VERSION: Starting with 1.4.4b1, should be close to final.
ICeCoffEEServicePrefController.m: Display correct key equivalents, backported from [319].
ICeCoffEEWebKit.m: Fix Safari 3 beta compatibility; better comment WebKit interfaces.
Info-APE Module.plist: Update version to 1.4.4b1.
ICeCoffEE.xcodeproj: Remove obsolete WebKit header.
English.lproj/APEInfo.rtfd: Backported updates from [320]; release notes.
English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: Update version to 1.4.4b1.
English.lproj/Localizable.strings: Fix an "APE Manager" reference I didn't catch before.
ape_install: Updated to APE 2.0.3.
ui.plist: Update version to 1.4.4b1.
Info-APEManagerPrefPane.plist: Update version to 1.4.4b1.