APEMain.m: Note missing Xcode 3 support. Add Terminal 2.0 support.
English.lproj/APE Manager plugin.nib:
ICeCoffEE.[hm]: Bring triggering window and app to front if error
dialog displayed in ICCF_HandleException. Remove initial word
selection. Launch preexisting selection if present. Remove 10.3
support. Update for new ICeCoffEETrigger API. Rename downEvent
parameter for consistency.
ICeCoffEE.xcodeproj: Added files.
ICeCoffEEParser.m: Handle multiline URLs.
ICeCoffEETTView.[hm]: Terminal 2.0 support (thank you for having a
usable NSTextInput implementation!)
ICeCoffEETTViewTrigger.[hm]: ICeCoffEETrigger implementation for
TTView. Can't set range as we do for NSTextView because you can't
have an arbitrary empty selection range in Terminal, so we pass it
directly to ICCF_LaunchURLFromTTView.
ICeCoffEETerminal.[hm]: Fix capitalization on ICeCoffEETermSubviewSuper.
Pass downEvent to ICCF_HandleException so it can bring the triggering
window to the front.
ICeCoffEETextViewTrigger.[hm]: Moved from ICeCoffEETrigger.
ICeCoffEETrigger.[hm]: Now an abstract superclass. Replace direct
access to ICCF_sharedTrigger with +cancel. Create 0-character range
(if click outside selectedRange) or save selectedRange. Move
debugging logs here from ICeCoffEE.m. Add description method.
ICeCoffEEWebKit.m: Pass downEvent to ICCF_HandleException so it can
bring the triggering window to the front.
Installer components/ui/ui.plist: Updated for 1.5d3.
TestParser.m: Handle multiline URLs; newlines are printed as \ and
tabs as >. Implement ICCF_StringByRemovingCharactersInSet, which will
move elsewhere once Internet Config support is removed.
VERSION.xcconfig: Updated for 1.5d3.
urls.plist: Test for multiline URLs.