/**************************************************************************************** mach_inject.c $Revision: $ Copyright (c) 2003 Red Shed Software. All rights reserved. by Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch (jon * redshed * net) ************************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "mach_inject.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* doesn't show up, for some reason */ void bzero(void *, size_t); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifndef COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT #define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( exp ) { switch (0) { case 0: case (exp):; } } #endif #define ASSERT_CAST( CAST_TO, CAST_FROM ) COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(CAST_TO)==sizeof(CAST_FROM) ) /**************************************************************************************** * * Interface * ****************************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark (Interface) mach_error_t mach_inject( const mach_inject_entry threadEntry, const void *paramBlock, size_t paramSize, pid_t targetProcess, vm_size_t stackSize ) { ;//assertCodePtr( threadEntry ); ;//assertPtrIfNotNull( paramBlock ); ;//assertPositive( targetProcess ); ;//assertIsTrue( stackSize == 0 || stackSize > 1024 ); // Find the image. const void *image; unsigned long imageSize; mach_error_t err = machImageForPointer( threadEntry, &image, &imageSize ); // Initialize stackSize to default if requested. if( stackSize == 0 ) /** @bug We only want an 8K default, fix the plop-in-the-middle code below. */ stackSize = 16 * 1024; // Convert PID to Mach Task ref. mach_port_t remoteTask = 0; if( !err ) err = task_for_pid( mach_task_self(), targetProcess, &remoteTask ); /** @todo Would be nice to just allocate one block for both the remote stack *and* the remoteCode (including the parameter data block once that's written. */ // Allocate the remoteStack. vm_address_t remoteStack = NULL; if( !err ) err = vm_allocate( remoteTask, &remoteStack, stackSize, 1 ); // Allocate the code. vm_address_t remoteCode = NULL; if( !err ) err = vm_allocate( remoteTask, &remoteCode, imageSize, 1 ); if( !err ) { ASSERT_CAST( pointer_t, image ); err = vm_write( remoteTask, remoteCode, (pointer_t) image, imageSize ); } // Allocate the paramBlock if specified. vm_address_t remoteParamBlock = NULL; if( !err && paramBlock != NULL && paramSize ) { err = vm_allocate( remoteTask, &remoteParamBlock, paramSize, 1 ); if( !err ) { ASSERT_CAST( pointer_t, paramBlock ); err = vm_write( remoteTask, remoteParamBlock, (pointer_t) paramBlock, paramSize ); } } // Calculate offsets. ptrdiff_t threadEntryOffset, imageOffset; if( !err ) { ;//assertIsWithinRange( threadEntry, image, image+imageSize ); ASSERT_CAST( void*, threadEntry ); threadEntryOffset = ((long) threadEntry) - (long) image; ASSERT_CAST( void*, remoteCode ); imageOffset = ((long) remoteCode) - (long) image; } // Allocate the thread. thread_act_t remoteThread; if( !err ) { ppc_thread_state_t remoteThreadState; /** @bug Stack math should be more sophisticated than this (ala redzone). */ remoteStack += stackSize / 2; bzero( &remoteThreadState, sizeof(remoteThreadState) ); ASSERT_CAST( unsigned int, remoteCode ); remoteThreadState.srr0 = (unsigned int) remoteCode; remoteThreadState.srr0 += threadEntryOffset; assert( remoteThreadState.srr0 < (remoteCode + imageSize) ); ASSERT_CAST( unsigned int, remoteStack ); remoteThreadState.r1 = (unsigned int) remoteStack; ASSERT_CAST( unsigned int, imageOffset ); remoteThreadState.r3 = (unsigned int) imageOffset; ASSERT_CAST( unsigned int, remoteParamBlock ); remoteThreadState.r4 = (unsigned int) remoteParamBlock; ASSERT_CAST( unsigned int, paramSize ); remoteThreadState.r5 = (unsigned int) paramSize; ASSERT_CAST( unsigned int, 0xDEADBEEF ); remoteThreadState.lr = (unsigned int) 0xDEADBEEF; printf( "remoteCode start: %p\n", (void*) remoteCode ); printf( "remoteCode size: %ld\n", imageSize ); printf( "remoteCode pc: %p\n", (void*) remoteThreadState.srr0 ); printf( "remoteCode end: %p\n", (void*) (((char*)remoteCode)+imageSize) ); fflush(0); err = thread_create_running( remoteTask, PPC_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t) &remoteThreadState, PPC_THREAD_STATE_COUNT, &remoteThread ); } if( err ) { if( remoteParamBlock ) vm_deallocate( remoteTask, remoteParamBlock, paramSize ); if( remoteCode ) vm_deallocate( remoteTask, remoteCode, imageSize ); if( remoteStack ) vm_deallocate( remoteTask, remoteStack, stackSize ); } return err; } mach_error_t machImageForPointer( const void *pointer, const void **image, unsigned long *size ) { ;//assertCodePtr( pointer ); ;//assertPtr( image ); ;//assertPtr( size ); unsigned long p = (unsigned long) pointer; unsigned long imageIndex, imageCount = _dyld_image_count(); for( imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < imageCount; imageIndex++ ) { struct mach_header *header = _dyld_get_image_header( imageIndex ); const struct section *section = getsectbynamefromheader( header, SEG_TEXT, SECT_TEXT ); long start = section->addr + _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide( imageIndex ); long stop = start + section->size; if( p >= start && p <= stop ) { // It is truly insane we have to stat() the file system in order to // discover the size of an in-memory data structure. char *imageName = _dyld_get_image_name( imageIndex ); ;//assertPath( imageName ); struct stat sb; if( stat( imageName, &sb ) ) return unix_err( errno ); if( image ) { ASSERT_CAST( void*, header ); *image = (void*) header; } if( size ) { ;//assertUInt32( st_size ); *size = sb.st_size; } return err_none; } } return err_threadEntry_image_not_found; }