// // PSVolumeController.m // Pester // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Tue Apr 08 2003. // Copyright (c) 2003 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "PSVolumeController.h" #import "NJRSoundManager.h" #import "NJRNonCenteringWindow.h" @implementation PSVolumeController + (PSVolumeController *)controllerWithVolume:(float)volume delegate:(id)aDelegate; { return [[self alloc] initWithVolume: volume delegate: aDelegate]; } - (id)initWithVolume:(float)volume delegate:(id)aDelegate; { if ( (self = [self initWithWindowNibName: @"Volume"]) != nil) { [self window]; // connect outlets NSWindow *window = [[NJRNonCenteringWindow alloc] initWithContentRect: [contentView bounds] styleMask: NSBorderlessWindowMask backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: NO]; if ([NJRSoundManager volumeIsNotMutedOrInvalid: volume]) [volumeSlider setFloatValue: volume]; delegate = [aDelegate retain]; [window setContentView: contentView]; [window setInitialFirstResponder: volumeSlider]; [window makeFirstResponder: volumeSlider]; [window setOpaque: NO]; [window setBackgroundColor: [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite: 0.81f alpha: 0.9f]]; [window setHasShadow: YES]; [window setOneShot: YES]; [window setDelegate: self]; NSView *view = [aDelegate volumeControllerLaunchingView: self]; if (view != nil) { NSRect rect = [view convertRect: [view bounds] toView: nil]; NSWindow *parentWindow = [view window]; rect.origin = [parentWindow convertBaseToScreen: rect.origin]; rect.origin.x -= [window frame].size.width - rect.size.width + 1; [window setFrameTopLeftPoint: rect.origin]; NSRect visibleFrame = [[parentWindow screen] visibleFrame]; if (!NSContainsRect(visibleFrame, [window frame])) { NSPoint viewTopLeft = { rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height }; [window setFrameOrigin: viewTopLeft]; } } // -[NSApplication beginModalSessionForWindow:] shows and centers the window; we use NJRNonCenteringWindow to prevent the repositioning from succeeding NSModalSession session = [NSApp beginModalSessionForWindow: window]; // In 10.6, we can no longer force the modal session to work by "seeding" the slider with a mouse-down event. // Instead, we stop the modal session on a volume change. while ([NSApp runModalSession: session] == NSRunContinuesResponse) { // Any mouse click events that do not change the slider value should abort. NSEvent *event = [NSApp currentEvent]; unsigned int eventTypeMask = NSEventMaskFromType([event type]); if (eventTypeMask & (NSLeftMouseDownMask | NSRightMouseDownMask | NSOtherMouseDownMask)) { [NSApp preventWindowOrdering]; [NSApp discardEventsMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask beforeEvent: event]; break; } if (eventTypeMask & (NSKeyDownMask | NSKeyUpMask)) { unsigned short keyCode = [event keyCode]; if (keyCode == 53 || keyCode == 36 || keyCode == 76) { // escape, return, enter [NSApp discardEventsMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask beforeEvent: event]; break; } } } [NSApp endModalSession: session]; [window close]; [self autorelease]; // XXX make sure window and self are released } return self; } - (void)dealloc; { [delegate release]; [super dealloc]; } - (IBAction)volumeSet:(NSSlider *)sender; { [delegate volumeController: self didSetVolume: [sender floatValue]]; [NSApp stopModal]; } @end