// // PSAlarmNotifierController.m // Pester // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Tue Oct 08 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "PSAlarmNotifierController.h" #import "PSAlarmAlertController.h" #import "PSAlarm.h" #import "PSNotifierAlert.h" #import "PSSnoozeUntilController.h" #import "NJRIntervalField.h" static NSString * const PSAlarmSnoozeInterval = @"Pester alarm snooze interval"; // NSUserDefaults key @interface PSAlarmNotifierController (Private) - (void)update:(id)sender; - (void)updateNextDateDisplay:(id)sender; @end @implementation PSAlarmNotifierController // XXX should use NSNonactivatingPanelMask on 10.2? - (id)initWithAlarm:(PSAlarm *)anAlarm; { if ([self initWithWindowNibName: @"Notifier"]) { NSWindow *window = [self window]; NSRect frameRect = [window frame]; alarm = [anAlarm retain]; [messageField setStringValue: [alarm message]]; [dateField setStringValue: [alarm dateTimeString]]; if (![self setSnoozeInterval: [alarm snoozeInterval]] && ![self setSnoozeInterval: [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey: PSAlarmSnoozeInterval] doubleValue]]) [self setSnoozeInterval: 15 * 60]; // 15 minutes if ([alarm isRepeating]) { [intervalField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"every %@", [[alarm intervalString] lowercaseString]]]; [self updateNextDateDisplay: nil]; updateTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 1 target: self selector: @selector(updateNextDateDisplay:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; frameRect.size = [window maxSize]; } else { frameRect.size = [window minSize]; } [window setFrame: frameRect display: NO]; [window center]; [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; [window orderFrontRegardless]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc; { [alarm release]; alarm = nil; [updateTimer invalidate]; updateTimer = nil; [super dealloc]; } - (void)updateNextDateDisplay:(id)sender; { if (!canSnooze) { NSString *nextDateTimeString = [alarm nextDateTimeString]; if (nextDateTimeString == nil) { // no longer repeating [updateTimer invalidate]; updateTimer = nil; } else { [nextDateField setStringValue: nextDateTimeString]; } } } - (void)update:(id)sender; { snoozeInterval = [snoozeIntervalField interval]; canSnooze = (snoozeInterval > 0); if (canSnooze) [nextDateField setStringValue: @"after snooze"]; [snoozeButton setEnabled: canSnooze]; [canSnooze ? snoozeButton : okButton setKeyEquivalent: @"\r"]; [canSnooze ? okButton : snoozeButton setKeyEquivalent: @""]; } - (IBAction)close:(id)sender; { [PSAlarmAlertController stopAlerts: sender]; [self retain]; [self close]; // releases self in windowWillClose: [[PSNotifierAlert alert] completedForAlarm: alarm]; [self release]; } - (IBAction)snoozeUntil:(NSMenuItem *)sender; { [PSSnoozeUntilController snoozeUntilControllerWithNotifierController: self]; } - (IBAction)snoozeIntervalUnitsChanged:(NSPopUpButton *)sender; { if ([[sender selectedItem] tag] > 0) [self update: nil]; } - (NSTimeInterval)snoozeInterval; { return snoozeInterval; } - (BOOL)setSnoozeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval; { snoozeInterval = interval; return [snoozeIntervalField setInterval: interval]; } - (IBAction)snooze:(NSButton *)sender; { snoozeInterval = [snoozeIntervalField interval]; [alarm setSnoozeInterval: snoozeInterval]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: snoozeInterval] forKey: PSAlarmSnoozeInterval]; [self close: sender]; } - (void)snoozeUntilDate:(NSCalendarDate *)date; { [alarm setSnoozeInterval: [date timeIntervalSinceNow]]; [self close: self]; } - (IBAction)stopRepeating:(NSButton *)sender; { NSWindow *window = [self window]; NSRect frameRect = [window frame]; NSSize newSize = [window minSize]; [alarm setRepeating: NO]; [sender setEnabled: NO]; frameRect.origin.y += frameRect.size.height - newSize.height; frameRect.size = newSize; [window setFrame: frameRect display: YES animate: YES]; } @end @implementation PSAlarmNotifierController (NSControlSubclassDelegate) - (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control didFailToFormatString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString *)error; { if (control == snoozeIntervalField) [snoozeIntervalField handleDidFailToFormatString: string errorDescription: error label: @"snooze interval"]; return NO; } - (void)control:(NSControl *)control didFailToValidatePartialString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString *)error; { // NSLog(@"UPDATING FROM validation"); [self update: control]; // switch to snooze if someone types something weird... } - (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector; { // NSLog(@"UPDATING from textView: %@", NSStringFromSelector(commandSelector)); if (commandSelector == @selector(cancel:)) { // if someone just wants the stupid thing to go away and presses escape, donŐt hinder them [self close: control]; return YES; } // if someone invokes the default button or switches fields, donŐt override it if (commandSelector == @selector(insertNewline:) || commandSelector == @selector(insertTab:) || commandSelector == @selector(insertBacktab:)) return NO; [self update: control]; // ...or if they type a navigation key... return NO; // we donŐt handle it } @end @implementation PSAlarmNotifierController (NSControlSubclassNotifications) - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification; { // NSLog(@"UPDATING FROM controlTextDidChange: %@", [notification object]); [self update: [notification object]]; // ...or if they modify the snooze interval } @end @implementation PSAlarmNotifierController (NSWindowNotifications) - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification; { // canŐt rely on dealloc to invalidate the timer, because it retains this object [updateTimer invalidate]; updateTimer = nil; [self release]; // in non-document-based apps, this is needed; see docs } @end