1 | /*
2 | * ICeCoffEEAction.c
3 | * ICeCoffEE APE
4 | *
5 | * Created by Nicholas Riley on Wed Jan 29 2003.
6 | * Copyright (c) 2003 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved.
7 | *
8 | */
9 |
10 | #include "ICeCoffEEAction.h"
11 | #include "ICeCoffEEConfig.h"
12 | #include "ICeCoffEEShared.h"
13 | #include "ICeCoffEEBookmarks.h"
14 |
15 | #define THROW_ERR(e) { err = e; goto END; }
16 |
17 | static CFStringRef ICCF_NameWithLocation(CFStringRef name, CFURLRef url) {
18 | CFURLRef urlMinus = CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(NULL, url);
19 | CFStringRef urlString = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(urlMinus, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
20 | CFStringRef nameWithLocationTemplate = ICCF_CopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("App%@Location%@"));
21 | CFStringRef nameWithLocation = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, nameWithLocationTemplate, name, urlString);
22 |
23 | SAFE_RELEASE(nameWithLocationTemplate);
24 | SAFE_RELEASE(urlMinus);
25 | SAFE_RELEASE(urlString);
26 | return nameWithLocation;
27 | }
28 |
29 | static const MenuItemIndex kICAppMenuItemHasPath = 0xfffe;
30 |
31 | typedef struct {
32 | CFURLRef defaultAppURL; // URL of default app, set to NULL after added to menu
33 | CFMutableSetRef appPaths;
34 | CFMutableDictionaryRef appItemTitles; // keys: URLs; values: item titles (CFString)
35 | CFMutableDictionaryRef appURLs; // keys: app display names (CFString), values: URL of item without path appended, or NULL if already appended (at least 2 items with this name exist)
36 | MenuRef menu;
37 | } icAppMenuContext;
38 |
39 | static OSStatus ICCF_AddAppItemTitle(icAppMenuContext *ctx, CFURLRef appURL) {
40 | CFStringRef appName = NULL, appItemTitle = NULL;
41 | CFBundleRef appBundle = NULL;
42 | OSStatus err = noErr;
43 |
44 | CFStringRef appPath = CFURLCopyPath(appURL);
45 | // only one entry for each path
46 | if (CFSetContainsValue(ctx->appPaths, appPath))
47 | return dupFNErr;
48 | CFSetAddValue(ctx->appPaths, appPath);
49 |
50 | if ( (err = LSCopyDisplayNameForURL(appURL, &appName)) != noErr)
51 | return err;
52 |
53 | // if we encounter multiple applications with the same display name, add locations to the menu item titles to disambiguate them
54 | CFURLRef sameAppURL;
55 | Boolean shouldAppendLocation;
56 | if ( (shouldAppendLocation = CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(ctx->appURLs, appName, (const void **)&sameAppURL)) && (CFTypeRef)sameAppURL != kCFNull) {
57 | // this app is the second encountered with the same name; go back and fix the menu item title of the first app
58 | CFStringRef sameAppItemTitle = CFDictionaryGetValue(ctx->appItemTitles, sameAppURL);
59 | CFStringRef appItemTitleWithVersion = ICCF_NameWithLocation(sameAppItemTitle, sameAppURL);
60 | CFDictionarySetValue(ctx->appItemTitles, sameAppURL, appItemTitleWithVersion);
61 | SAFE_RELEASE(appItemTitleWithVersion);
62 | CFDictionarySetValue(ctx->appURLs, appName, kCFNull);
63 | }
64 |
65 | CFRetain(appName);
66 | appItemTitle = appName;
67 |
68 | if ( (appBundle = CFBundleCreate(NULL, appURL)) != NULL) {
69 | // prefer a short version string, e.g. "1.0 Beta" instead of "51" for Safari
70 | CFStringRef appVersion = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(appBundle, CFSTR("CFBundleShortVersionString"));
71 | if (appVersion == NULL)
72 | appVersion = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(appBundle, kCFBundleVersionKey);
73 | if (appVersion != NULL) {
74 | appItemTitle = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%@)"), appName, appVersion);
75 | CFRelease(appName);
76 | }
77 | CFRelease(appBundle);
78 | }
79 |
80 | if (shouldAppendLocation) {
81 | CFStringRef appItemTitleWithVersion = ICCF_NameWithLocation(appItemTitle, appURL);
82 | CFRelease(appItemTitle);
83 | appItemTitle = appItemTitleWithVersion;
84 | } else {
85 | CFDictionarySetValue(ctx->appURLs, appName, appURL);
86 | }
87 |
88 | if (ctx->defaultAppURL != NULL && CFEqual(appURL, ctx->defaultAppURL)) {
89 | CFStringRef defaultFormat = ICCF_CopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("DefaultApp%@"));
90 | CFStringRef appItemTitleWithDefault = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, defaultFormat, appItemTitle);
91 | CFRelease(appItemTitle);
92 | appItemTitle = appItemTitleWithDefault;
93 | ctx->defaultAppURL = NULL; // mark as added
94 | }
95 |
96 | CFDictionarySetValue(ctx->appItemTitles, appURL, appItemTitle);
97 | CFRelease(appItemTitle);
98 |
99 | return noErr;
100 | }
101 |
102 | static OSStatus ICCF_AddTitledAppToMenu(icAppMenuContext *ctx, CFURLRef appURL, MenuCommand menuCommand) {
103 | CFStringRef appItemTitle = NULL;
104 | IconRef appIcon = NULL;
105 | FSRef appFSR;
106 | SInt16 label;
107 | MenuItemIndex menuItemIndex;
108 | OSStatus err = noErr;
109 |
110 | appItemTitle = CFDictionaryGetValue(ctx->appItemTitles, appURL);
111 | if (appItemTitle == NULL) return fnfErr;
112 |
113 | err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(ctx->menu, appItemTitle, 0, 0, &menuItemIndex);
114 | if (err != noErr) return err;
115 |
116 | if (!CFURLGetFSRef(appURL, &appFSR)) return paramErr;
117 | err = GetIconRefFromFileInfo(&appFSR, 0, NULL, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag, &appIcon, &label);
118 | if (err != noErr) return err;
119 |
120 | SetMenuItemIconHandle(ctx->menu, menuItemIndex, kMenuIconRefType, (Handle)appIcon);
121 | SetMenuItemCommandID(ctx->menu, menuItemIndex, menuCommand);
122 | SetMenuItemRefCon(ctx->menu, menuItemIndex, (UInt32)appURL);
123 | ReleaseIconRef(appIcon);
124 |
125 | return err;
126 | }
127 |
128 | static OSStatus ICCF_AddAppToMenu(icAppMenuContext *ctx, CFURLRef appURL, MenuCommand menuCommand) {
129 | OSStatus err = ICCF_AddAppItemTitle(ctx, appURL);
130 | switch (err) {
131 | case noErr: break;
132 | case dupFNErr: return noErr;
133 | default: return err;
134 | }
135 | return ICCF_AddTitledAppToMenu(ctx, appURL, menuCommand);
136 | }
137 |
138 | CFComparisonResult ICCF_CompareURLsByItemTitle(const void *url1, const void *url2, void *appItemTitles) {
139 | CFStringRef appItemTitle1 = CFDictionaryGetValue((CFDictionaryRef)appItemTitles, (CFURLRef)url1);
140 | CFStringRef appItemTitle2 = CFDictionaryGetValue((CFDictionaryRef)appItemTitles, (CFURLRef)url2);
141 | return CFStringCompareWithOptions(appItemTitle1, appItemTitle2,
142 | CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(appItemTitle1)),
143 | kCFCompareCaseInsensitive | kCFCompareNumerically);
144 | }
145 |
146 | enum {
147 | kICURLActionOpenWith = 'OpnW',
148 | kICURLActionAddBookmark = 'AddB'
149 | };
150 |
151 | OSStatus ICCF_DoURLActionMenu(ICInstance inst, CFURLRef url, LSLaunchFlags launchFlags) {
152 | CFArrayRef appURLsUnsorted = NULL; // matching app URLs
153 | CFMutableArrayRef appURLs = NULL; // matching app URLs sorted by item title
154 | CFArrayRef urlArray = NULL; // single-URL array
155 | icAppMenuContext ctx = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
156 | OSStatus err;
157 |
158 | appURLsUnsorted = LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL(url, kLSRolesAll);
159 |
160 | CFIndex appCount = 0;
161 | if (appURLsUnsorted == NULL || (appCount = CFArrayGetCount(appURLsUnsorted)) == 0)
162 | THROW_ERR(kLSApplicationNotFoundErr);
163 |
164 | if ( (appURLs = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, appCount, appURLsUnsorted)) == NULL)
165 | THROW_ERR(memFullErr);
166 |
167 | if ( (ctx.appPaths = CFSetCreateMutable(NULL, appCount, &kCFCopyStringSetCallBacks)) == NULL)
168 | THROW_ERR(memFullErr);
169 |
170 | if ( (ctx.appItemTitles = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, appCount, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)) == NULL)
171 | THROW_ERR(memFullErr);
172 |
173 | if ( (ctx.appURLs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, appCount, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)) == NULL)
174 | THROW_ERR(memFullErr);
175 |
176 | LSGetApplicationForURL(url, kLSRolesAll, NULL, &ctx.defaultAppURL);
177 |
178 | CFIndex appIndex;
179 | CFURLRef appURL;
180 | for (appIndex = 0 ; appIndex < appCount ; appIndex++) {
181 | appURL = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(appURLs, appIndex);
182 | err = ICCF_AddAppItemTitle(&ctx, appURL);
183 | switch (err) {
184 | case noErr: break;
185 | case dupFNErr:
186 | CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(appURLs, appIndex);
187 | appIndex--;
188 | appCount--;
189 | break;
190 | default:
191 | THROW_ERR(err);
192 | }
193 | }
194 |
195 | CFArraySortValues(appURLs, CFRangeMake(0, appCount), ICCF_CompareURLsByItemTitle, ctx.appItemTitles);
196 |
197 | if ( (err = CreateNewMenu(0, kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn, &ctx.menu)) != noErr)
198 | THROW_ERR(err);
199 |
200 | MenuItemIndex menuItemIndex;
201 | if ( (err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(ctx.menu, ICCF_CopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Open Location With")), kMenuItemAttrDisabled, 0, &menuItemIndex)) != noErr)
202 | THROW_ERR(err);
203 |
204 | if ( (urlArray = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&url, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)) == NULL)
205 | THROW_ERR(memFullErr);
206 |
207 | for (appIndex = 0 ; appIndex < appCount ; appIndex++) {
208 | appURL = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(appURLs, appIndex);
209 |
210 | if ( (err = ICCF_AddTitledAppToMenu(&ctx, appURL, kICURLActionOpenWith)) != noErr)
211 | THROW_ERR(err);
212 | }
213 | // sometimes the default protocol handler won't be on the list because it doesnÕt claim to handle that protocol; add it anyway
214 | if (ctx.defaultAppURL != NULL) {
215 | if ( (err = ICCF_AddAppToMenu(&ctx, ctx.defaultAppURL, kICURLActionOpenWith)) != noErr)
216 | THROW_ERR(err);
217 | }
218 |
219 | appURL = ICCF_GetBookmarkHelperURL(inst);
220 | if (appURL != NULL) {
221 | if ( (err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(ctx.menu, CFSTR(""), kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0, NULL)) != noErr)
222 | THROW_ERR(err);
223 | if ( (err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(ctx.menu, ICCF_CopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Add Bookmark")), kMenuItemAttrDisabled, 0, &menuItemIndex)) != noErr)
224 | THROW_ERR(err);
225 | // the app won't show up at the bottom if someone cmd-option-clicks on 'bookmark:', but they'd have to be crazy to do that anyway
226 | if ( (err = ICCF_AddAppToMenu(&ctx, appURL, kICURLActionAddBookmark)) != noErr)
227 | THROW_ERR(err);
228 | }
229 |
230 | InsertMenu(ctx.menu, -1);
231 | Point mousePoint;
232 | GetGlobalMouse(&mousePoint);
233 | long selectedAppIndex = PopUpMenuSelect(ctx.menu, mousePoint.v + 18, mousePoint.h - 30, 0/*popUpItem*/);
234 | if (selectedAppIndex == 0) {
235 | err = userCanceledErr;
236 | } else {
237 | CFURLRef appURL = NULL;
238 | MenuCommand menuCommand;
239 | err = GetMenuItemRefCon(ctx.menu, selectedAppIndex, (void *)&appURL);
240 | if (err == noErr) {
241 | err = GetMenuItemCommandID(ctx.menu, selectedAppIndex, &menuCommand);
242 | if (err == noErr) {
243 | if (menuCommand == kICURLActionOpenWith) {
244 | LSLaunchURLSpec lsSpec = {appURL, urlArray, NULL, launchFlags};
245 | err = LSOpenFromURLSpec(&lsSpec, NULL);
246 | } else if (menuCommand == kICURLActionAddBookmark) {
247 | err = ICCF_DoBookmarkDialog(inst, CFURLGetString(url));
248 | }
249 | }
250 | }
251 | }
252 |
253 | END:
254 | if (ctx.menu != NULL) {
255 | DeleteMenu(GetMenuID(ctx.menu));
256 | DisposeMenu(ctx.menu);
257 | }
258 | SAFE_RELEASE(urlArray);
259 | SAFE_RELEASE(appURLsUnsorted);
260 | SAFE_RELEASE(appURLs);
261 | SAFE_RELEASE(ctx.appPaths);
262 | SAFE_RELEASE(ctx.appItemTitles);
263 | SAFE_RELEASE(ctx.appURLs);
264 |
265 | return err;
266 | }
267 |
268 | OSStatus ICCF_DoURLActionLaunch(ICInstance inst, CFURLRef url, LSLaunchFlags launchFlags) {
269 | CFArrayRef urlArray = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&url, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
270 | LSLaunchURLSpec lsSpec = {NULL, urlArray, NULL, launchFlags, NULL};
271 | OSStatus err;
272 |
273 | if (urlArray == NULL)
274 | THROW_ERR(memFullErr);
275 |
276 | err = LSOpenFromURLSpec(&lsSpec, NULL);
277 |
278 | END:
279 | SAFE_RELEASE(urlArray);
280 |
281 | return err;
282 | }
283 |
284 | OSStatus ICCF_DoURLAction(ICInstance inst, ConstStr255Param hint, const char *urlData, long startIndex, long endIndex, iccfURLAction action) {
285 | Handle h = NewHandle(0);
286 | CFURLRef url = NULL;
287 | LSLaunchFlags launchFlags = kLSLaunchDefaults;
288 | OSStatus err;
289 |
290 | if (h == NULL) return MemError();
291 |
292 | if ( (err = ICParseURL(inst, hint, urlData + startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1,
293 | &startIndex, &endIndex, h)) != noErr) THROW_ERR(err);
294 |
295 | if ( (url = CFURLCreateWithBytes(NULL, (const UInt8 *)*h, GetHandleSize(h), kCFStringEncodingASCII,
296 | NULL)) == NULL) THROW_ERR(paramErr);
297 |
298 | if (action.launchInBackground) launchFlags |= kLSLaunchDontSwitch;
299 |
300 | if (action.presentMenu)
301 | err = ICCF_DoURLActionMenu(inst, url, launchFlags);
302 | else
303 | err = ICCF_DoURLActionLaunch(inst, url, launchFlags);
304 |
305 | END:
306 | if (h != NULL) DisposeHandle(h);
307 | SAFE_RELEASE(url);
308 |
309 | return err;
310 | }