1 | #!/usr/bin/pythonw
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 |
4 | from AppKit import NSApplication, NSBeep, NSSystemDefined, NSURL, NSWorkspace
5 | from Foundation import NSDistributedNotificationCenter, NSLog
6 | from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
7 | from Carbon.CarbonEvt import RegisterEventHotKey, GetApplicationEventTarget
8 | from SystemConfiguration import *
9 | from appscript import app
10 | import re
11 | import sets
12 |
13 | import action
14 |
15 | GROWL_APP_NAME = 'LocationDo'
19 | NOTIFICATION_CURRENT = 'Current location'
20 | NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown location'
25 |
26 | DEBUG = True
27 |
28 | kEventHotKeyPressedSubtype = 6
29 | kEventHotKeyReleasedSubtype = 9
30 |
31 | RE_AIRPORT_STATUS = '/'.join([kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompNetwork, kSCCompInterface, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetAirPort])
32 |
33 | # XXX switch to Cocoa interface for Growl
34 | growl = app('GrowlHelperApp')
35 |
36 | growl.register(
37 | as_application=GROWL_APP_NAME,
38 | all_notifications=NOTIFICATIONS_ALL,
39 | default_notifications=NOTIFICATIONS_ALL)
40 |
41 | def growlNotify(name, title, description, **kw):
42 | params = dict(with_name=name,
43 | title=title,
44 | description=unicode(description),
45 | application_name=GROWL_APP_NAME,
46 | image_from_location='/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/GenericNetworkIcon.icns')
47 | params.update(kw)
48 | if not params.get('sticky', False):
49 | params['identifier'] = name
50 | if DEBUG:
51 | NSLog("%s: %s" % (title, description))
52 | growl.notify(**params)
53 |
54 | class Location(sets.Set):
55 | def __str__(self):
56 | if not self: return '(unknown)'
57 | return ', '.join(self)
58 |
59 | currentLocation = Location()
60 |
61 | # XXX attach actions to location tag; something like:
62 | # locations['Siebel'].onArrive.ensureKerberosPrincipalsValid(...)
63 |
64 | def arriveAtLocation(location):
65 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_ARRIVE, 'Arriving at location', location)
66 | if 'Siebel' in location:
67 | action.ensureKerberosPrincipalsValid(['njriley@ACM.UIUC.EDU',
68 | 'njriley@AD.UIUC.EDU'])
69 | action.setVolumePercent(0.15)
70 | if '1115 SC' in location:
71 | action.openInBackground('~/Documents/CS 423/CS 423 to do.oo3')
72 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
73 | action.setAdiumStatus('Working in 1115 SC')
74 | if '1404 SC' in location:
75 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.4)
76 | action.setVolumePercent(0)
77 | action.setAdiumStatus('In 1404 SC')
78 | if '4111 SC' in location:
79 | action.openInBackground('~/Documents/Research/Research progress.oo3')
80 | # XXX complain that NX has no creator nor bundle ID
81 | action.openApplicationWithName('NX Client for OSX')
82 | # XXX make these changes dependent on screen resolution
83 | action.moveWindow('iTunes', 'iTunes', (2123, 1534), ifSizeMatches=(129, 65))
84 | action.moveWindow('Adium', 'Contacts', (1280, 1553))
85 | action.moveWindow('Adium', 'AOL System Msg', (1448, 1320))
86 | # XXX need better way to do this
87 | action.moveWindow('OmniOutliner Pro', 'Research progress', (1634, 847))
88 | action.moveWindow('OmniOutliner Pro', '◇ Research progress', (1634, 847))
89 | # XXX wait for yt to be accessible and Kerberos, then open the terminal window
90 | # action.terminalDo('kswitch -p njriley@ACM.UIUC.EDU;(sleep 10;kswitch -p njriley@AD.UIUC.EDU)&! ;clear;ssh yt')
91 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.9)
92 | action.setAdiumStatus('Working in 4111 SC')
93 | if 'ACM office' in location:
94 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
95 | action.setVolumePercent(0.5)
96 | action.setAdiumStatus('At ACM')
97 | if 'Champaign' in location:
98 | action.ensureKerberosPrincipalsValid(['njriley@ACM.UIUC.EDU',
99 | 'njriley@AD.UIUC.EDU'])
100 | action.openInBackground('~/Documents/To do.oo3')
101 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
102 | action.setVolumePercent(0.5)
103 | action.setAdiumStatus('At home')
104 | if '13[12]0 DCL' in location:
105 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.2)
106 | action.setVolumePercent(0)
107 | action.setAdiumStatus('In 13[12]0 DCL')
108 | if 'UIUCnet' in location:
109 | action.startVPNC('UIUCnet-oncampus')
110 | if 'CSL' in location:
111 | action.setDisplayBrightnessPercent(0.1)
112 | action.setVolumePercent(0)
113 | action.setAdiumStatus('At CSL')
114 | action.openURL('http://wireless.csl.uiuc.edu/authenticate.html')
115 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_ARRIVE, 'Arrived at location',
116 | location)
117 |
118 | def departLocation(location):
119 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_DEPART, 'Departing location', location)
120 | if 'UIUCnet' in location:
121 | # XXX should handle this more symmetrically
122 | action.stopVPNC()
123 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_DEPART, 'Departed location', location)
124 |
125 | def locationChanged(location):
126 | if not location: return # unknown
127 | global currentLocation
128 | oldLocation = currentLocation - location
129 | newLocation = location - currentLocation
130 | if DEBUG:
131 | NSLog("new %s | was %s | departing %s | arriving %s" % \
132 | (location, currentLocation, oldLocation, newLocation))
133 | if oldLocation:
134 | departLocation(oldLocation)
135 | currentLocation = location
136 | if newLocation:
137 | currentLocation = location
138 | arriveAtLocation(newLocation)
139 |
140 | def formatMACAddress(data):
141 | return ':'.join(re.findall('..', data.bytes()[:].encode('hex')))
142 |
143 | # XXX watch battery status, too, for display brightness
144 | # XXX look at display configuration to tell difference between 4111 and 4124
145 | # XXX need concept of ambiguity, ask user which location they're in (ACM/1115)
146 |
147 | airPortStatus = {'BSSID': None, 'SSID': None}
148 |
149 | class SCWatcher(NSObject):
150 | def keysChanged_inDynamicStore_(self, changed, store):
151 | location = Location()
152 | for key in changed:
153 | if re.match(RE_AIRPORT_STATUS, key):
154 | st = store.valueForKey_(key)
155 | bssid = formatMACAddress(st['BSSID'])
156 | if airPortStatus['BSSID'] != bssid:
157 | airPortStatus['BSSID'] = bssid
158 | if bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:77:22', '00:0e:83:05:77:20',
159 | '00:0e:83:05:75:d2']:
160 | location.add('4111 SC')
161 | elif bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:75:a2', '00:0e:83:05:75:a0']:
162 | location.add('1404 SC')
163 | elif bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:76:82', '00:0e:83:05:76:80']:
164 | location.add('ACM office')
165 | elif bssid == '00:11:24:0f:23:69':
166 | location.add('Champaign')
167 | elif bssid == '00:13:c4:ce:66:a0':
168 | location.add('13[12]0 DCL')
169 | elif bssid in ['00:0e:83:05:78:02', '00:0e:83:05:77:42']:
170 | location.add('1304 SC')
171 | elif bssid == '00:0e:83:05:78:a2':
172 | location.add('3124 SC')
173 | elif bssid == '00:0e:83:05:76:b2':
174 | location.add('Siebel 2nd floor atrium')
175 | elif bssid in ['00:14:1c:ad:5c:80', '00:14:1c:ad:64:50']:
176 | location.add('MEB')
177 | elif bssid == '00:02:2d:2c:cb:34':
178 | location.add('B02 CSL')
179 | elif bssid == '00:11:5c:fe:31:00':
180 | location.add('CAB')
181 | elif bssid == '00:13:c4:78:e1:a0':
182 | location.add('Engineering Hall')
183 | elif bssid in ['00:0c:30:d4:b7:2d', '00:0c:30:d4:b6:70']:
184 | location.add('Illini Union')
185 | elif bssid == '00:0d:93:ed:e0:bc':
186 | location.add('340 Marlborough St.')
187 | elif bssid == '00:40:96:5a:5e:0f':
188 | location.add('BMI baggage claim')
189 | elif bssid == '00:12:0e:10:1f:83':
190 | location.add('Waterville Valley')
191 | elif bssid == '44:44:44:44:44:44':
192 | location.add('No AirPort network')
193 | else:
194 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN, 'Unknown BSSID', bssid,
195 | sticky=True)
196 | NSLog('Unknown BSSID %s' % bssid)
197 | ssid = st['SSID']
198 | if airPortStatus['SSID'] != ssid:
199 | airPortStatus['SSID'] = ssid
200 | if ssid == '':
201 | pass
202 | elif ssid == 'dcs-wpa':
203 | location.add('Siebel')
204 | elif ssid == 'DCSnet':
205 | location.add('Siebel')
206 | location.add('UIUCnet')
207 | elif ssid == 'UIUCnet':
208 | location.add('UIUCnet')
209 | elif ssid == 'ACME Acres':
210 | location.add('Champaign')
211 | elif ssid == 'CSL Wireless':
212 | location.add('CSL')
213 | elif ssid == 'Wackyland':
214 | location.add('340 Marlborough St.')
215 | elif ssid == '05B408706826':
216 | location.add('Waterville Valley')
217 | elif ssid == 'CIRA':
218 | location.add('BMI')
219 | else:
220 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_UNKNOWN, 'Unknown SSID', ssid,
221 | sticky=True)
222 | locationChanged(location)
223 |
224 | class LocationDo(NSApplication):
225 |
226 | hotKeyRef = None
227 |
228 | def displayLocation(self):
229 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_CURRENT, 'Current location', currentLocation)
230 |
231 | def finishLaunching(self):
232 | super(LocationDo, self).finishLaunching()
233 | hotKeyRef = RegisterEventHotKey(98, 0, (0, 0),
234 | GetApplicationEventTarget(), 0) # F7
235 | growlNotify(NOTIFICATION_READY, 'LocationDo ready', '')
236 |
237 | def sendEvent_(self, theEvent):
238 | if theEvent.type() == NSSystemDefined and \
239 | theEvent.subtype() == kEventHotKeyPressedSubtype:
240 | self.displayLocation()
241 | super(LocationDo, self).sendEvent_(theEvent)
242 |
243 | store = None
244 |
245 | if __name__ == "__main__":
246 | store = UNSystemConfigurationDynamicStore.alloc().initWithName_('LocationDo')
247 | watcher = SCWatcher.alloc().init()
248 | store.setDelegate_(watcher)
249 | store.notifyValuesForKeys_matchingPatterns_(None, [RE_AIRPORT_STATUS])
250 | store.addToCurrentRunLoop()
251 | AppHelper.runEventLoop()