// // PSAlarmSetController.m // Pester // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Tue Oct 08 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "PSAlarmSetController.h" #import "PSAlarmAlertController.h" #import "NJRDateFormatter.h" #import "NJRFSObjectSelector.h" #import "NJRQTMediaPopUpButton.h" #import "NJRVoicePopUpButton.h" #import #import "PSDockBounceAlert.h" #import "PSScriptAlert.h" #import "PSNotifierAlert.h" #import "PSBeepAlert.h" #import "PSMovieAlert.h" #import "PSSpeechAlert.h" /* Bugs to file: ¥ any trailing spaces: -> exception for +[NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString]: > NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString: '12 ' format error: internal error ¥ NSDate natural language stuff in NSCalendarDate (why?), misspelled category name ¥ NSCalendarDate natural language stuff behaves differently from NSDateFormatter (AM/PM has no effect, shouldn't they share code?) ¥ NSDateFormatter doc class description gives two examples for natural language that are incorrect, no link to NSDate doc that describes exactly how natural language dates are parsed ¥ NSTimeFormatString does not include %p when it should, meaning that AM/PM is stripped yet 12-hour time is still used ¥ NSNextDayDesignations, NSNextNextDayDesignations are noted as 'a string' in NSUserDefaults docs, but maybe they are actually an array, or either an array or a string, given their names? ¥ "Setting the Format for Dates" does not document how to get 1:15 AM, the answer is %1I - strftime has no exact equivalent; the closest is %l. strftime does not permit numeric prefixes. It also refers to "NSCalendar" when no such class exists. ¥ none of many mentions of NSAMPMDesignation indicates that they include the leading spaces (" AM", " PM"). In "Setting the Format for Dates", needs to mention that the leading spaces are not included in %p with strftime. But if you use the NSCalendarDate stuff, it appears %p doesn't include the space. ¥ descriptions for %X and %x are reversed (time zone is in %X, not %x) ¥ too hard to implement date-only or time-only formatters ¥ should be able to specify that natural language favors date or time (10 = 10th of month, not 10am) ¥ please expose the iCal controls! */ @interface PSAlarmSetController (Private) - (void)_stopUpdateTimer; @end @implementation PSAlarmSetController - (void)awakeFromNib; { // XXX bugs prevent this code from working properly on Jaguar /* NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [timeOfDay setFormatter: [[NJRDateFormatter alloc] initWithDateFormat: [defaults objectForKey: NSTimeFormatString] allowNaturalLanguage: YES]]; [timeDate setFormatter: [[NJRDateFormatter alloc] initWithDateFormat: [defaults objectForKey: NSShortDateFormatString] allowNaturalLanguage: YES]]; */ alarm = [[PSAlarm alloc] init]; [[self window] center]; [self inAtChanged: nil]; [self playSoundChanged: nil]; [self doScriptChanged: nil]; [self doSpeakChanged: nil]; [script setFileTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"applescript", @"script", NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode(kOSAFileType), NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode('TEXT'), nil]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(silence:) name: PSAlarmAlertStopNotification object: nil]; [voice setDelegate: self]; [[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; } - (void)setStatus:(NSString *)aString; { // NSLog(@"%@", alarm); if (aString != status) { [status release]; status = nil; status = [aString retain]; [timeSummary setStringValue: status]; } } - (id)objectValueForTextField:(NSTextField *)field whileEditing:(id)sender; { if (sender == field) { NSString *stringValue = [[[self window] fieldEditor: NO forObject: field] string]; id obj = nil; [[field formatter] getObjectValue: &obj forString: stringValue errorDescription: NULL]; // NSLog(@"from field editor: %@", obj); return obj; } else { // NSLog(@"from field: %@", [field objectValue]); return [field objectValue]; } } - (void)setAlarmDateAndInterval:(id)sender; { if (isInterval) { [alarm setInterval: [[self objectValueForTextField: timeInterval whileEditing: sender] intValue] * [timeIntervalUnits selectedTag]]; } else { [alarm setForDate: [self objectValueForTextField: timeDate whileEditing: sender] atTime: [self objectValueForTextField: timeOfDay whileEditing: sender]]; } } - (void)_stopUpdateTimer; { [updateTimer invalidate]; [updateTimer release]; updateTimer = nil; } // XXX use OACalendar? - (IBAction)updateDateDisplay:(id)sender; { // NSLog(@"updateDateDisplay: %@", sender); if ([alarm isValid]) { [self setStatus: [[alarm date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"Alarm will be set for %X on %x" timeZone: nil locale: nil]]; [setButton setEnabled: YES]; if (updateTimer == nil || ![updateTimer isValid]) { // XXX this logic (and the timer) should really go into PSAlarm, to send notifications for status updates instead. Timer starts when people are watching, stops when people aren't. // NSLog(@"setting timer"); if (isInterval) { updateTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 1 target: self selector: @selector(updateDateDisplay:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; } else { updateTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: [alarm interval] target: self selector: @selector(updateDateDisplay:) userInfo: nil repeats: NO]; } [updateTimer retain]; } } else { [setButton setEnabled: NO]; [self setStatus: [alarm invalidMessage]]; [self _stopUpdateTimer]; } } // Be careful not to hook up any of the text fields' actions to update: because we handle them in controlTextDidChange: instead. If we could get the active text field somehow via public API (guess we could use controlTextDidBegin/controlTextDidEndEditing) then we'd not need to overload the update sender for this purpose. Or, I guess, we could use another method other than update. It should not be this hard to implement what is essentially standard behavior. Sigh. - (IBAction)update:(id)sender; { // NSLog(@"update: %@", sender); [self setAlarmDateAndInterval: sender]; [self updateDateDisplay: sender]; } - (IBAction)inAtChanged:(id)sender; { isInterval = ([inAtMatrix selectedTag] == 0); [timeInterval setEnabled: isInterval]; [timeIntervalUnits setEnabled: isInterval]; [timeIntervalRepeats setEnabled: isInterval]; [timeOfDay setEnabled: !isInterval]; [timeDate setEnabled: !isInterval]; [timeDateCompletions setEnabled: !isInterval]; if (sender != nil) [[self window] makeFirstResponder: isInterval ? timeInterval : timeOfDay]; // NSLog(@"UPDATING FROM inAtChanged"); [self update: nil]; } - (IBAction)playSoundChanged:(id)sender; { BOOL playSoundSelected = [playSound intValue]; [sound setEnabled: playSoundSelected]; [soundRepetitions setEnabled: playSoundSelected]; [soundRepetitionStepper setEnabled: playSoundSelected]; [soundRepetitionsLabel setTextColor: playSoundSelected ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; if (playSoundSelected && sender != nil) [[self window] makeFirstResponder: sound]; } // XXX should check the 'Do script:' button when someone drops a script on the button - (IBAction)doScriptChanged:(id)sender; { BOOL doScriptSelected = [doScript intValue]; [script setEnabled: doScriptSelected]; [scriptSelectButton setEnabled: doScriptSelected]; if (doScriptSelected && sender != nil) [[self window] makeFirstResponder: scriptSelectButton]; } - (IBAction)doSpeakChanged:(id)sender; { BOOL doSpeakSelected = [doSpeak intValue]; [voice setEnabled: doSpeakSelected]; if (doSpeakSelected && sender != nil) [[self window] makeFirstResponder: voice]; } - (IBAction)dateCompleted:(NSPopUpButton *)sender; { [timeDate setStringValue: [sender titleOfSelectedItem]]; [self update: sender]; } // to ensure proper updating of interval, this should be the only method by which the window is shown (e.g. from the Alarm menu) - (IBAction)showWindow:(id)sender; { if (![[self window] isVisible]) { [self update: self]; // XXX otherwise, first responder appears to alternate every time the window is shown?! And if you set the initial first responder, you can't tab in the window. :( [[self window] makeFirstResponder: [[self window] initialFirstResponder]]; } [super showWindow: sender]; } - (IBAction)setAlarm:(NSButton *)sender; { // set alarm [self setAlarmDateAndInterval: sender]; [alarm setMessage: [messageField stringValue]]; if (![alarm setTimer]) { [self setStatus: [@"Unable to set alarm. " stringByAppendingString: [alarm invalidMessage]]]; return; } [alarm removeAlerts]; // dock bounce alert if ([bounceDockIcon state] == NSOnState) [alarm addAlert: [PSDockBounceAlert alert]]; // script alert if ([doScript intValue]) { BDAlias *scriptFileAlias = [script alias]; if (scriptFileAlias == nil) { [self setStatus: @"Unable to set script alert (no script specified?)"]; return; } [alarm addAlert: [PSScriptAlert alertWithScriptFileAlias: scriptFileAlias]]; } // notifier alert if ([displayMessage intValue]) [alarm addAlert: [PSNotifierAlert alert]]; // sound alerts if ([playSound intValue]) { BDAlias *soundAlias = [sound selectedAlias]; unsigned short numReps = [soundRepetitions intValue]; if (soundAlias == nil) // beep alert [alarm addAlert: [PSBeepAlert alertWithRepetitions: numReps]]; else // movie alert [alarm addAlert: [PSMovieAlert alertWithMovieFileAlias: soundAlias repetitions: numReps]]; } // speech alert if ([doSpeak intValue]) [alarm addAlert: [PSSpeechAlert alertWithVoice: [voice titleOfSelectedItem]]]; [self setStatus: [[alarm date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"Alarm set for %x at %X" timeZone: nil locale: nil]]; [[self window] close]; [alarm release]; alarm = [[PSAlarm alloc] init]; } - (IBAction)silence:(id)sender; { [sound stopSoundPreview: self]; [voice stopVoicePreview: self]; } @end @implementation PSAlarmSetController (NSControlSubclassDelegate) - (void)control:(NSControl *)control didFailToValidatePartialString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString *)error; { unichar c; int tag; unsigned length = [string length]; if (control != timeInterval || length == 0) return; c = [string characterAtIndex: length - 1]; switch (c) { case 's': case 'S': tag = 1; break; case 'm': case 'M': tag = 60; break; case 'h': case 'H': tag = 60 * 60; break; default: return; } [timeIntervalUnits selectItemAtIndex: [timeIntervalUnits indexOfItemWithTag: tag]]; // NSLog(@"UPDATING FROM validation"); [self update: timeInterval]; // make sure we still examine the field editor, otherwise if the existing numeric string is invalid, it'll be cleared } @end @implementation PSAlarmSetController (NSWindowNotifications) - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification; { // NSLog(@"stopping update timer"); [self silence: nil]; [self _stopUpdateTimer]; } @end @implementation PSAlarmSetController (NSControlSubclassNotifications) // called because we're the delegate - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification; { // NSLog(@"UPDATING FROM controlTextDidChange"); [self update: [notification object]]; } @end @implementation PSAlarmSetController (NJRVoicePopUpButtonDelegate) - (NSString *)voicePopUpButton:(NJRVoicePopUpButton *)sender previewStringForVoice:(NSString *)voice; { return [messageField stringValue]; } @end