:
98 action.ensureKerberosPrincipalsValid(['njriley@ACM.UIUC.EDU',
99 'njriley@AD.UIUC.EDU'])
100 action.openInBackground('~/Documents/To do.oo3')
101 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
102 action.setVolumePercent(0.5)
103 action.setAdiumStatus('At home')
104 if '13[12]0 DCL' in location:
105 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
106 action.setVolumePercent(0)
107 action.setAdiumStatus('In 13[12]0 DCL')
108 if 'UIUCnet' in location:
109 action.startVPNC('UIUCnet-oncampus')
110 if 'CSL' in location:
111 action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.1)
112 action.setVolumePercent(0)
113 action.setAdiumStatus('At CSL')
114 action.openURL('')
115 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_ARRIVE, 'Arrived at location',
116 location)
118def departLocation(location):
119 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_DEPART, 'Departing location', location)
120 if 'UIUCnet' in location:
121 # XXX should handle this more symmetrically
122 action.stopVPNC()
123 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_DEPART, 'Departed location', location)
125def locationChanged(location):
126 if not location: return # unknown
127 global currentLocation
128 oldLocation = currentLocation - location
129 newLocation = location - currentLocation
130 if DEBUG:
131 NSLog("new %s | was %s | departing %s | arriving %s" % \
132 (location, currentLocation, oldLocation, newLocation))
133 if oldLocation:
134 departLocation(oldLocation)
135 currentLocation = location
136 if newLocation:
137 currentLocation = location
138 arriveAtLocation(newLocation)
140def formatMACAddress(data):
141 return ':'.join(re.findall('..', data.bytes()[:].encode('hex')))
143# XXX watch battery status, too, for display brightness
144# XXX look at display configuration to tell difference between 4111 and 4124
145# XXX need concept of ambiguity, ask user which location they're in (ACM/1115)
147airPortStatus = {'BSSID': None, 'SSID': None}
149class SCWatcher(NSObject):
150 def keysChanged_inDynamicStore_(self, changed, store):
151 location = Location()
152 for key in changed:
153 if re.match(RE_AIRPORT_STATUS, key):
154 st = store.valueForKey_(key)
155 bssid = formatMACAddress(st['BSSID'])
156 if airPortStatus['BSSID'] != bssid:
157 airPortStatus['BSSID'] = bssid
158 if bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:77:22', '00:0e:83:05:77:20',
159 '00:0e:83:05:75:d2']:
160 location.add('4111 SC')
161 elif bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:75:a2', '00:0e:83:05:75:a0']:
162 location.add('1404 SC')
163 elif bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:76:82', '00:0e:83:05:76:80']:
164 location.add('ACM office')
165 elif bssid == '00:11:24:0f:23:69':
166 location.add('Champaign')
167 elif bssid == '00:13:c4:ce:66:a0':
168 location.add('13[12]0 DCL')
169 elif bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:78:02', '00:0e:83:05:77:42']:
170 location.add('1304 SC')
171 elif bssid == '00:0e:83:05:78:a2':
172 location.add('3124 SC')
173 elif bssid == '00:0e:83:05:76:b2':
174 location.add('Siebel 2nd floor atrium')
175 elif bssid in ['00:14:1c:ad:5c:80', '00:14:1c:ad:64:50']:
176 location.add('MEB')
177 elif bssid == '00:02:2d:2c:cb:34':
178 location.add('B02 CSL')
179 elif bssid == '00:11:5c:fe:31:00':
180 location.add('CAB')
181 elif bssid == '00:13:c4:78:e1:a0':
182 location.add('Engineering Hall')
183 elif bssid in ['00:0c:30:d4:b7:2d', '00:0c:30:d4:b6:70']:
184 location.add('Illini Union')
185 elif bssid == '00:0d:93:ed:e0:bc':
186 location.add('340 Marlborough St.')
187 elif bssid == '00:40:96:5a:5e:0f':
188 location.add('BMI baggage claim')
189 elif bssid == '00:12:0e:10:1f:83':
190 location.add('Waterville Valley')
191 elif bssid == '44:44:44:44:44:44':
192 location.add('No AirPort network')
193 else:
194 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN, 'Unknown BSSID', bssid,
195 sticky=True)
196 NSLog('Unknown BSSID %s' % bssid)
197 ssid = st['SSID']
198 if airPortStatus['SSID'] != ssid:
199 airPortStatus['SSID'] = ssid
200 if ssid == '':
201 pass
202 elif ssid == 'dcs-wpa':
203 location.add('Siebel')
204 elif ssid == 'DCSnet':
205 location.add('Siebel')
206 location.add('UIUCnet')
207 elif ssid == 'UIUCnet':
208 location.add('UIUCnet')
209 elif ssid == 'ACME Acres':
210 location.add('Champaign')
211 elif ssid == 'CSL Wireless':
212 location.add('CSL')
213 elif ssid == 'Wackyland':
214 location.add('340 Marlborough St.')
215 elif ssid == '05B408706826':
216 location.add('Waterville Valley')
217 elif ssid == 'CIRA':
218 location.add('BMI')
219 else:
220 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN, 'Unknown SSID', ssid,
221 sticky=True)
222 locationChanged(location)
224class LocationDo(NSApplication):
226 hotKeyRef = None
228 def displayLocation(self):
229 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_CURRENT, 'Current location', currentLocation)
231 def finishLaunching(self):
232 super(LocationDo, self).finishLaunching()
233 hotKeyRef = RegisterEventHotKey(98, 0, (0, 0),
234 GetApplicationEventTarget(), 0) # F7
235 growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_READY, 'LocationDo ready', '')
237 def sendEvent_(self, theEvent):
238 if theEvent.type() == NSSystemDefined and \
239 theEvent.subtype() == kEventHotKeyPressedSubtype:
240 self.displayLocation()
241 super(LocationDo, self).sendEvent_(theEvent)
243store = None
245if __name__ == "__main__":
246 store = UNSystemConfigurationDynamicStore.alloc().initWithName_('LocationDo')
247 watcher = SCWatcher.alloc().init()
248 store.setDelegate_(watcher)
249 store.notifyValuesForKeys_matchingPatterns_(None, [RE_AIRPORT_STATUS])
250 store.addToCurrentRunLoop()
251 AppHelper.runEventLoop()
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