Custom Query (8 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4 Nicholas Riley Nicholas Riley fixed On Panther, use LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL

...instead of the undocumented SPI I use right now to get the available applications for a given URL scheme.

#1 Nicholas Riley Nicholas Riley fixed appswitch -l: Panther has even longer PSNs, need to add another column

Here's some sample output from appswitch -l on Panther:

       PSN   PID TYPE CREA NAME                 PATH
  131073.0  1815 APPL lgnw loginwindow          /System/Library/CoreServices/log
  393217.0  1825 APPL T$2c Timbuktu Extension   /Volumes/GrayApps/Communications
  655361.0  1828 APPL mcpa ARD Agent            /System/Library/CoreServices/ARD
 1179649.0  1839           wsxd                 /Library/Application Enhancers/W
 1441793.0  1852 APPL ???? MkConsole            /Volumes/GrayApps/Utilities/MkCo
 1572865.0  1853 APPL snpZ Snapz Pro X          /Volumes/GrayApps/Utilities/Snap
 1835009.0  1855 APPL ODLB LaunchBar            /Volumes/Mac OS X/Applications/U
 2097153.0  1857 APPL ???? USBOverdriveHelper   /Applications/USB Overdrive X.ap
 2228225.0  1858 APPL DrDr Drop Drawers X       /Volumes/Mac OS X/Applications/U
 2359297.0  1859 APPL ???? PTHiTunesNotifier    /Volumes/GrayApps/Utilities/PTHi
 2490369.0  1860 APPL ???? UniversalAccessApp   /System/Library/PreferencePanes/
 2621441.0  1861 APPL Gld2 Transport Monitor    /Volumes/Mac OS X/Applications/P
 2752513.0  1863 APPL PFBA Palm Desktop Backgro /Volumes/Mac OS X/Applications/P
 3014657.0  1865 APPL ???? MicrosoftMouseHelper /Applications/Utilities/Microsof
 3145729.0  1866 APPL siCh SetiChatStatus       /Volumes/Mac OS X/Library/Prefer
 3276801.0  1867 APPL ???? ZOEMenu              /Volumes/Mac OS X/Library/Prefer
 3407873.0  1868 APPL ATI  ATI Monitor          /Applications/Utilities/ATI Util
 3538945.0  1869 APPL DFDX Default Folder X BG  /Library/PreferencePanes/Default
 4325377.0  1877 APPL T$2s StatusItem           /Volumes/GrayApps/Communications
 4849665.0    -1 APPL bbox ClassicAuxInput      /ClassicAuxInput                
 5111809.0    -1 FNDR bbox Classic Support      /Volumes/GraySystem/System Folde
 5242881.0    -1 INIT KQen KeyQuencer Engine    /Volumes/GraySystem/System Folde
 5505025.0  1927 APPL ???? SecurityAgent        /System/Library/CoreServices/Sec
 5636097.0  1930 APPL sevs System Events        /System/Library/CoreServices/Sys
38404097.0  7975 APPL ???? iCalAlarmScheduler   /Applications/
63569921.0 14636 APPL R*ch BBEdit               /Volumes/GrayApps/Applications/B
72876033.0 12841 APPL trmx Terminal             /Applications/Utilities/Terminal
93192193.0 26837 APPL sfri Safari               /Applications/        
103415809.0  2561 FNDR MACS Finder               /System/Library/CoreServices/Fin
113639425.0 22827 APPL fez! iChat                /Applications/         
125829121.0 18316 APPL   X1 LiteSwitch X         /Library/PreferencePanes/LiteSwi
125960193.0 18317 APPL dock Dock                 /System/Library/CoreServices/Doc
128974849.0 25631 APPL syui SystemUIServer       /System/Library/CoreServices/Sys
130547713.0 27718           java                 /usr/bin/java                   
132775937.0  9081 APPL hook iTunes               /Applications/        
132907009.0  9559 APPL ???? NetInfo Manager      /Applications/Utilities/NetInfo 
133038081.0  9752 APPL ???? ScreenSaverEngine    /System/Library/Frameworks/Scree

The PSNs grow even larger, so we need to adjust the output accordingly. Ideally this would happen automatically, but for the moment it is fine doing manual changes.

#5 Nicholas Riley Nicholas Riley fixed Should strip keyboard shortcuts from contextual menus
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