/**** "Open With" menu ****/ /* Format for 'default app', e.g "Internet Explorer (5.2) (default)" */ "DefaultApp%@" = "%@ (Standard)"; /* Format for app location, e.g "Internet Explorer (5.2) -- /Applications" */ "App%@Location%@" = "%@ — %@"; /* First (disabled, label) element of menu */ "Open Location With" = "Adresse öffnen mit"; /* Disabled item above bookmark helper application */ /* Remark (ssp): translation here is ambiguous: 'Zu Lesezeichen hinzufügen' means 'Add to Bookmarks' and is what Safari uses in its contextual menu for links. Another possibility seems to be 'Als Favorit sichern' which Navigation services use. */ "Add Bookmark" = "Zu Lesezeichen hinzufügen"; /**** Add Bookmark dialog box ****/ /* Title from "Add Bookmark" above */ /* Message */ "Bookmark name and description are optional." = "Name und Beschreibung des Lesezeichens sind optional."; /* URL text field label */ "Location:" = "Adresse:"; /* Bookmark name text field label */ "Name:" = "Name:"; /* Bookmark description text field label */ "Description:" = "Beschreibung:"; /* Buttons */ "Add" = "Hinzufügen"; "Cancel" = "Abbrechen"; /**** Shared URL launching errors ****/ /* Alert (presented on OSStatus or NSException) */ "AlertTitle" = "Internet-Adresse Öffnen"; /* Remark (ssp): slightly changed the next one in translation to contain ICeCoffEE in the text. Otherwise having the Disable ICeCoffEE button in the dialogue box seems quite surprising */ "AlertMessage%@" = "ICeCoffEE konnte die ausgewählte Adresse nicht öffnen.\n\n%@."; /* Remark (ssp): concerning the following and the little description text in the nib file: I used 'ausschalten' ('swich off') to translate 'disable'. Another option would be to use 'deaktivieren' which sounds more formal and less friendly. Apple's translations aren't of much help here They use 'aktivieren' in the Network->AppleTalk settings but seem to avoid using these words in other places. */ "AlertDisableButton" = "ICeCoffEE ausschalten…"; /* Session disable alert */ "DisableAlertTitle" = "ICeCoffEE ausschalten"; /* Remark (ssp): I wonder, whether people would start sending messages in German then... Assuming that there aren't millions of requests like this, I can offer to provide an address and translate/forward the messages if necessary. Also, I rearranged the message to refer to APE Manager first and the contact address last. Further idea: Add variable to this message to include the application's name insteat of simply writing 'this application'. Might make things less confusing. */ "DisableAlertMessage%@" = "Falls ICeCoffEE die Funktion des Programms „%@“ zu beeinträchtigen scheint, können Sie ICeCoffEE bis zum Beenden des Programms deaktivieren.\n\nICeCoffEE kann in der „APE Manager“ Systemeinstellung permanent für dieses Programm deaktiviert werden.\n\nFalls das Problem zum ersten Mal auftritt, schicken Sie bitte eine Nachricht mit einer genauen Beschreibung des Problems an icecoffee@sabi.net."; "DisableAlertDisableButton" = "Ausschalten"; "DisableAlertDontDisableButton" = "Nicht Ausschalten"; /**** Shared URL parsing errors ****/ /* After processing, the URL is too long */ "The potential URL is longer than %lu characters" = "Die vermeintliche Internet-Adresse ist länger als %lu Zeichen"; /* After processing, no URL could be found */ "No URL is selected" = "Es ist keine Internet-Adresse ausgewählt"; /* ICStart error */ "Unable to start Internet Config (error %d)" = "Internet Config konnte nicht gestartet werden (Fehler %d)"; /**** NSTextView launching errors ****/ /* Can't get selected range */ "There is no insertion point or selection in the text field where you clicked" = "In dem Textfeld, in das Sie geklickt haben, gibt es weder eine Einfügemarke noch eine Auswahl."; /* Can't get text storage */ "Sorry, ICeCoffEE is unable to locate the insertion point or selection" = "ICeCoffEE konnte weder die Einfügemarke noch eine Auswahl finden."; /* Text storage has zero length */ "No text was found" = "Es wurde kein Text gefunden"; /**** Terminal launching errors ****/ /* Word selection produced nothing */ /* Remark (ssp): I translated it as '...unable to find any text...' to make it sound less awkward. */ "Sorry, ICeCoffEE was unable to find anything to select" = "ICeCoffEE konnte keinen Text zum Auswählen finden"; /**** Internet Config errors ****/ /* icPrefNotFoundErr */ /* Remark (ssp): I changed this a lot. It may be technically less correct now but hopefully more readable. It reads like 'Couldn't find an application that can deal with the protocol of the selected location.' Reasons are (a) you can't really 'set' things in OSX (b) there are no more 'helper applications' and (c) nobody knows what a 'scheme' is. Further suggestion: put the actual scheme name into the error message */ "-666" = "Es wurde kein Programm gefunden, das das Protokoll (z.B. http:) der ausgewählten Internet-Adresse beherrscht"; /* icNoURLErr */ "-673" = "Die Auswahl ist keine Internet-Adresse"; /* icInternalErr */ "-669" = "Es ist ein interner Fehler in „Internet Config“ aufgetreten"; /**** Launch Services errors ****/ /* kLSApplicationNotFoundErr */ /* Remark (ssp): I made this the same as the -666 message because of (a) above */ "-10814" = "Es wurde kein Programm gefunden, das das Protokoll (z.B. http:) der ausgewählten Internet-Adresse beherrscht"; /**** Misc. errors ****/ /* paramErr */ "-50" = "Die Auswahl enthält keine vollständige Internet-Adresse"; /* kTECNoConversionPathErr */ "-8749" = "Die ausgewählte Internet-Adresse enthält unzulässige (nicht-ASCII) Zeichen"; /* Message to use if no OSError lookup message is available; substitutes context */ /* Remark (ssp): For proper grammar the error-type shouldn't be at the end of the sentence. It could be put there without too much harm if the error-descriptions are too long to make this feasible. */ "An unknown error occurred in %@" = "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist in „%@“ aufgetreten";