// // File: ICeCoffEEController.m // // Contains: ICeCoffEE APE APE preference pane controller // // Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003, Nicholas Riley // All Rights Reserved. // // Author(s): Nicholas Riley (Sun Jan 19 2003) // // =========================================================================== #import #import "ICeCoffEEController.h" // Just a handy macro for localized strings from our bundle; unused in this project. #define NSLocalizedString_(key, comment) [[self bundle] localizedStringForKey:(key) value:@"" table:nil] @implementation ICeCoffEEController // This method should return an id of a class that implements the protocol // required by APE Manager. + (id)prefPaneHandlerForAPE:(NSBundle*)apeBundle andBundle:(NSBundle*)prefPaneBundle { return [[self alloc] initWithAPE:apeBundle andBundle:prefPaneBundle]; } // Init the instance of our class - (id)initWithAPE:(NSBundle*)apeBundle andBundle:(NSBundle*)prefPaneBundle { [self setBundle:prefPaneBundle]; // save our bundle for future use [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"APE Manager plugin" owner:self]; // load our nib file; it will call our awakeFromNib method return self; } // This method is called when the preference pane is about to be shown. - (void)willLoad { // we do nothing here } // This method is called when the preference pane will be dismissed. - (void)willUnload { // we do nothing here, as well } // This method should return an NSView to be loaded into APE Manager preference // area. - (NSView*)mainView { return [window contentView]; // we return our window's contentView } // This method is called once our nib file is loaded (we load it in the init method) - (void)awakeFromNib { prefs = [[CFPreferencesWrapper_ICeCoffEE preferencesWithApplication:@"net.sabi.ICeCoffEE"] retain]; // load the preferences for our APE module // do other inits here } // Utility getters/setters -- -(void) setBundle:(NSBundle *)aBundle { [aBundle retain]; [_bundle release]; _bundle = aBundle; } -(NSBundle *) bundle { [_bundle autorelease]; return [_bundle retain]; } @end