// // NJRDateFormatter.m // Pester // // Created by Nicholas Riley on Wed Oct 09 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002 Nicholas Riley. All rights reserved. // #import "NJRDateFormatter.h" NSUserDefaults *locale; @implementation NJRDateFormatter + (void)initialize; { locale = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] retain]; } + (NSString *)format:(NSString *)format withoutComponent:(unichar)component; { NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: format]; int formatLength = [format length]; NSRange range; [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped: [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: @""]]; // NSLog(@"format:withoutComponent: trying to excise %c from %@", component, format); while ([scanner scanUpToString: @"%" intoString: nil] || ![scanner isAtEnd]) { range.location = [scanner scanLocation]; // NSLog(@"location: %d/%d, remaining: %@%@", range.location, formatLength, [format substringFromIndex: range.location], [scanner isAtEnd] ? @", isAtEnd" : @""); // XXX works fine without keeping track of length in 10.1.5; in 10.2, [scanner scanUptoString:intoString:] still returns YES even when scanner is at end and thereีs nothing left to scan, and if you start accessing the string past the end... *boom* if (range.location >= formatLength) break; [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet: [NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet] intoString: nil]; if ([format characterAtIndex: [scanner scanLocation]] == component) { if ([scanner scanUpToString: @"%" intoString: nil] && ![scanner isAtEnd]) { NSMutableString *mutableFormat = [format mutableCopy]; if (range.location != 0 && [[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet] characterIsMember: [format characterAtIndex: range.location - 1]]) { range.location--; // "%I:%M:%S%p" -> "%I:%M%p" } range.length = [scanner scanLocation] - range.location; [mutableFormat deleteCharactersInRange: range]; format = [mutableFormat copy]; [mutableFormat release]; return [format autorelease]; } else { range = [format rangeOfCharacterFromSet: [NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet] options: NSBackwardsSearch range: NSMakeRange(0, range.location)]; return [format substringToIndex: NSMaxRange(range)]; } } } return format; } + (NSString *)localizedDateFormatIncludingWeekday:(BOOL)weekday; { NSString *format = [locale stringForKey: NSDateFormatString]; if (weekday) return format; return [self format: format withoutComponent: (unichar)'A']; } + (NSString *)localizedShortDateFormatIncludingWeekday:(BOOL)weekday; { NSString *format = [locale stringForKey: NSShortDateFormatString]; if (weekday) return format; return [self format: format withoutComponent: (unichar)'A']; } NSString *stringByInsertingStringAtLocation(NSString *string, NSString *insert, int location) { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@", [string substringToIndex: location], insert, [string substringFromIndex: location]]; } + (NSString *)localizedTimeFormatIncludingSeconds:(BOOL)seconds; { NSString *format = [locale stringForKey: NSTimeFormatString]; NSArray *ampm = [locale arrayForKey: NSAMPMDesignation]; NSString *am = [ampm objectAtIndex: 0], *pm = [ampm objectAtIndex: 1]; // work around bug with inconsistent AM/PM and time format if ([am isEqualToString: @""] && [pm isEqualToString: @""]) format = [self format: format withoutComponent: 'p']; else { NSRange ampmComponentRange = [format rangeOfString: @"%p"]; NSCharacterSet *whitespace = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]; BOOL needSpaceInFormatString = ![whitespace characterIsMember: [am characterAtIndex: 0]]; if (ampmComponentRange.location == NSNotFound) // "%1I:%M:%S" -> "%1I:%M:%S%p", "%1I:%M:%S %p" format = [format stringByAppendingString: (needSpaceInFormatString ? @" %p" : @"%p")]; else { NSRange whitespaceRange = [format rangeOfCharacterFromSet: whitespace options: NSBackwardsSearch range: NSMakeRange(0, ampmComponentRange.location)]; if (whitespaceRange.location == NSNotFound) { if (needSpaceInFormatString) // "%1I:%M:%S%p" -> "%1I:%M:%S %p" format = stringByInsertingStringAtLocation(format, @" ", ampmComponentRange.location); // else "%1I:%M:%S%p" -> no change } else { if (NSMaxRange(whitespaceRange) == ampmComponentRange.location) { if (!needSpaceInFormatString) // "%1I:%M:%S %p" -> "%1I:%M:%S%p" format = [[format substringToIndex: whitespaceRange.location] stringByAppendingString: [format substringFromIndex: ampmComponentRange.location]]; // else "%1I:%M:%S %p" -> no change } else { if (needSpaceInFormatString) format = stringByInsertingStringAtLocation(format, @" ", ampmComponentRange.location); // else "%1I %M:%S%p" -> no change } } } } if (seconds) return format; return [self format: format withoutComponent: 'S']; } // workaround for bug in Jaguar (and earlier?) NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString: NSString * stringByRemovingSurroundingWhitespace(NSString *string) { static NSCharacterSet *nonWhitespace = nil; NSRange firstValidCharacter, lastValidCharacter; if (!nonWhitespace) { nonWhitespace = [[[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: @" \t\r\n"] invertedSet] retain]; } firstValidCharacter = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:nonWhitespace]; if (firstValidCharacter.length == 0) return @""; lastValidCharacter = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:nonWhitespace options: NSBackwardsSearch]; if (firstValidCharacter.location == 0 && lastValidCharacter.location == [string length] - 1) return string; else return [string substringWithRange: NSUnionRange(firstValidCharacter, lastValidCharacter)]; } - (id)initWithDateFormat:(NSString *)format allowNaturalLanguage:(BOOL)flag; { if ( (self = [super initWithDateFormat: format allowNaturalLanguage: flag]) != nil) { NSRange ampmRange = [format rangeOfString: @"%p"]; NSArray *ampm = [locale arrayForKey: NSAMPMDesignation]; NSString *am = [ampm objectAtIndex: 0], *pm = [ampm objectAtIndex: 1]; if (flag && ampmRange.location != NSNotFound && [[locale stringForKey: NSTimeFormatString] rangeOfString: @"%p"].location == NSNotFound && ![am isEqualToString: pm]) { // workaround for bug in NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString: discarding AM/PM value when AM/PM designations have spaces in them (of which the use thereof is a workaround for NSDateFormatter discarding the AM/PM value) NSMutableString *paddedFormat = [format mutableCopy]; [paddedFormat replaceCharactersInRange: ampmRange withString: @" %p"]; alteredLocale = [[locale dictionaryRepresentation] mutableCopy]; [(NSMutableDictionary *)alteredLocale setObject: paddedFormat forKey: NSTimeFormatString]; [(NSMutableDictionary *)alteredLocale setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: stringByRemovingSurroundingWhitespace(am), stringByRemovingSurroundingWhitespace(pm), nil] forKey: NSAMPMDesignation]; [paddedFormat release]; } else { alteredLocale = [(NSDictionary *)locale retain]; } } return self; } - (void)dealloc; { [alteredLocale release]; [super dealloc]; } - (BOOL)getObjectValue:(id *)anObject forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString **)error { NSCalendarDate *date; if (![self allowsNaturalLanguage]) return [super getObjectValue: anObject forString: string errorDescription: error]; if (string == nil) return nil; NS_DURING // dateWithNaturalLanguageString: can throw an exception date = [NSCalendarDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString: stringByRemovingSurroundingWhitespace(string) locale: alteredLocale]; // NSLog(@"%@: natural language date is %@", string, date); NS_HANDLER if (error != nil) *error = [localException reason]; NS_VALUERETURN(NO, BOOL); NS_ENDHANDLER // [super getObjectValue: anObject forString: string errorDescription: error]; // NSLog(@"%@: formatter date is %@", string, anObject == nil ? @"(null)" : *anObject); if (date == nil) return [super getObjectValue: anObject forString: string errorDescription: error]; *anObject = date; return YES; } @end