source: trunk/ICeCoffEE/ICeCoffEE/ICeCoffEE.m@ 436

Last change on this file since 436 was 436, checked in by Nicholas Riley, 16 years ago

Use @try/@catch/@finally rather than macro-based exceptions

File size: 18.5 KB
[182]1// ICeCoffEE - Internet Config Carbon/Cocoa Editor Extension
[66]2// Nicholas Riley <>
4#import "ICeCoffEE.h"
5#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
6#include <unistd.h>
7#import "ICeCoffEESuper.h"
[320]8#import "ICeCoffEEServices.h"
[388]9#import "ICeCoffEETextViewTrigger.h"
[322]10#import "ICeCoffEEParser.h"
[74]12iccfPrefRec ICCF_prefs;
[74]14NSString *ICCF_ErrString(OSStatus err, NSString *context) {
15 if (err == noErr || err == userCanceledErr) return nil;
[74]17 NSString *errNum = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", err];
18 NSString *errDesc = ICCF_LocalizedString(errNum);
[74]20 if (errDesc == NULL || errDesc == errNum)
21 errDesc = [NSString stringWithFormat: ICCF_LocalizedString(@"An unknown error occurred in %@"), context];
[66]23 return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ (%d)", errDesc, (int)err];
[74]26CFStringRef ICCF_CopyErrString(OSStatus err, CFStringRef context) {
27 if (err == noErr || err == userCanceledErr) return NULL;
29 CFStringRef errNum = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%ld"), err);
30 CFStringRef errDesc = ICCF_CopyLocalizedString(errNum);
32 if (errDesc == NULL || errDesc == errNum) {
33 CFStringRef errDescFormat = ICCF_CopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("An unknown error occurred in %@"));
34 if (errDesc != NULL) CFRelease(errDesc);
35 errDesc = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, errDescFormat, context);
36 }
38 CFStringRef errStr = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%d)"), errDesc, (int)err);
40 if (errNum != NULL) CFRelease(errNum);
41 if (errDesc != NULL) CFRelease(errDesc);
42 return errStr;
[139]45CFStringRef ICCF_CopyAppName() {
46 ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0, kCurrentProcess};
47 CFStringRef appName = NULL;
48 CopyProcessName(&psn, &appName);
49 if (appName == NULL) return CFSTR("(unknown)");
50 return appName;
[66]53BOOL ICCF_EventIsCommandMouseDown(NSEvent *e) {
[106]54 return ([e type] == NSLeftMouseDown && ([e modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) != 0 && [e clickCount] == 1);
[183]57iccfURLAction ICCF_KeyboardAction(NSEvent *e) {
58 unsigned int modifierFlags = [e modifierFlags];
[106]59 iccfURLAction action;
60 action.presentMenu = (modifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) != 0;
61 action.launchInBackground = (modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0;
62 return action;
[375]65// RFC-ordained max URL length, just to avoid passing IC/LS multi-megabyte documents
[381]67const long ICCF_MAX_URL_LEN = 1024; // XXX change later
[381]69const long ICCF_MAX_URL_LEN = 1024;
72void ICCF_CheckRange(NSRange range) {
73 NSCAssert(range.length > 0, ICCF_LocalizedString(@"No URL is selected"));
74 NSCAssert1(range.length <= ICCF_MAX_URL_LEN, ICCF_LocalizedString(@"The potential URL is longer than %lu characters"), ICCF_MAX_URL_LEN);
[79]77ConstStringPtr ICCF_GetHint(ICInstance inst, const char *urlData, Size length, long *selStart, long *selEnd, Boolean *needsSlashes) {
[74]78 Handle h = NewHandle(0);
79 OSStatus err;
[74]81 if (h == NULL) return NULL;
[74]83 // parse the URL providing a bogus protocol, to get rid of escaped forms
[79]84 err = ICParseURL(inst, "\p*", urlData, length, selStart, selEnd, h);
[74]85 if (err != noErr) return NULL;
[74]87 // scan through the parsed URL looking for characters not found in email addresses
88 Size hSize = GetHandleSize(h);
89 if (hSize == 0) return NULL;
[74]91 const char *urlParsed = *h;
92 long i = 0;
93 Boolean sawAt = false;
[79]94 if (hSize >= 2 && urlParsed[0] == '*' && urlParsed[1] == ':') {
[74]95 // this is an IC-inserted protocol; skip over it
96 i = 2;
[79]97 *needsSlashes = (hSize < i + 2 || urlParsed[i] != '/' || urlParsed[i + 1] != '/');
98 } else *needsSlashes = false;
[74]99 for ( ; i < hSize ; i++) {
100 char c = urlParsed[i];
101 if (c == '@') {
102 sawAt = true;
103 } else if (!((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
104 (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '!' || c == '.'))) {
105 DisposeHandle(h);
106 return "\phttp";
107 }
108 }
109 DisposeHandle(h);
[79]110 if (sawAt) {
111 *needsSlashes = false;
112 return "\pmailto";
113 }
114 return "\phttp";
[79]117static const char *kICSlashes = "//";
119void ICCF_AddSlashes(Handle h, ConstStringPtr hint) {
120 Size sizeBefore = GetHandleSize(h);
121 unsigned char hintLength = StrLength(hint);
122 char *copy = (char *)malloc(sizeBefore);
123 memcpy(copy, *h, sizeBefore);
124 ICLog(@"ICCF_AddSlashes before: |%s|\n", *h);
125 ReallocateHandle(h, sizeBefore + 2);
[79]127 // if *h begins with '<hint>:', then copy the slashes after it
[181]128 if (sizeBefore > hintLength + 1 && strncmp((const char *)&hint[1], copy, hintLength) == 0 && copy[hintLength] == ':') {
[79]129 memcpy(*h, copy, hintLength + 1);
130 memcpy(*h + hintLength + 1, kICSlashes, 2);
131 memcpy(*h + hintLength + 3, &copy[hintLength + 1], sizeBefore - hintLength - 1);
132 } else {
133 memcpy(*h, kICSlashes, 2);
134 memcpy(*h + 2, copy, sizeBefore);
135 }
[79]137 free(copy);
138 ICLog(@"ICCF_AddSlashes after: |%s|\n", *h);
[183]141BOOL ICCF_LaunchURL(NSString *string, iccfURLAction action) {
142 OSStatus err = noErr;
[66]143 long selStart, selEnd;
[272]144 NSMutableString *urlString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
145 NSCharacterSet *whitespace = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
146 NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString: string];
147 NSString *fragmentString;
148 while ([scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet: whitespace intoString: &fragmentString]) {
149 [urlString appendString: fragmentString];
150 }
151 unsigned len = [urlString length];
[79]153 Handle h = NULL;
[436]155 @try {
[79]156 h = NewHandle(len);
157 if (h == NULL)
158 ICCF_OSErrCAssert(MemError(), @"NewHandle");
[272]160 if (CFStringGetBytes((CFStringRef)urlString, CFRangeMake(0, len), kCFStringEncodingASCII, '\0', false, (UInt8 *)*h, len, NULL) != len)
[79]161 ICCF_OSErrCAssert(kTECNoConversionPathErr, @"CFStringGetBytes");
163 selStart = 0; selEnd = len;
[79]165 Boolean needsSlashes;
166 ConstStringPtr hint = ICCF_GetHint(ICCF_GetInst(), *h, len, &selStart, &selEnd, &needsSlashes);
[167]167 NSCAssert(hint != NULL, @"Internal error: can't get protocol hint for URL");
[79]169 if (needsSlashes) {
170 ICCF_AddSlashes(h, hint);
171 len = selEnd = GetHandleSize(h);
172 }
[106]174 err = ICCF_DoURLAction(ICCF_GetInst(), hint, *h, selStart, selEnd, action);
175 ICCF_OSErrCAssert(err, @"ICCF_DoURLAction");
[436]176 } @finally {
[79]177 DisposeHandle(h);
[272]178 [urlString release];
[436]179 }
181 return (err == noErr);
[74]184// XXX not sure what to do if there's already a selection; BBEdit and MLTE extend it, Tex-Edit Plus doesn't.
185Boolean ICCF_enabled = true;
[388]187BOOL ICCF_HandleException(NSException *e, NSEvent *event) {
[74]188 if ([e reason] == nil || [[e reason] length] == 0)
189 return NO;
191 if (ICCF_prefs.errorSoundEnabled) NSBeep();
192 if (!ICCF_prefs.errorDialogEnabled) return YES;
[388]194 [[NSApplication sharedApplication] activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];
195 [[event window] makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
[74]197 int result = NSRunAlertPanel(ICCF_LocalizedString(@"AlertTitle"), ICCF_LocalizedString(@"AlertMessage%@"), nil, nil, ICCF_LocalizedString(@"AlertDisableButton"), e);
[66]198 if (result != NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
[139]199 result = NSRunAlertPanel(ICCF_LocalizedString(@"DisableAlertTitle"), ICCF_LocalizedString(@"DisableAlertMessage%@"), ICCF_LocalizedString(@"DisableAlertDisableButton"), ICCF_LocalizedString(@"DisableAlertDontDisableButton"), nil,
200 [(NSString *)ICCF_CopyAppName() autorelease]);
[66]201 if (result == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
202 ICCF_enabled = NO;
203 }
[74]204 return YES;
[183]207void ICCF_LaunchURLFromTextView(NSTextView *self, NSEvent *triggeringEvent) {
[66]208 NSColor *insertionPointColor = [self insertionPointColor];
[436]210 @try {
[388]211 NSString *s = [[self textStorage] string]; // according to the class documentation, sending 'string' is guaranteed to be O(1)
212 unsigned length = [s length];
[74]213 NSCAssert(s != nil, ICCF_LocalizedString(@"Sorry, ICeCoffEE is unable to locate the insertion point or selection"));
[388]214 NSCAssert(length != 0, ICCF_LocalizedString(@"No text was found"));
216 ICCF_StartIC();
[388]218 NSRange range = [self selectedRange];
219 NSCAssert(range.location != NSNotFound, ICCF_LocalizedString(@"There is no insertion point or selection in the text field where you clicked"));
[435]220 NSString *url = nil;
[435]222 if ([[self textStorage] attribute: NSLinkAttributeName atIndex: range.location
223 effectiveRange: NULL] != nil) {
224 NSRange linkRange;
225 id link = [[self textStorage] attribute: NSLinkAttributeName atIndex: range.location longestEffectiveRange: &linkRange inRange: NSMakeRange(0, length)];
226 if (NSMaxRange(range) <= NSMaxRange(linkRange)) {
227 // selection is entirely within link range
228 url = [link isKindOfClass: [NSURL class]] ? [link absoluteString] : link;
229 range = linkRange;
230 [self setSelectedRange: range affinity: NSSelectionAffinityDownstream stillSelecting: NO];
231 }
[388]232 }
[435]233 if (url == nil) {
234 if (range.length == 0) {
235 if (range.location == length) range.location--;
236 range.length = 1;
237 range = ICCF_URLEnclosingRange(s, range);
238 [self setSelectedRange: range affinity: NSSelectionAffinityDownstream stillSelecting: NO];
239 }
241 url = [s substringWithRange: range];
242 }
[435]244 if (ICCF_LaunchURL(url, ICCF_KeyboardAction(triggeringEvent)) && ICCF_prefs.textBlinkEnabled) {
[388]245 for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < ICCF_prefs.textBlinkCount ; i++) {
[74]246 NSRange emptyRange = {range.location, 0};
247 [self setSelectedRange: emptyRange affinity: NSSelectionAffinityDownstream stillSelecting: YES];
248 [self display];
249 usleep(kICBlinkDelayUsecs);
250 [self setInsertionPointColor: [self backgroundColor]];
251 [self setSelectedRange: range affinity: NSSelectionAffinityDownstream stillSelecting: YES];
252 [self display];
253 usleep(kICBlinkDelayUsecs);
254 }
255 }
[436]256 } @catch (NSException *e) {
257 ICCF_HandleException(e, triggeringEvent);
258 }
[66]260 ICCF_StopIC();
261 [self setInsertionPointColor: insertionPointColor];
264NSString * const ICCF_SERVICES_ITEM = @"ICeCoffEE Services Item";
266NSMenuItem *ICCF_ServicesMenuItem() {
267 NSMenuItem *servicesItem;
[182]268 NSString *servicesTitle = nil;
269 NSMenu *servicesMenu = [NSApp servicesMenu];
271 if (servicesMenu != nil) {
272 servicesTitle = [servicesMenu title];
273 if (servicesTitle == nil) {
274 ICLog(@"Can't get service menu title");
275 servicesTitle = @"Services";
276 }
277 } else {
278 servicesTitle = [[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier: @""] localizedStringForKey: @"Services" value: nil table: @"ServicesMenu"];
279 if (servicesTitle == nil) {
280 ICLog(@"Can't get localized text for 'Services' in AppKit.framework");
281 servicesTitle = @"Services";
282 }
[66]283 }
284 servicesMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: servicesTitle];
285 servicesItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: servicesTitle action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[182]286 ICCF_SetServicesMenu(servicesMenu);
[66]287 [servicesItem setSubmenu: servicesMenu];
288 [servicesItem setRepresentedObject: ICCF_SERVICES_ITEM];
289 [servicesMenu release];
[139]290 return [servicesItem autorelease];
[139]293static const unichar UNICHAR_BLACK_RIGHT_POINTING_SMALL_TRIANGLE = 0x25b8;
295// returns YES if menu contains useful items, NO otherwise
[320]296static BOOL ICCF_ConsolidateServicesMenu(NSMenu *menu, NSDictionary *serviceOptions, NSDictionary *serviceInfo) {
[139]297 [menu update]; // doesn't propagate to submenus, so we need to do this first
298 NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[menu itemArray] objectEnumerator];
299 NSMenuItem *menuItem;
300 NSMenu *submenu;
[319]301 NSDictionary *itemOptions = nil, *itemInfo = nil;
[139]302 BOOL shouldKeepItem = NO, shouldKeepMenu = NO;
304 while ( (menuItem = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
[142]305 if (serviceOptions != nil)
306 itemOptions = [serviceOptions objectForKey: [menuItem title]];
[319]307 if (serviceInfo != nil)
308 itemInfo = [serviceInfo objectForKey: [menuItem title]];
[142]309 if ([[itemOptions objectForKey: (NSString *)kICServiceHidden] boolValue]) {
310 shouldKeepItem = NO;
311 } else if ( (submenu = [menuItem submenu]) != nil) {
[319]312 // XXX don't rely on nil-sending working
[320]313 shouldKeepItem = ICCF_ConsolidateServicesMenu(submenu, [itemOptions objectForKey: (NSString *)kICServiceSubmenu], [itemInfo objectForKey: (NSString *)kICServiceSubmenu]);
[139]314 if (shouldKeepItem && [submenu numberOfItems] == 1) { // consolidate
315 NSMenuItem *serviceItem = [[submenu itemAtIndex: 0] retain];
316 [serviceItem setTitle:
317 [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@ %@", [menuItem title], [NSString stringWithCharacters: &UNICHAR_BLACK_RIGHT_POINTING_SMALL_TRIANGLE length: 1], [serviceItem title]]];
[139]319 int serviceIndex = [menu indexOfItem: menuItem];
320 [submenu removeItemAtIndex: 0]; // can't have item in two menus
321 [menu removeItemAtIndex: serviceIndex];
322 [menu insertItem: serviceItem atIndex: serviceIndex];
323 [serviceItem release];
[319]324 menuItem = serviceItem;
[139]325 }
326 } else {
[182]327 [menuItem setKeyEquivalent: @""];
[139]328 shouldKeepItem = [menuItem isEnabled];
329 }
[319]330 if (!shouldKeepItem) {
[139]331 [menu removeItem: menuItem];
[319]332 continue;
[139]333 }
[319]334 shouldKeepMenu = YES;
336 if (itemInfo == nil) continue;
337 NSString *bundlePath = (NSString *)[itemInfo objectForKey: (NSString *)kICServiceBundlePath];
338 if (bundlePath == NULL) continue;
339 IconRef serviceIcon = ICCF_CopyIconRefForPath(bundlePath);
340 if (serviceIcon == NULL) continue;
341 [menuItem _setIconRef: serviceIcon];
342 ReleaseIconRef(serviceIcon);
[139]343 }
345 return shouldKeepMenu;
348NSMenuItem *ICCF_ContextualServicesMenuItem() {
349 NSMenuItem *servicesItem = ICCF_ServicesMenuItem();
[319]350 NSDictionary *servicesInfo = ICCF_GetServicesInfo(); // XXX cache/retain
351 if (ICCF_ConsolidateServicesMenu([servicesItem submenu], (NSDictionary *)ICCF_prefs.serviceOptions, servicesInfo))
[139]352 return servicesItem;
353 else
354 return nil;
[74]357void ICCF_AddRemoveServicesMenu() {
358 // needed because:
359 // (a) we get called before the runloop has properly started and will crash if we don't delay on app startup
360 // (b) the APE message handler calls us from another thread and nothing happens if we try to add a menu on it
361 [ICeCoffEE performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(IC_addRemoveServicesMenu) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO];
[167]364NSMenu *ICCF_MenuForEvent(NSView *self, NSMenu *contextMenu, NSEvent *e) {
[66]365 if (contextMenu != nil && [e type] == NSRightMouseDown || ([e type] == NSLeftMouseDown && [e modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask)) {
366 int servicesItemIndex = [contextMenu indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject: ICCF_SERVICES_ITEM];
[139]367 // always regenerate: make sure menu reflects context
368 if (servicesItemIndex != -1) {
[74]369 [contextMenu removeItemAtIndex: servicesItemIndex];
370 [contextMenu removeItemAtIndex: servicesItemIndex - 1];
[66]371 }
[139]372 if (ICCF_prefs.servicesInContextualMenu) {
373 NSMenuItem *contextualServicesItem = ICCF_ContextualServicesMenuItem();
374 if (contextualServicesItem != nil) {
375 [contextMenu addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
376 [contextMenu addItem: contextualServicesItem];
377 }
378 }
[66]379 }
380 return contextMenu;
[183]383static NSEvent *ICCF_MouseDownEventWithModifierFlags(NSEvent *e, BOOL inheritModifierFlags) {
384 return [NSEvent mouseEventWithType: NSLeftMouseDown
385 location: [e locationInWindow]
386 modifierFlags: (inheritModifierFlags ? [e modifierFlags] : 0)
387 timestamp: [e timestamp]
388 windowNumber: [e windowNumber]
389 context: [e context]
390 eventNumber: [e eventNumber]
391 clickCount: 1
392 pressure: 0];
[74]395@implementation ICeCoffEE
397+ (void)IC_addRemoveServicesMenu;
399 NSMenu *mainMenu = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainMenu];
[74]400 static NSMenuItem *servicesItem = nil;
402 if (servicesItem == nil && ICCF_prefs.servicesInMenuBar) {
403 servicesItem = [ICCF_ServicesMenuItem() retain];
[74]405 int insertLoc = [mainMenu indexOfItemWithSubmenu: [NSApp windowsMenu]];
406 if (insertLoc == -1)
407 insertLoc = [mainMenu numberOfItems];
[74]409 [mainMenu insertItem: servicesItem atIndex: insertLoc];
410 } else if (servicesItem != nil && !ICCF_prefs.servicesInMenuBar) {
411 [mainMenu removeItem: servicesItem];
412 [servicesItem release];
413 servicesItem = nil;
414 }
417// XXX localization?
418- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)e;
420 NSMenu *myMenu = [super menuForEvent: e];
421 return ICCF_MenuForEvent(self, myMenu, e);
[435]424static BOOL ICCF_inMouseDown;
426- (void)clickedOnLink:(id)link atIndex:(unsigned)charIndex;
428 if (!ICCF_inMouseDown)
429 [super clickedOnLink: link atIndex: charIndex];
[388]432- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)downEvent;
435 static BOOL down = NO;
436 if (down) {
437 ICLog(@"recursive invocation!");
438 return;
439 }
440 down = YES;
[388]441 ICLog(@"ICeCoffEE down: %@", downEvent);
[388]443 [ICeCoffEETrigger cancel];
445 if (ICCF_enabled && ICCF_prefs.commandClickEnabled && ICCF_EventIsCommandMouseDown(downEvent)) {
[435]446 ICCF_inMouseDown = YES;
447 @try {
448 [super mouseDown: ICCF_MouseDownEventWithModifierFlags(downEvent, YES)];
449 } @finally {
450 ICCF_inMouseDown = NO;
451 }
[106]452 // we don't actually get a mouseUp event, just wait for mouseDown to return
[66]453 NSEvent *upEvent = [[self window] currentEvent];
[388]454 NSPoint downPt = [downEvent locationInWindow];
[66]455 NSPoint upPt = [upEvent locationInWindow];
456 ICLog(@"next: %@", upEvent);
457 NSAssert([upEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp, @"NSTextView mouseDown: did not return with current event as mouse up!");
[74]458 if (abs(downPt.x - upPt.x) <= kICHysteresisPixels && abs(downPt.y - upPt.y) <= kICHysteresisPixels) {
[388]459 // make sure we don't have a Command-double-click
460 [ICeCoffEETextViewTrigger setTriggerForEvent: downEvent onTarget: self]; // gets stored in ICCF_sharedTrigger; the reason for this weird calling pattern is that we don't want to add methods to NSTextView, and we don't want to add a method call on every mouseDown
[66]461 }
[106]462 } else {
[388]463 [super mouseDown: downEvent];
[66]464 }
466 down = NO;
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.