// // NJRHistoryTrackingComboBox.m // DockCam // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Fri Jun 28 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "NJRHistoryTrackingComboBox.h" #define NJRHistoryTrackingComboBoxMaxItems 100 @implementation NJRHistoryTrackingComboBox - (NSString *)_defaultKey; { NSAssert([self tag] != 0, NSLocalizedString(@"Can't track history for combo box with tag 0: please set a tag", "Assertion for history tracking combo box if tag is 0")); return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"NJRHistoryTrackingComboBox tag %d", [self tag]]; } - (void)awakeFromNib; { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(textDidEndEditing:) name: NSTextDidEndEditingNotification object: self]; [self removeAllItems]; [self addItemsWithObjectValues: [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringArrayForKey: [self _defaultKey]]]; } - (void)_writeHistory; { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [defaults setObject: [self objectValues] forKey: [self _defaultKey]]; [defaults synchronize]; } - (void)_clearEntry; { [self setStringValue: @""]; // force bindings to update [self textDidChange: [NSNotification notificationWithName: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object: [[self window] fieldEditor: NO forObject: self]]]; } - (IBAction)removeEntry:(id)sender; { int idx = [self indexOfSelectedItem]; if (idx == -1) { [self selectItemWithObjectValue: [self stringValue]]; idx = [self indexOfSelectedItem]; } if (idx != -1) [self removeItemAtIndex: idx]; [self _clearEntry]; [self _writeHistory]; } - (IBAction)clearAllEntries:(id)sender; { [self removeAllItems]; [self setStringValue: @""]; [self _clearEntry]; [self _writeHistory]; } - (BOOL)textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)textObject; { NSString *newValue = [self stringValue]; int oldIndex = [self indexOfItemWithObjectValue: newValue]; if ([newValue length] == 0) return YES; // donŐt save empty entries [self removeItemWithObjectValue: newValue]; [self insertItemWithObjectValue: newValue atIndex: 0]; if (oldIndex == NSNotFound) { int numItems = [self numberOfItems]; while (numItems-- > NJRHistoryTrackingComboBoxMaxItems) { [self removeItemAtIndex: numItems - 1]; } } [self _writeHistory]; return YES; } @end