1 | //
2 | // ICeCoffEETerminal.m
3 | // ICeCoffEE
4 | //
5 | // Created by Nicholas Riley on Mon Jan 28 2002.
6 | // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved.
7 | //
8 |
9 | #import "ICeCoffEETerminal.h"
10 | #import "ICeCoffEEScanner.h"
11 | #import "ICeCoffEE.h"
12 | #import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
13 | #include <unistd.h>
14 |
15 | static NSRange ICCF_zeroRange = { NSNotFound, 5 };
16 |
17 | #define min(a,b) (a < b ? a : b)
18 | #define max(a,b) (a > b ? a : b)
19 |
20 | @interface TermStorage:NSObject
21 | - (struct _FSelPt)selPt0;
22 | - (struct _FSelPt)selPt1;
23 | - (BOOL)hasSelection;
24 | - (void)startSelectionAtLine:(unsigned int)row column:(unsigned short)column;
25 | - (void)startSelectionAtLine:(unsigned int)row offset:(unsigned short)offset;
26 | - (void)endSelectionAtLine:(unsigned int)row offset:(unsigned short)offset;
27 | - (void)selectWhitespaceDelimitedTextAtLine:(unsigned int)line offset:(unsigned short)offset;
28 | - (void)selectWordAtLine:(unsigned int)line offset:(unsigned short)offset;
29 | - (NSString *)selectedString;
30 | - (unsigned int)numberOfLines;
31 | - (unsigned int)effectiveColumnsForLine:(unsigned int)line;
32 | - (void)clearSelection;
33 | - (BOOL)isSelected:(unsigned int)line :(unsigned int)column;
34 | @end
35 |
36 | @interface TermController:NSObject
37 | - (TermStorage *)storage;
38 | @end
39 |
40 | @implementation ICECoffEETermSubviewSuper
41 | // NSTextInput implementation
42 | - (void)insertText:(id)aString {}
43 | - (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector {}
44 | - (void)setMarkedText:(id)aString selectedRange:(NSRange)selRange {}
45 | - (void)unmarkText {}
46 | - (BOOL)hasMarkedText { return NO; }
47 | - (long)conversationIdentifier { return 0; }
48 | - (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)theRange { return nil; }
49 | - (NSRange)markedRange { return ICCF_zeroRange; }
50 | - (NSRange)selectedRange { return ICCF_zeroRange; }
51 | - (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)theRange { return NSZeroRect; }
52 | - (unsigned int)characterIndexForPoint:(NSPoint)thePoint { return 0; }
53 | - (NSArray*)validAttributesForMarkedText { return nil; }
54 |
55 | // misc. other stuff
56 | - (void)_optionClickEvent:(NSEvent *)event:(unsigned int)row:(unsigned short)column {}
57 | - (void)setNeedsDisplay; {}
58 |
59 | @end
60 |
61 | @interface ICeCoffEETerminalRange : NSObject
62 | {
63 | TermStorage *storage;
64 | struct _FSelPt pt0;
65 | struct _FSelPt pt1;
66 | unsigned int width;
67 | unsigned int height;
68 | }
69 |
70 | + (ICeCoffEETerminalRange *)rangeWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal;
71 | + (ICeCoffEETerminalRange *)rangeWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal pt0:(struct _FSelPt)selPt0 pt1:(struct _FSelPt)selPt1;
72 |
73 | - (id)initWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal;
74 | - (id)initWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal pt0:(struct _FSelPt)selPt0 pt1:(struct _FSelPt)selPt1;
75 |
76 | - (struct _FSelPt)pt0;
77 | - (struct _FSelPt)pt1;
78 |
79 | - (NSString *)stringFromRange;
80 |
81 | - (void)growBackwardByLength:(unsigned long)length;
82 | - (void)growForwardByLength:(unsigned long)length;
83 |
84 | - (void)shrinkBackByLength:(unsigned long)length;
85 | - (void)shrinkFrontByLength:(unsigned long)length;
86 |
87 | - (BOOL)rangeIsEmpty;
88 |
89 | - (void)select;
90 |
91 | @end
92 |
93 | @implementation ICeCoffEETerminalRange
94 |
95 | + (ICeCoffEETerminalRange *)rangeWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal;
96 | {
97 | return [[[self alloc] initWithTerminal: terminal] autorelease];
98 | }
99 |
100 | + (ICeCoffEETerminalRange *)rangeWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal pt0:(struct _FSelPt)selPt0 pt1:(struct _FSelPt)selPt1;
101 | {
102 | return [[[self alloc] initWithTerminal: terminal pt0: selPt0 pt1: selPt1] autorelease];
103 | }
104 |
105 | - (id)initWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal;
106 | {
107 | if ( (self = [self init]) != nil) {
108 | storage = [(TermController *)[terminal valueForKey: @"controller"] storage];
109 | pt0 = [storage selPt0];
110 | pt1 = [storage selPt1];
111 | width = [storage effectiveColumnsForLine: pt0.line];
112 | height = [storage numberOfLines];
113 | }
114 | return self;
115 | }
116 |
117 | - (id)initWithTerminal:(ICeCoffEETerminal *)terminal pt0:(struct _FSelPt)selPt0 pt1:(struct _FSelPt)selPt1;
118 | {
119 | if ( (self = [self initWithTerminal: terminal]) != nil) {
120 | pt0 = selPt0;
121 | pt1 = selPt1;
122 | }
123 | return self;
124 | }
125 |
126 | - (struct _FSelPt)pt0;
127 | {
128 | return pt0;
129 | }
130 |
131 | - (struct _FSelPt)pt1;
132 | {
133 | return pt1;
134 | }
135 |
136 | - (NSString *)stringFromRange;
137 | {
138 | struct _FSelPt oldPt0 = [storage selPt0], oldPt1 = [storage selPt1];
139 | NSString *str;
140 |
141 | [storage startSelectionAtLine: pt0.line offset: pt0.col];
142 | [storage endSelectionAtLine: pt1.line offset: pt1.col];
143 |
144 | str = [storage selectedString];
145 |
146 | [storage startSelectionAtLine: oldPt0.line offset: oldPt0.col];
147 | [storage endSelectionAtLine: oldPt1.line offset: oldPt1.col];
148 |
149 | return str;
150 | }
151 |
152 | - (struct _FSelPt)_moveBack:(struct _FSelPt)pt byLength:(unsigned long)length;
153 | {
154 | unsigned int extraLines = length / width;
155 | if ((long)(pt.line - extraLines) < 0) {
156 | pt.line = 0;
157 | pt.col = 0;
158 | } else if (pt.line - extraLines == 0) {
159 | pt.line = 0;
160 | pt.col += width - (length % height);
161 | if (pt.col < width) pt.col = 0;
162 | else pt.col -= width;
163 | } else {
164 | pt.line -= extraLines;
165 | pt.col += width - (length % height);
166 | if (pt.col < width) pt.line--;
167 | else pt.col -= width;
168 | }
169 | return pt;
170 | }
171 |
172 | - (struct _FSelPt)_moveForward:(struct _FSelPt)pt byLength:(unsigned long)length;
173 | {
174 | unsigned int extraLines = length / width;
175 | if (pt.line + extraLines >= height) {
176 | pt.line = height - 1;
177 | pt.col = width - 1;
178 | } else if (pt.line + extraLines == height - 1) {
179 | pt.line = height - 1;
180 | pt.col += length % height;
181 | if (pt.col >= width) pt.col = width - 1;
182 | } else {
183 | pt.line += extraLines;
184 | pt.col = pt.col + (length % height);
185 | if (pt.col > width) {
186 | pt.line++;
187 | pt.col -= width;
188 | }
189 | }
190 | return pt;
191 | }
192 |
193 | - (BOOL)rangeIsEmpty;
194 | {
195 | return (pt1.line < pt0.line) || (pt1.line == pt0.line && pt1.col <= pt0.col);
196 | }
197 |
198 | - (void)growBackwardByLength:(unsigned long)length;
199 | {
200 | pt0 = [self _moveBack: pt0 byLength: length];
201 | }
202 |
203 | - (void)growForwardByLength:(unsigned long)length;
204 | {
205 | pt1 = [self _moveForward: pt1 byLength: length];
206 | }
207 |
208 | - (void)shrinkFrontByLength:(unsigned long)length;
209 | {
210 | pt0 = [self _moveForward: pt0 byLength: length];
211 | }
212 |
213 | - (void)shrinkBackByLength:(unsigned long)length;
214 | {
215 | pt1 = [self _moveBack: pt1 byLength: length];
216 | }
217 |
218 | - (void)select;
219 | {
220 | [storage startSelectionAtLine: pt0.line offset: pt0.col];
221 | [storage endSelectionAtLine: pt1.line offset: pt1.col];
222 | }
223 |
224 | - (NSString *)description;
225 | {
226 | return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"L%uC%hu - L%uC%hu: |%@|", pt0.line, pt0.col, pt1.line, pt1.col, [[self stringFromRange] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]];
227 | }
228 |
229 | @end
230 |
231 | // TermSubview's NSTextInput implementation is essentially a noop: make one that does something
232 | @implementation ICeCoffEETerminal // XXX normally in category (NSTextInput), but APE doesnÕt work if I do that
233 |
234 | - (NSRange)selectedRange {
235 | TermStorage *storage = [(TermController *)[self valueForKey: @"controller"] storage];
236 | struct _FSelPt selPt0 = [storage selPt0], selPt1 = [storage selPt1];
237 | unsigned width = [storage effectiveColumnsForLine: selPt0.line];
238 | unsigned pt0 = selPt0.line * width + selPt0.col;
239 | ICLog(@"selPt0 %d x %d selPt1 %d x %d", selPt0.line, selPt0.col, selPt1.line, selPt1.col);
240 | return NSMakeRange(pt0, selPt1.line * width + selPt1.col - pt0);
241 | }
242 |
243 | // XXX string isn't padded: what we need is something like the ICeCoffEE 1.2.x method, adapted to Terminal 1.2, but we've chosen another way
244 | - (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)theRange;
245 | {
246 | TermStorage *storage = [(TermController *)[self valueForKey: @"controller"] storage];
247 | struct _FSelPt oldPt0 = [storage selPt0], oldPt1 = [storage selPt1], realPt0, realPt1;
248 | unsigned pt1 = theRange.location + theRange.length;
249 | unsigned width = [storage effectiveColumnsForLine: 0];
250 | NSAttributedString *str;
251 |
252 | realPt0.line = theRange.location / width;
253 | realPt0.col = theRange.location % width;
254 | realPt1.line = pt1 / width;
255 | realPt1.col = pt1 % width;
256 |
257 | [storage startSelectionAtLine: realPt0.line offset: realPt0.col];
258 | [storage endSelectionAtLine: realPt1.line offset: realPt1.col];
259 |
260 | str = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: [storage selectedString]];
261 |
262 | NSAssert2([str length] == theRange.length, @"Substring has length %lu when we expected %lu", [str length], theRange.length);
263 |
264 | [storage startSelectionAtLine: oldPt0.line offset: oldPt0.col];
265 | [storage endSelectionAtLine: oldPt1.line offset: oldPt1.col];
266 |
267 | return [str autorelease];
268 | }
269 |
270 | static NSEvent *ICCF_downEvent;
271 | static unsigned int ICCF_line;
272 | static unsigned short ICCF_col;
273 | static BOOL ICCF_optionClickRegistered;
274 |
275 | - (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)charRange affinity:(NSSelectionAffinity)affinity stillSelecting:(BOOL)stillSelectingFlag;
276 | {
277 | TermStorage *storage = [(TermController *)[self valueForKey: @"controller"] storage];
278 | unsigned width = [storage effectiveColumnsForLine: 0];
279 | unsigned pt1 = charRange.location + charRange.length;
280 | [storage startSelectionAtLine: charRange.location / width offset: charRange.location % width];
281 | [storage endSelectionAtLine: pt1 / width offset: pt1 % width];
282 | // [self refresh];
283 | }
284 |
285 | void ICCF_LaunchURLFromTerminal(ICeCoffEETerminal *self) {
286 | NSCharacterSet *urlLeftDelimiters = nil, *urlRightDelimiters = nil;
287 |
288 | ICeCoffEETerminalRange *termRange = nil, *selRange = nil;
289 | NSString *s;
290 | NSRange range, delimiterRange;
291 |
293 |
294 | TermStorage *storage = [(TermController *)[self valueForKey: @"controller"] storage];
295 |
296 | if ([storage hasSelection] && [storage isSelected: ICCF_line : ICCF_col]) {
297 | selRange = [ICeCoffEETerminalRange rangeWithTerminal: self];
298 | } else { // select something
299 | [storage selectWordAtLine: ICCF_line offset: ICCF_col];
300 | selRange = [ICeCoffEETerminalRange rangeWithTerminal: self];
301 | NSCAssert(![selRange rangeIsEmpty], ICCF_LocalizedString(@"Sorry, ICeCoffEE was unable to find anything to select"));
302 | }
303 |
304 | // However, word selection does not capture even the approximate boundaries of a URL
305 | // (text to a space/line ending character); it'll stop at a period in the middle of a hostname.
306 | // So, we expand it as follows:
307 |
308 | ICCF_Delimiters(&urlLeftDelimiters, &urlRightDelimiters);
309 |
310 | termRange = [ICeCoffEETerminalRange rangeWithTerminal: self pt0: [selRange pt0] pt1: [selRange pt0]];
311 | // add 1 to range to trap delimiters that are on the edge of the selection (i.e., <...)
312 | [termRange growForwardByLength: 1];
313 | [termRange growBackwardByLength: ICCF_MAX_URL_LEN]; // potentially too big
314 | s = [termRange stringFromRange];
315 | ICLog(@"front %@", termRange);
316 | delimiterRange = [s rangeOfCharacterFromSet: urlLeftDelimiters
317 | options: NSLiteralSearch | NSBackwardsSearch];
318 | if (delimiterRange.location == NSNotFound) {
319 | // extend to beginning of string (as much as possible)
320 | [selRange growBackwardByLength: [s length] - 1];
321 | } else {
322 | NSCAssert(delimiterRange.length == 1, @"Internal error: delimiter matched range is not of length 1");
323 | [selRange growBackwardByLength: [s length] - delimiterRange.location - 2];
324 | }
325 |
326 | ICLog(@"parsed front %@", selRange);
327 |
328 | termRange = [ICeCoffEETerminalRange rangeWithTerminal: self pt0: [selRange pt1] pt1: [selRange pt1]];
329 | // subtract 1 from range to trap delimiters that are on the edge of the selection (i.e., ...>)
330 | [termRange growBackwardByLength: 1];
331 | [termRange growForwardByLength: ICCF_MAX_URL_LEN]; // potentially too big
332 | s = [termRange stringFromRange];
333 | ICLog(@"back %@", termRange);
334 | delimiterRange = [s rangeOfCharacterFromSet: urlRightDelimiters
335 | options: NSLiteralSearch];
336 | if (delimiterRange.location == NSNotFound) {
337 | // extend to end of string
338 | [selRange growForwardByLength: [s length] - 1];
339 | } else {
340 | NSCAssert(delimiterRange.length == 1, @"Internal error: delimiter matched range is not of length 1");
341 | [selRange growForwardByLength: delimiterRange.location - 1];
342 | }
343 |
344 | ICCF_StartIC();
345 |
346 | s = [selRange stringFromRange];
347 |
348 | range = NSMakeRange(0, [s length]);
349 |
350 | ICCF_CheckRange(range);
351 |
352 | ICLog(@"parsed back %@", selRange);
353 | NSLog(@"range of string %@", NSStringFromRange(range));
354 | ICCF_ParseURL(s, &range);
355 | ICLog(@"parsed range %@ |%@|", NSStringFromRange(range), [s substringWithRange: range]);
356 |
357 | [selRange shrinkFrontByLength: range.location];
358 | [selRange shrinkBackByLength: [s length] - range.length - range.location];
359 |
360 | s = [selRange stringFromRange];
361 | ICLog(@"reconstituted URL %@", selRange);
362 |
363 | [selRange select];
364 | [self setNeedsDisplay];
365 | [[self superview] display];
366 |
367 | ICCF_LaunchURL(s, ICCF_OptionKeyIsDown());
368 |
369 | if (ICCF_prefs.textBlinkEnabled) {
370 | int i;
371 | // Terminal flashes the selection one more time, so blink one fewer
372 | for (i = 1 ; i < ICCF_prefs.textBlinkCount ; i++) {
373 | [storage clearSelection];
374 | [self setNeedsDisplay];
375 | [[self superview] display];
376 | usleep(kICBlinkDelayUsecs);
377 | [selRange select];
378 | [self setNeedsDisplay];
379 | [[self superview] display];
380 | usleep(kICBlinkDelayUsecs);
381 | }
382 | }
384 | ICCF_HandleException(localException);
386 |
387 | ICCF_StopIC();
388 | }
389 |
390 | - (void)_optionClickEvent:(NSEvent *)event:(unsigned int)row:(unsigned short)column;
391 | {
392 | if (ICCF_downEvent != nil) {
393 | ICCF_line = row; // XXX are these lines or rows? check with wrapping
394 | ICCF_col = column;
395 | ICCF_optionClickRegistered = YES;
396 | } else {
397 | [super _optionClickEvent: event :row :column];
398 | }
399 | }
400 |
401 | - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)upEvent;
402 | {
403 | ICLog(@"ICeCoffEE Terminal up: %@", upEvent);
404 | [super mouseUp: upEvent];
405 | // don't want command-option-click, command-shift-click, etc. to trigger
406 | if (ICCF_downEvent != nil) {
407 | NSPoint downPt = [ICCF_downEvent locationInWindow];
408 | NSPoint upPt = [upEvent locationInWindow];
409 | [ICCF_downEvent release];
410 | ICCF_downEvent = nil;
411 | if (abs(downPt.x - upPt.x) <= kICHysteresisPixels && abs(downPt.y - upPt.y) <= kICHysteresisPixels) {
412 | if (ICCF_optionClickRegistered) {
413 | ICCF_optionClickRegistered = NO;
414 | ICLog(@"========= launching... %d x %d", ICCF_line, ICCF_col);
415 | ICCF_LaunchURLFromTerminal(self);
416 | }
417 | }
418 | }
419 | }
420 |
421 | - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)downEvent;
422 | {
423 | if (ICCF_enabled && ICCF_prefs.commandClickEnabled && ICCF_EventIsCommandMouseDown(downEvent)) {
424 | NSEvent *optionClickEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType: NSLeftMouseDown location: [downEvent locationInWindow] modifierFlags: NSAlternateKeyMask timestamp: [downEvent timestamp] windowNumber: [downEvent windowNumber] context: [downEvent context] eventNumber: [downEvent eventNumber] clickCount: 1 pressure: 0];
425 | [ICCF_downEvent release];
426 | ICCF_downEvent = [downEvent retain];
427 | ICLog(@"ICeCoffEE Terminal constructed: %@", optionClickEvent);
428 | ICCF_optionClickRegistered = NO;
429 | [super mouseDown: optionClickEvent];
430 | } else {
431 | [super mouseDown: downEvent];
432 | }
433 | }
434 |
435 | @end