// Copyright 1997-2002 Omni Development, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This software may only be used and reproduced according to the // terms in the file OmniSourceLicense.html, which should be // distributed with this project and can also be found at // http://www.omnigroup.com/DeveloperResources/OmniSourceLicense.html. // // $Header: /Network/Source/CVS/OmniGroup/Frameworks/OmniFoundation/OpenStepExtensions.subproj/NSCalendarDate-OFExtensions.h,v 1.12 2002/03/09 01:54:02 kc Exp $ #import @interface NSCalendarDate (OFExtensions) + (NSCalendarDate *)unixReferenceDate; - (void)setToUnixDateFormat; - initWithTime_t:(int)time; - (NSCalendarDate *)safeReferenceDate; - (NSCalendarDate *)firstDayOfMonth; - (NSCalendarDate *)lastDayOfMonth; - (int)numberOfDaysInMonth; - (int)weekOfMonth; // Returns 1 through 6. Weeks are Sunday-Saturday. - (BOOL)isInSameWeekAsDate:(NSCalendarDate *)otherDate; @end