// // NJRTableView.m // Pester // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Sun Nov 17 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "NJRTableView.h" #import "NSTableView-NJRExtensions.h" #import "NSCharacterSet-NJRExtensions.h" @interface NJRTableView (Private) - (void)_resetTypeSelect; @end @implementation NJRTableView #pragma mark type selection - (id)typeSelectDisplay; { return typeSelectDisplay; } - (void)moveToEndOfDocument:(id)sender { [self scrollRowToVisible: [self numberOfRows] - 1]; } - (void)moveToBeginningOfDocument:(id)sender { [self scrollRowToVisible: 0]; } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent; { NSString *characters; unichar firstCharacter; characters = [theEvent characters]; firstCharacter = [characters characterAtIndex: 0]; switch (firstCharacter) { case 0177: // delete key case NSDeleteFunctionKey: case NSDeleteCharFunctionKey: if ([self selectedRow] >= 0 && [[self dataSource] respondsToSelector: @selector(removeSelectedRowsFromTableView:)]) { [[self dataSource] removeSelectedRowsFromTableView: self]; } return; case NSHomeFunctionKey: [self moveToBeginningOfDocument: nil]; return; case NSEndFunctionKey: [self moveToEndOfDocument: nil]; return; } if ([[NSCharacterSet typeSelectSet] characterIsMember: firstCharacter]) { // invoking -[NSResponder interpretKeyEvents:] will cause insertText: to be invoked, and allows function keys to still work. [self interpretKeyEvents: [NSArray arrayWithObject: theEvent]]; } else { [super keyDown: theEvent]; } } - (void)insertText:(id)inString; { // For consistency with List Manager as documented, reset the typeahead buffer after twice the delay until key repeat (in ticks). NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; int keyRepeatTicks = [defaults integerForKey: @"InitialKeyRepeat"]; NSTimeInterval resetDelay; if (keyRepeatTicks == 0) keyRepeatTicks = 35; // default may be missing; if so, set default resetDelay = MIN(2.0 / 60.0 * keyRepeatTicks, 2.0); if (typed == nil) typed = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; [typed appendString: inString]; // Cancel any previously queued future invocations of _resetTypeSelect [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: self selector: @selector(_resetTypeSelect) object: nil]; // queue an invocation of clearAccumulatingTypeahead for the near future. [self performSelector: @selector(_resetTypeSelect) withObject: nil afterDelay: resetDelay]; // Use stringWithString to make an autoreleased copy, since we may clear out the original string below before it can be used. [[self delegate] tableView: self selectRowMatchingString: [NSString stringWithString: typed]]; // Show the current typeahead string in the optional display field, like CodeWarrior does (well, not really, CW is much more elegant because it doesn't select anything until you stop typing) [typeSelectDisplay setObjectValue: typed]; } - (void)_resetTypeSelect; { [typed setString: @""]; [typeSelectDisplay setObjectValue: nil]; } - (void)resetTypeSelect; { [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: self selector: @selector(_resetTypeSelect) object: nil]; [self _resetTypeSelect]; } @end