// // PSMovieAlertController.m // Pester // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Sat Oct 26 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "PSAlarmAlertController.h" #import "PSMovieAlertController.h" #import "PSMovieAlert.h" #import "NSMovie-NJRExtensions.h" #import "NJRSoundManager.h" #import @implementation PSMovieAlertController + (PSMovieAlertController *)controllerWithAlarm:(PSAlarm *)anAlarm movieAlert:(PSMovieAlert *)anAlert; { return [[self alloc] initWithAlarm: anAlarm movieAlert: anAlert]; } - (void)close; { [super close]; [NJRSoundManager restoreSavedDefaultOutputVolumeIfCurrently: [alert outputVolume]]; } - (void)play; { NSTimeInterval delay; if (repetitions == 0) return; if (IsMovieDone((Movie)theMovie) || repetitionsRemaining == repetitions) { if (repetitionsRemaining == 0) { [self close]; return; } repetitionsRemaining--; [movieView gotoBeginning: self]; [movieView start: self]; } delay = (GetMovieDuration((Movie)theMovie) - GetMovieTime((Movie)theMovie, NULL)) / (double)GetMovieTimeScale((Movie)theMovie); // XXX should use a timebase callback for this instead (see NJRQTMediaPopUpButton); also, use QuickTimeÕs built-in loop functionality instead of rolling our own? [self performSelector: @selector(play) withObject: nil afterDelay: delay inModes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSDefaultRunLoopMode]]; } - (id)initWithAlarm:(PSAlarm *)anAlarm movieAlert:(PSMovieAlert *)anAlert; { if ([self initWithWindowNibName: @"Movie alert"]) { NSMovie *movie = [anAlert movie]; NSWindow *window = [self window]; // connect outlets alarm = anAlarm; alert = anAlert; [movieView setMovie: movie]; theMovie = [movie QTMovie]; if ([alert hasVideo]) { NSRect screenRect = [[window screen] visibleFrame]; float magnification = 1.0; NSSize movieSize; NSSize minSize = [window minSize]; float windowFrameHeight = [window frame].size.height - [[window contentView] frame].size.height; NSRect frame; screenRect.size.height -= windowFrameHeight; minSize.height -= windowFrameHeight; while (1) { movieSize = [movieView sizeForMagnification: magnification]; movieSize.height -= 16; // controller is hidden, but its size is included (documented, ergh) if (movieSize.width > screenRect.size.width || movieSize.height > screenRect.size.height) magnification /= 2; else break; } if (movieSize.width < minSize.width) movieSize.width = minSize.width; if (movieSize.height < minSize.height) movieSize.width = minSize.height; [window setContentSize: movieSize]; [window center]; frame = [window frame]; frame.origin.y -= 400; // appear below notifier window - XXX this is very inaccurate, fix if (frame.origin.y < screenRect.origin.y) frame.origin.y = screenRect.origin.y; [window setFrame: frame display: NO]; [window setTitle: [alarm message]]; { // XXX workaround for (IMO) ugly appearance of Cocoa utility windows NSView *miniButton = [window standardWindowButton: NSWindowMiniaturizeButton], *zoomButton = [window standardWindowButton: NSWindowZoomButton]; // NOTE: this will not work if the window is resizable: when the frame is reset, the standard buttons reappear [miniButton setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint(-100, -100)]; [zoomButton setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint(-100, -100)]; [[miniButton superview] setNeedsDisplay: YES]; [[zoomButton superview] setNeedsDisplay: YES]; } [[self window] orderFrontRegardless]; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(close) name: PSAlarmAlertStopNotification object: nil]; repetitions = [alert repetitions]; repetitionsRemaining = repetitions; if ([movie hasAudio] && [NJRSoundManager volumeIsNotMutedOrInvalid: [alert outputVolume]] && [NJRSoundManager saveDefaultOutputVolume]) { [NJRSoundManager setDefaultOutputVolume: [alert outputVolume]]; } if (![movie isStatic]) [self play]; // if it's an image, don't close the window automatically } return self; } - (void)dealloc; { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self]; [super dealloc]; } @end @implementation PSMovieAlertController (NSWindowNotifications) - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification; { repetitions = 0; [movieView stop: self]; [alert completedForAlarm: alarm]; [self autorelease]; // note: there may still be a retained copy of this object until the runloop timer has let go of us at the end of the current movie playback cycle; donÕt worry about it. } @end