/* * $Source: /tmp_mnt/n/fs/grad1/jsp/src/jgraph/RCS/printline.c,v $ * $Revision: 8.3 $ * $Date: 92/11/30 11:42:31 $ * $Author: jsp $ */ #include "jgraph.h" #include #include //by pzn@debian.org #define LINEWIDTHFACTOR 0.700 #define MAX(a, b) ((a > b) ? (a) : (b)) typedef struct fontlist { struct fontlist *flink; struct fontlist *blink; int level; float s; char *f; } *Fontlist; static Fontlist Jgraph_fonts; static int Jgraph_gsave_level = -100; static int Jgraph_comment; gsave() { if (Jgraph_gsave_level == -100) { Jgraph_gsave_level = 0; Jgraph_fonts = (Fontlist) make_list(sizeof(struct fontlist)); } Jgraph_gsave_level++; printf(" gsave "); } grestore() { Fontlist l; if (last(Jgraph_fonts) != nil(Jgraph_fonts)) { l = last(Jgraph_fonts); if (l->level == Jgraph_gsave_level) { delete_item(l); free_node(l, Jgraph_fonts); } } Jgraph_gsave_level--; printf(" grestore "); } setfont(f, s) char *f; float s; { Fontlist l; int ins; if (last(Jgraph_fonts) != nil(Jgraph_fonts)) { l = last(Jgraph_fonts); ins = (strcmp(l->f, f) != 0 || s != l->s); if (ins) { delete_item(l); free_node(l, Jgraph_fonts); } } else { ins = 1; } if (ins) { l = (Fontlist) get_node(Jgraph_fonts); l->level = Jgraph_gsave_level; l->s = s; l->f = f; insert(l, Jgraph_fonts); printf("/%s findfont %f scalefont setfont\n", f, s); } } setfill( x, y, t, f, p, a) char t, p ; float x, y; float f[], a ; { /* fprintf(stderr, "Hello? %c %f %c %f\n", t, f[0], p, a); */ if (t == 'g' && f[0] < 0.0) return; printf("gsave "); if ( t == 'g' ) { if( f[0] >= 0.0 ) printf("%f setgray ", f[0] ); } else if ( t == 'c' ) { printf("%f %f %f setrgbcolor ", f[0], f[1], f[2] ); } if (p == 's') { printf(" fill"); } else if (p == '/') { printf(" 6.1 10 %f %f %f 1 JSTR", a, x, y); } else if (p == 'e') { printf(" 6.1 10 %f %f %f 0 JSTR", a, x, y); } printf(" grestore\n"); } setgray( t, f) char t ; float f[] ; { if ( t == 'g' ) { if( f[0] >= 0.0 ) printf("%f setgray\n", f[0] ); } else if ( t == 'c' ) { printf("%f %f %f setrgbcolor\n", f[0], f[1], f[2] ); } } printline(x1, y1,x2, y2, orientation) float x1, y1, x2, y2; char orientation; { if (orientation == 'x') printf("newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto stroke\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); else printf("newpath %f %f moveto %f %f lineto stroke\n", y1, x1, y2, x2); fflush(stdout); } print_ebar(x1, y1, x2, ms, orientation) float x1, y1, x2, ms; char orientation; { printline(x1, y1, x2, y1, orientation); printline(x2, y1-ms, x2, y1+ms, orientation); } start_line(x1, y1, c) float x1, y1; Curve c; { setlinewidth(c->linethick); setlinestyle(c->linetype, c->gen_linetype); printf("%f %f moveto ", x1, y1); } cont_line(x1, y1) float x1, y1; { printf(" %f %f lineto\n", x1, y1); } end_line() { printf("stroke\n"); setlinewidth(1.0); setlinestyle('s', (Flist) 0); fflush(stdout); } bezier_control(x1, y1) float x1, y1; { printf(" %f %f ", x1, y1); } bezier_end(x1, y1) float x1, y1; { printf(" %f %f curveto\n", x1, y1); } start_poly(x1, y1) float x1, y1; { printf(" newpath %f %f moveto", x1, y1); } cont_poly(x1, y1) float x1, y1; { printf(" %f %f lineto\n", x1, y1); } end_poly(x, y, ftype, fill, pattern, parg) float x, y; char ftype, pattern ; float fill[], parg; { printf("closepath "); setfill( x, y, ftype, fill, pattern, parg ); printf("stroke\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Ellipse at 0, 0 -- assumes that you've already translated to x, y */ printellipse(x, y, radius1, radius2, ftype, fill, pattern, parg) char ftype, pattern; float x, y, radius1, radius2, fill[], parg; { printf("newpath %f %f JDE\n", radius1, radius2); setfill( x, y, ftype, fill, pattern, parg ); printf("stroke\n"); fflush(stdout); } set_comment(c) int c; { Jgraph_comment = c; } comment(s) char *s; { if (Jgraph_comment) printf("%% %s\n", s); } printline_c(x1, y1, x2, y2, g) float x1, y1, x2, y2; Graph g; { printline(ctop(x1, g->x_axis), ctop(y1, g->y_axis), ctop(x2, g->x_axis), ctop(y2, g->y_axis), 'x'); } print_label(l) Label l; { int f, i, nlines; float fnl; char *s; unsigned char *s_7bit; // added by pzn@debian.org if (l->label == CNULL) return; nlines = 0; for (i = 0; l->label[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (l->label[i] == '\n') { l->label[i] = '\0'; nlines++; } } fnl = (float) nlines; setfont(l->font, l->fontsize); printf("gsave %f %f translate %f rotate\n", l->x, l->y, l->rotate); if (l->graytype == 'g') { printf(" %f setgray\n", l->gray[0]); } else if (l->graytype == 'c') { printf(" %f %f %f setrgbcolor\n", l->gray[0], l->gray[1], l->gray[2]); } if (l->vj == 'b') { printf("0 %f translate ", fnl * (l->fontsize + l->linesep) * FCPI / FPPI); } else if (l->vj == 'c') { if (nlines % 2 == 0) { printf("0 %f translate ", (fnl/2.0*(l->fontsize + l->linesep) - l->fontsize/2.0) * FCPI / FPPI); } else { printf("0 %f translate ", ((fnl-1.0)/2.0*(l->fontsize + l->linesep) + l->linesep/2.0) * FCPI / FPPI); } } else { printf("0 %f translate ", -l->fontsize * FCPI / FPPI); } s = l->label; for (i = 0; i <= nlines; i++) { // BEGIN added by pzn@debian.org // converts 8bit ascii chars to octal value; // 7bit are not converted { int i, j=0, len; len=strlen(s); s_7bit=malloc(len*4+1); assert(s_7bit!=NULL); for (i=0; i<=len; i++) { if((unsigned char)s[i]<128) { //char is ascii 7bit s_7bit[j]=s[i]; j++; } else { //char must be converted to octal sprintf(s_7bit+j,"\\%03o",(unsigned char)s[i]); j+=4; } } s_7bit[j-1]=0; } //printf("(%s) dup stringwidth pop ", s); //disabled by pzn printf("(%s) dup stringwidth pop ", s_7bit); free(s_7bit); // END added by pzn if (l->hj == 'c') { printf("2 div neg 0 moveto\n"); } else if (l->hj == 'r') { printf("neg 0 moveto\n"); } else { printf("pop 0 0 moveto\n"); } /* I would put string blanking in here if I had the time... */ if (i != nlines) { f = strlen(s); s[f] = '\n'; s = &(s[f+1]); printf("show 0 %f translate\n", - (l->fontsize + l->linesep) * FCPI / FPPI); } else { printf("show\n"); } } printf("grestore\n"); } setlinewidth(size) float size; { printf("%f setlinewidth ", size * LINEWIDTHFACTOR); } setlinestyle(style, glist) char style; Flist glist; { Flist fl; switch(style) { case '0': printf(" [0 2] setdash\n"); break; case 's': printf(" [] 0 setdash\n"); break; case '.': printf(" [1 3.200000] 0 setdash\n"); break; case '-': printf(" [4.00000] 0 setdash\n"); break; case 'l': printf(" [7 2] 0 setdash\n"); break; case 'd': printf(" [5 3 1 3] 0 setdash\n"); break; case 'D': printf(" [5 3 1 2 1 3] 0 setdash\n"); break; case '2': printf(" [5 3 5 3 1 2 1 3] 0 setdash\n"); break; case 'g': printf(" ["); for (fl = first(glist); fl != nil(glist); fl = next(fl)) printf("%f ", fl->f); printf("] 0 setdash\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unknown line type: %c\n", style); exit(1); break; } }