/* * $Source: /tmp_mnt/n/fs/grad1/jsp/src/jgraph/RCS/edit.c,v $ * $Revision: 8.3 $ * $Date: 92/11/30 11:42:12 $ * $Author: jsp $ */ #include #include "jgraph.h" #define MAX(a,b) ((a > b) ? a : b) #define MIN(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b) edit_label(l) Label l; { char *txt, inp_str[80]; float f; int i; while ( getstring(inp_str) ) { if (strcmp(inp_str, ":") == 0) { if ((txt = getlabel()) == CNULL) return; l->label = txt; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "x") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->x = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "y") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->y = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "fontsize") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->fontsize = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "linesep") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->linesep = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hjl") == 0) { l->hj = 'l'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hjc") == 0) { l->hj = 'c'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hjr") == 0) { l->hj = 'r'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "vjc") == 0) { l->vj = 'c'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "vjt") == 0) { l->vj = 't'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "vjb") == 0) { l->vj = 'b'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "font") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; txt = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*strlen(inp_str)+2); strcpy(txt, inp_str); l->font = txt; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "rotate") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->rotate = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "lgray") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { l->graytype = 'g'; l->gray[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "lcolor") == 0) { l->graytype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); l->graytype = 'n'; break ; } else l->gray[i] = f ; } } else { rejecttoken(); return; } } } copy_curve(c1, c2) /* Copies curve c2 to c1 */ Curve c1, c2; { Flist f, newf; Point p, newp; copy_label(c1->l, c2->l); copy_label(c1->lmark, c2->lmark); c1->l->label = CNULL; c1->clip = c2->clip; for (f = first(c2->gen_linetype); f != nil(c2->gen_linetype); f = next(f)) { newf = (Flist) get_node(c1->gen_linetype); newf->f = f->f; insert(newf, c1->gen_linetype); } c1->pattern = c2->pattern; c1->apattern = c2->apattern; c1->ppattern = c2->ppattern; c1->parg = c2->parg; c1->aparg = c2->aparg; c1->pparg = c2->pparg; c1->marktype = c2->marktype; c1->linetype = c2->linetype; c1->linethick = c2->linethick; c1->marksize[0] = c2->marksize[0]; c1->marksize[1] = c2->marksize[1]; c1->mrotate = c2->mrotate; for (p = first(c2->general_marks); p != nil(c2->general_marks); p = next(p)) { newp = (Point) get_node(c1->general_marks); newp->x = p->x; newp->y = p->y; insert(newp, c1->general_marks); } c1->graytype = c2->graytype; c1->gray[0] = c2->gray[0]; c1->gray[1] = c2->gray[1]; c1->gray[2] = c2->gray[2]; c1->filltype = c2->filltype; c1->fill[0] = c2->fill[0]; c1->fill[1] = c2->fill[1]; c1->fill[2] = c2->fill[2]; c1->poly = c2->poly; c1->pfilltype = c2->pfilltype; c1->pfill[0] = c2->pfill[0]; c1->pfill[1] = c2->pfill[1]; c1->pfill[2] = c2->pfill[2]; c1->afilltype = c2->afilltype; c1->afill[0] = c2->afill[0]; c1->afill[1] = c2->afill[1]; c1->afill[2] = c2->afill[2]; c1->postscript = c2->postscript; c1->postfile = c2->postfile; c1->eps = c2->eps; c1->rarrow = c2->rarrow; c1->larrow = c2->larrow; c1->rarrows = c2->rarrows; c1->larrows = c2->larrows; c1->asize[0] = c2->asize[0]; c1->asize[1] = c2->asize[1]; c1->bezier = c2->bezier; } copy_label(l1, l2) /* Copies label l2 to l1 */ Label l1, l2; { l1->label = l2->label; l1->x = l2->x; l1->y = l2->y; l1->rotate = l2->rotate; l1->font = l2->font; l1->fontsize = l2->fontsize; l1->hj = l2->hj; l1->vj = l2->vj; l1->graytype = l2->graytype; l1->gray[0] = l2->gray[0]; l1->gray[1] = l2->gray[1]; l1->gray[2] = l2->gray[2]; l1->linesep = l2->linesep; } copy_axis(a1, a2) /* Copies axis a2 to a1 */ Axis a1, a2; { copy_label(a1->label, a2->label); copy_label(a1->hl, a2->hl); a1->max = a2->max; a1->min = a2->min; a1->pmax = a2->pmax; a1->pmin = a2->pmin; a1->size = a2->size; a1->hash_interval = a2->hash_interval; a1->hash_start = a2->hash_start; a1->log_base = a2->log_base; a1->draw_hash_marks_at = a2->draw_hash_marks_at; a1->draw_hash_labels_at = a2->draw_hash_labels_at; a1->draw_at = a2->draw_at; a1->draw_hash_labels = a2->draw_hash_labels; a1->draw_axis_line = a2->draw_axis_line; a1->draw_hash_marks = a2->draw_hash_marks; a1->draw_axis_label = a2->draw_axis_label; a1->auto_hash_labels = a2->auto_hash_labels; a1->auto_hash_marks = a2->auto_hash_marks; a1->minor_hashes = a2->minor_hashes; a1->hash_scale = a2->hash_scale; a1->hash_format = a2->hash_format; a1->graytype = a2->graytype; a1->gray[0] = a2->gray[0]; a1->gray[1] = a2->gray[1]; a1->gray[2] = a2->gray[2]; a1->mgr_graytype = a2->mgr_graytype; a1->mgr_gray[0] = a2->mgr_gray[0]; a1->mgr_gray[1] = a2->mgr_gray[1]; a1->mgr_gray[2] = a2->mgr_gray[2]; a1->gr_graytype = a2->gr_graytype; a1->gr_gray[0] = a2->gr_gray[0]; a1->gr_gray[1] = a2->gr_gray[1]; a1->gr_gray[2] = a2->gr_gray[2]; a1->grid_lines = a2->grid_lines; a1->mgrid_lines = a2->mgrid_lines; a1->precision = a2->precision; a1->start_given = a2->start_given; a1->is_lg = a2->is_lg; a1->is_x = a2->is_x; } Curve do_copy_curve(g, gs, all_gs) Graph g; Graphs gs; Graphs all_gs; { Curve lastc, newc; Graph oldg; Graphs oldgs; int num; if (!getint(&num)) { rejecttoken(); oldg = g; oldgs = gs; while(gs != nil(all_gs)) { if (gs != oldgs) g = last(gs->g); while(g != nil(gs->g)) { if (first(g->curves) == nil(g->curves)) g = prev(g); else { lastc = last(g->curves); if (first(oldg->curves) == nil(oldg->curves)) newc = new_curve(oldg->curves, 0); else newc = new_curve(oldg->curves, last(oldg->curves)->num + 1); copy_curve(newc, lastc); return newc; } } gs = prev(gs); } error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot perform copycurve on first curve\n"); exit(1); } else { if (first(g->curves) == nil(g->curves)) newc = new_curve(g->curves, 0); else newc = new_curve(g->curves, last(g->curves)->num + 1); lastc = g->curves; while(1) { lastc = prev(lastc); if (lastc == nil(g->curves) || lastc->num < num) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "copycurve: curve #%d not found\n", num); exit(1); } if (lastc->num == num) { copy_curve(newc, lastc); return newc; } } } return newc; /* To shut lint up */ } Label do_copy_string(g, gs, all_gs) Graph g; Graphs gs; Graphs all_gs; { String lastl, newl; Graph oldg; Graphs oldgs; int num; if (!getint(&num)) { rejecttoken(); oldgs = gs; oldg = g; while(gs != nil(all_gs)) { if (gs != oldgs) g = last(gs->g); while(g != nil(gs->g)) { if (first(g->strings) == nil(g->strings)) g = prev(g); else { lastl = last(g->strings); if (first(oldg->strings) == nil(oldg->strings)) newl = new_string(oldg->strings, 0); else newl = new_string(oldg->strings, last(oldg->strings)->num + 1); copy_label(newl->s, lastl->s); return newl->s; } } gs = prev(gs); } error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot perform copystring on first string\n"); exit(1); return newl->s; /* To shut lint up */ } else { if (first(g->strings) == nil(g->strings)) newl = new_string(g->strings, 0); else newl = new_string(g->strings, last(g->strings)->num + 1); lastl = g->strings; while(1) { lastl = prev(lastl); if (lastl == nil(g->strings) || lastl->num < num) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "copystring: string #%d not found\n", num); exit(1); } if (lastl->num == num) { copy_label(newl->s, lastl->s); return newl->s; } } } } Graph last_graph(g, gs, all_gs) Graph g; Graphs gs; Graphs all_gs; { Graph lastg; lastg = prev(g); while(lastg == nil(gs->g)) { if (prev(gs) == nil(all_gs)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "First graph cannot inherit axes\n"); exit(1); } else { gs = prev(gs); lastg = last(gs->g); } } return lastg; } copy_legend(l1, l2) Legend l1, l2; { l1->linelength = l2->linelength; l1->linebreak = l2->linebreak; l1->midspace = l2->midspace; l1->type = l2->type; copy_label(l1->l, l2->l); } inherit_axes(g, lastg) Graph g; Graph lastg; { char *s; copy_axis(g->x_axis, lastg->x_axis); copy_axis(g->y_axis, lastg->y_axis); g->x_translate = lastg->x_translate; g->y_translate = lastg->y_translate; g->clip = lastg->clip; g->border = lastg->border; copy_legend(g->legend, lastg->legend); s = g->title->label; copy_label(g->title, lastg->title); g->title->label = s; } getpattern(inp_str, key, p, a) char *inp_str, *key, *p; float *a; { int i; float f; if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; for (i = 0; i < NPATTERNS; i++) { if (strcmp(inp_str, PATTERNS[i]) == 0) { *p = PTYPES[i]; if (getfloat(&f)) { *a = f; } else { rejecttoken(); } i = NPATTERNS + 1; } } if (i == NPATTERNS) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Bad %s: %s\n", key, inp_str); error_header(); fprintf(stderr, " Valid %ss are:", key); for (i = 0; i < NPATTERNS; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %s", PATTERNS[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } return; } edit_curve(c, g) Curve c; Graph g; { char inp_str[256], *txt; float x, y, f, e1, e2; float xh, yh, xl, yl; Point p, p1, p2; Flist fl; FILE *fi; int i; char e; while ( getstring(inp_str) ) { if (strcmp(inp_str, "y_epts") == 0 || strcmp(inp_str, "pts") == 0 || strcmp(inp_str, "x_epts") == 0) { e = inp_str[0]; while (getfloat(&x)) { if (e == 'p') { if (!getfloat(&y)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Reading Points, no y value for x=%f\n", x); exit(1); } } else { if (!getfloat(&y) || !getfloat(&e1) || !getfloat(&e2)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Reading %s, need 4 values per data point\n", inp_str); exit(1); } } p = (Point) get_node(c->pts); p->x = x; p->y = y; p->e = e; insert(p, c->pts); c->npts++; if (e == 'x') { p1 = (Point) get_node(c->xepts); p1->x = e1; p1->y = y; p2 = (Point) get_node(c->xepts); p2->x = e2; p2->y = y; insert(p1, c->xepts); insert(p2, c->xepts); xh = MAX(e1, e2); xh = MAX(xh, x); xl = MIN(e1, e2); xl = MIN(xl, x); yh = y; yl = y; } else if (e == 'y') { p1 = (Point) get_node(c->yepts); p1->y = e1; p1->x = x; p2 = (Point) get_node(c->yepts); p2->y = e2; p2->x = x; insert(p1, c->yepts); insert(p2, c->yepts); yh = MAX(e1, e2); yh = MAX(yh, y); yl = MIN(e1, e2); yl = MIN(yl, y); xh = x; xl = x; } else { xh = x; xl = x; yh = y; yl = y; } if (g->x_axis->pmax == FSIG) { g->x_axis->pmax = xh; g->x_axis->pmin = xl; g->y_axis->pmax = yh; g->y_axis->pmin = yl; } else { g->x_axis->pmax = MAX(g->x_axis->pmax, xh); g->x_axis->pmin = MIN(g->x_axis->pmin, xl); g->y_axis->pmax = MAX(g->y_axis->pmax, yh); g->y_axis->pmin = MIN(g->y_axis->pmin, yl); } } rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "label") == 0) { edit_label(c->l); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "marksize") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { c->marksize[0] = f; if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else c->marksize[1] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "gmarks") == 0) { while (getfloat(&x)) { if (!getfloat(&y)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Reading GMarks, no y value for x=%f\n", x); exit(1); } p = (Point) get_node(c->general_marks); p->x = x; p->y = y; insert(p, c->general_marks); } rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "pfill") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { /* grey fill */ c->pfilltype = 'g'; c->pfill[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "pcfill") == 0) { /* color fill */ c->pfilltype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); c->pfilltype = 'n'; break ; } else c->pfill[i] = f ; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "fill") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { /* grey fill */ c->filltype = 'g'; c->fill[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "cfill") == 0) { /* color fill */ c->filltype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); c->filltype = 'n'; break ; } else c->fill[i] = f ; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "afill") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { c->afilltype = 'g'; c->afill[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "acfill") == 0) { c->afilltype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); c->afilltype = 'n'; break ; } else c->afill[i] = f ; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "marktype") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; for (i = 0; i < NMARKTYPES && strcmp(inp_str, MARKTYPESTRS[i]) != 0; i++) ; if (i == NMARKTYPES) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Bad mark: %s\n", inp_str); fprintf(stderr, " Valid marks are:"); for (i = 0; i < NMARKTYPES; i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s", MARKTYPESTRS[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } else { c->marktype = MARKTYPES[i]; if (c->marktype == 'l') edit_label(c->lmark); } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "glines") == 0) { while (getfloat(&f)) { fl = (Flist) get_node (c->gen_linetype); fl->f = f; insert(fl, c->gen_linetype); } rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "pattern") == 0) { getpattern(inp_str, "pattern", &(c->pattern), &(c->parg)); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "apattern") == 0) { getpattern(inp_str, "apattern", &(c->apattern), &(c->aparg)); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "ppattern") == 0) { getpattern(inp_str, "ppattern", &(c->ppattern), &(c->pparg)); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "linetype") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; if (strcmp(inp_str, "none") == 0) c->linetype = '0'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "solid") == 0) c->linetype = 's'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "dotted") == 0) c->linetype = '.'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "dashed") == 0) c->linetype = '-'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "longdash") == 0) c->linetype = 'l'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "dotdash") == 0) c->linetype = 'd'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "dotdotdash") == 0) c->linetype = 'D'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "dotdotdashdash") == 0) c->linetype = '2'; else if (strcmp(inp_str, "general") == 0) c->linetype = 'g'; else { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Bad line type: %s\n", inp_str); error_header(); fprintf(stderr, " Valid marks are %s\n", "solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash,"); error_header(); fprintf(stderr, " %s.\n", "dotdotdash, dotdotdashdash, none"); exit(1); } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "linethickness") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else c->linethick = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "gray") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { c->graytype = 'g'; c->gray[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "color") == 0) { c->graytype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); c->graytype = 'n'; break ; } else c->gray[i] = f ; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "mrotate") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { c->mrotate = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "eps") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "eps token must be followed by an %s\n", "encapsulated postscript file\n"); exit(1); } c->marktype = 'E'; c->eps = (char *) malloc ((strlen(inp_str)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(c->eps, inp_str); fi = fopen(c->eps, "r"); if (fi == NULL) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open eps file '%s'\n", c->eps); exit(1); } fclose(fi); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "postscript") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; c->marktype = 'p'; if (strcmp(inp_str, ":") == 0) { c->postfile = 0; if ((txt = getmultiline()) == CNULL) return; c->postscript = txt; } else { c->postfile = 1; c->postscript = (char *) malloc ((strlen(inp_str)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(c->postscript, inp_str); fi = fopen(c->postscript, "r"); if (fi == NULL) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open postscript file '%s'\n", c->postscript); exit(1); } fclose(fi); } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "poly") == 0) { c->poly = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "nopoly") == 0) { c->poly = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "larrow") == 0) { c->larrow = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "nolarrow") == 0) { c->larrow = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "rarrow") == 0) { c->rarrow = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "norarrow") == 0) { c->rarrow = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "larrows") == 0) { c->larrows = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "nolarrows") == 0) { c->larrows = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "rarrows") == 0) { c->rarrows = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "norarrows") == 0) { c->rarrows = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "bezier") == 0) { c->bezier = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "nobezier") == 0) { c->bezier = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "asize") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { c->asize[0] = f; if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else c->asize[1] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "clip") == 0) { c->clip = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "noclip") == 0) { c->clip = 0; } else { rejecttoken(); return; } } } edit_hash_label(a) Axis a; { float at, f; char *s; char inp_str[256]; String st; int done; s = CNULL; at = (first(a->hash_lines) == nil(a->hash_lines)) ? FSIG : first(a->hash_lines)->loc; while(1) { done = 0; if (getstring(inp_str)) { if (strcmp(inp_str, ":") == 0) { if ((s = getlabel()) == CNULL) return; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "at") == 0) { if (getfloat(&f)) { at = f; } else { rejecttoken(); done = 1; } } else { rejecttoken(); done = 1; } } else { done = 1; } if (done) { if (s == CNULL) return; if (at == FSIG) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "hash_label either needs \"at\" or an associated \"hash_at\"\n"); exit(1); } st = (String) get_node(a->hash_labels); st->s = new_label(); st->s->label = s; st->s->x = at; st->s->y = at; insert(st, a->hash_labels); return; } } } edit_axis(a) Axis a; { char inp_str[256]; float f; int i; Hash h; while ( getstring(inp_str) ) { if (strcmp(inp_str, "size") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) a->size = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "max") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) a->max = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "min") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) a->min = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hash") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) a->hash_interval = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "shash") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) { a->hash_start = f; a->start_given = 1; } else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "mhash") == 0) { if (getint(&i)) a->minor_hashes = i; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "precision") == 0) { if (getint(&i)) a->precision = i; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "label") == 0) { edit_label(a->label); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hash_format") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; if (strcmp(inp_str, "g") == 0) { a->hash_format = 'g'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "G") == 0) { a->hash_format = 'G'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "E") == 0) { a->hash_format = 'E'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "e") == 0) { a->hash_format = 'e'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "f") == 0) { a->hash_format = 'f'; } else { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid hash_style %s. Must be f, g, G, e or E\n", inp_str); exit(1); } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hash_labels") == 0) { edit_label(a->hl); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "log_base") == 0) { if (getfloat(&f)) { if (f <= 1.0) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "\"log_base %f\": log_base must be > 1.0\n", f); exit(1); } else a->log_base = f; } else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_at") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) a->draw_at = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "log") == 0) { a->is_lg = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "linear") == 0) { a->is_lg = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "nodraw") == 0) { a->draw_hash_labels = 0; a->draw_axis_line = 0; a->draw_hash_marks = 0; a->draw_axis_label = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw") == 0) { a->draw_hash_labels = 1; a->draw_axis_line = 1; a->draw_hash_marks = 1; a->draw_axis_label = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hash_at") == 0 || strcmp(inp_str, "mhash_at") == 0) { if (getfloat(&f)) { h = (Hash) get_node (a->hash_lines); h->loc = f; h->major = (inp_str[0] == 'h'); h->size = h->major ? HASH_SIZE : MHASH_SIZE; insert(h, a->hash_lines); } else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hash_label") == 0) { edit_hash_label(a); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "hash_scale") == 0) { if ( getfloat(&f)) a->hash_scale = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "auto_hash_marks") == 0) { a->auto_hash_marks = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_auto_hash_marks") == 0) { a->auto_hash_marks = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "auto_hash_labels") == 0) { a->auto_hash_labels = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_auto_hash_labels") == 0) { a->auto_hash_labels = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_hash_labels_at") == 0) { if (getfloat(&f)) a->draw_hash_labels_at = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_hash_marks_at") == 0) { if (getfloat(&f)) a->draw_hash_marks_at = f; else rejecttoken(); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_draw_hash_labels") == 0) { a->draw_hash_labels = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_hash_labels") == 0) { a->draw_hash_labels = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_draw_axis_line") == 0) { a->draw_axis_line = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_axis_line") == 0) { a->draw_axis_line = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_draw_axis") == 0) { a->draw_axis_line = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_axis") == 0) { a->draw_axis_line = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_draw_hash_marks") == 0) { a->draw_hash_marks = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_hash_marks") == 0) { a->draw_hash_marks = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_draw_axis_label") == 0) { a->draw_axis_label = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "draw_axis_label") == 0) { a->draw_axis_label = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_grid_lines") == 0) { a->grid_lines = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "grid_lines") == 0) { a->grid_lines = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "no_mgrid_lines") == 0) { a->mgrid_lines = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "mgrid_lines") == 0) { a->mgrid_lines = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "gray") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { a->graytype = 'g'; a->gray[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "color") == 0) { a->graytype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); a->graytype = 'n'; break ; } else a->gray[i] = f ; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "grid_gray") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { a->gr_graytype = 'g'; a->gr_gray[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "grid_color") == 0) { a->gr_graytype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); a->gr_graytype = 'n'; break ; } else a->gr_gray[i] = f ; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "mgrid_gray") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { a->mgr_graytype = 'g'; a->mgr_gray[0] = f; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "mgrid_color") == 0) { a->mgr_graytype = 'c'; for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if(!getfloat(&f)) { rejecttoken(); a->mgr_graytype = 'n'; break ; } else a->mgr_gray[i] = f ; } } else { rejecttoken(); return; } } } edit_legend(l) Legend l; { char inp_str[256]; float f; while ( getstring(inp_str) ) { if (strcmp(inp_str, "x") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { l->l->x = f; l->l->hj = 'l'; l->l->vj = 't'; l->type = 'u'; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "y") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else { l->l->y = f; l->l->hj = 'l'; l->l->vj = 't'; l->type = 'u'; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "right") == 0 || strcmp(inp_str, "on") == 0) { l->type = 'u'; l->l->y = FSIG; l->l->x = FSIG; l->l->hj = 'l'; l->l->vj = 'c'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "left") == 0) { l->type = 'u'; l->l->y = FSIG; l->l->x = FSIG; l->l->hj = 'r'; l->l->vj = 'c'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "off") == 0) { l->type = 'n'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "top") == 0) { l->type = 'u'; l->l->y = FSIG; l->l->x = FSIG; l->l->hj = 'l'; l->l->vj = 'b'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "bottom") == 0) { l->type = 'u'; l->l->y = FSIG; l->l->x = FSIG; l->l->hj = 'l'; l->l->vj = 't'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "custom") == 0) { l->type = 'c'; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "linelength") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->linelength = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "linebreak") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->linebreak = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "midspace") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else l->midspace = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "defaults") == 0) { edit_label(l->l); } else { rejecttoken(); return; } } } edit_graph(g, gs, all_gs) Graph g; Graphs gs; Graphs all_gs; { char inp_str[80]; int num; String s; float f; while ( getstring(inp_str) ) { if (strcmp(inp_str, "xaxis") == 0) edit_axis(g->x_axis); else if (strcmp(inp_str, "yaxis") == 0) edit_axis(g->y_axis); else if (strcmp(inp_str, "curve") == 0) { if (!getint(&num)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "\"curve\" not followed by number\n"); exit(1); } edit_curve(get_curve(g->curves, num), g); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "newcurve") == 0) { if (first(g->curves) == nil(g->curves)) edit_curve(new_curve(g->curves, 0), g); else edit_curve(new_curve(g->curves, last(g->curves)->num + 1), g); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "copycurve") == 0) { edit_curve(do_copy_curve(g, gs, all_gs), g); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "newline") == 0) { if (first(g->curves) == nil(g->curves)) edit_curve(new_line(g->curves, 0), g); else edit_curve(new_line(g->curves, last(g->curves)->num + 1), g); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "title") == 0) { edit_label(g->title); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "legend") == 0) { edit_legend(g->legend); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "x_translate") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else g->x_translate = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "y_translate") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else g->y_translate = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "string") == 0) { if (!getint(&num)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "\"string\" not followed by number\n"); exit(1); } s = get_string(g->strings, num); edit_label(s->s); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "newstring") == 0) { if (first(g->strings) == nil(g->strings)) s = new_string(g->strings, 0); else s = new_string(g->strings, last(g->strings)->num + 1); edit_label(s->s); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "copystring") == 0 || strcmp(inp_str, "copyline") == 0) { edit_label(do_copy_string(g, gs, all_gs)); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "inherit_axes") == 0) { inherit_axes(g, last_graph(g, gs, all_gs)); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "Y") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else gs->height = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "X") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else gs->width = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "border") == 0) { g->border = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "noborder") == 0) { g->border = 0; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "clip") == 0) { g->clip = 1; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "noclip") == 0) { g->clip = 0; } else { rejecttoken(); return; } } } edit_graphs(gs) Graphs gs; { Graphs the_g; Graph g, tmp_g; char inp_str[80]; float f; int num, i, ok, j; the_g = first(gs); while ( getstring(inp_str) ) { if (strcmp(inp_str, "graph") == 0) { if (!getint(&num)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "\"graph\" not followed by number\n"); exit(1); } edit_graph(get_graph(the_g->g, num), the_g, gs); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "newgraph") == 0) { if (first(the_g->g) == nil(the_g->g)) edit_graph(new_graph(the_g->g, 0), the_g, gs); else edit_graph(new_graph(the_g->g, last(the_g->g)->num + 1), the_g, gs); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "copygraph") == 0) { if (first(the_g->g) == nil(the_g->g)) g = new_graph(the_g->g, 0); else g = new_graph(the_g->g, last(the_g->g)->num + 1); if (!getint(&num)) { rejecttoken(); inherit_axes(g, last_graph(g, the_g, gs)); } else { ok = 0; tmp_g = the_g->g; while(!ok) { tmp_g = prev(tmp_g); if (tmp_g == nil(the_g->g) || tmp_g->num < num) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "copygraph: no graph #%d\n", num); exit(1); } ok = (tmp_g->num == num); } inherit_axes(g, tmp_g); } edit_graph(g, the_g, gs); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "Y") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else the_g->height = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "X") == 0) { if (!getfloat(&f)) rejecttoken(); else the_g->width = f; } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "newpage") == 0) { new_graphs(gs); the_g = last(gs); } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "bbox") == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!getint(&j)) { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Bbox definition must have four integers\n"); exit(1); } else { the_g->bb[i] = j; } } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "preamble") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; if (strcmp(inp_str, ":") != 0) { the_g->prefile = 1; the_g->preamble = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*(strlen(inp_str)+1)); strcpy(the_g->preamble, inp_str); } else { the_g->prefile = 0; the_g->preamble = getmultiline(); if (the_g->preamble == CNULL) return; } } else if (strcmp(inp_str, "epilogue") == 0) { if (!getstring(inp_str)) return; if (strcmp(inp_str, ":") != 0) { the_g->epifile = 1; the_g->epilogue = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*(strlen(inp_str)+1)); strcpy(the_g->epilogue, inp_str); } else { the_g->epifile = 0; the_g->epilogue = getmultiline(); if (the_g->epilogue == CNULL) return; } } else { error_header(); fprintf(stderr, "Bad token: %s\n", inp_str); exit(1); } } }